The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: How long have you been employed at your current job? If you’re retired, how long have you been retired?
Talk about it.
16 years and counting
I spent 20 years as a machinist, retired from that job and got a job as a supervisor at the Port of Oakland for a few years, left that job to go back to school to study nursing, graduated with a BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing), and worked as an RN (Registered Nurse) until I retired in 2008. Now, about 2 or 3 days a week, I do volunteer work at Children’s Hospital in Oakland, spending time, and playing with some very sick children.
Retired in 2010 didn’t really need Social Security but had to wait 12 more years anyway to take it at 62. Everyone said if you don’t need it why are you even taking it..yea Darwin comments right there..I sure ain’t letting the government keep it.
Retired 2016. Wanted to go to 62, but other medical factors prevented. Got a good retirement.
Worked for 45 years, stayed longer to train my replacements and only worked on projects with minimal supervision. Overtime was not a problem. Then company said no more projects, wasn’t fun to go to work any more, See-Ya.
Retired couple years.
My Hubby started straight out of high school 1974 as a Draftsman.
Worked his way up as Auto-CAD Senior Piping Designer 3.
Last 22 years at Valero in Benicia.
As of April 2024, he retired after 50 years in the field.
Now he has time, if he wants, to go golfing, gun range, ….and the honey-do-list, … :)!
Worked 35 yrs for a major firm, worked through the ranks… got an evil boss – I said sayonara… did the retirement thing 6 yrs ..got bored then worked for the state for 12 yrs part time – covid hit they wanted me full time even though we couldn’t interact with the public? dumb! Retired again … I didn’t sign up for full time…now do volunteer work for the CCC health dept. and a local hospital
Been with the same employer for over 23 years.
Worked 35 years at last job. Retired 3 years ago at 59. Living the good life now.
33 years. I have a terrible tyrant of a boss. Actually three of them: Me, myself and I.
I’m not giving any info so you can zero in on my ID.
I have been retired for 30 years. LOVE it. Marvin Terrell
Sold my Diesel Smog Testing business in 2018 after 17 years of self employment. Started out as a truck and heavy equipment mechanic at age 17. Use my 2 degrees from St. Mary’s College to get a job in Fleet Management at large company for 14 years, till job was eliminated. Started Soc Sec at age 66. Retired at age 72. Still working on hot rods and family vehicles.
I’m 68 and still working…. Been at the same job for
44 years
16.5 years at my last employer, stayed longer than I liked partly out of fear of stepping into something worse.
3 months later, went to work for my current employer, in a type of work I never thought I’d be at all interested in, and I LOVE IT. Even a few years in, couldn’t be happier. My kids see it too, and tell people who seem unhappy in their job, “why don’t you just work for [my company]? — then you’d be happy!”
Just had my 24th anniversary with my current company. Retiring on my 25th anniversary. It will have been 43 years of corporate work.