Home » The Water Cooler – Bad Habits Of Other Drivers On The Road

The Water Cooler – Bad Habits Of Other Drivers On The Road


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

What is the ONE thing other drivers do that really bothers you?


Talk about it….

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  1. Driving through stop signs / red lights 1. Not using turn signals 1. going too slow (just go the speed limit, not asking anybody to speed)

Going slow in the fast/passing lane


There’s a long laundry list of bad habits, but shooting at people tops the list.
Every now and then I read about a shooting on the freeway.


California drivers are the worst. Not even debatable.


I’ve noticed that many people stop short at a red light. Sometimes as much as a car length. Why do that? I saw so many cars doing that today at the left turn lane from Clayton Rd to Treat that the last few cars wanting to turn were forced to stop in the main traffic lane obstructing traffic that wanted to go straight.


Not using blinkers.


Or using them…but turning them on 0.00001 seconds before turning or changing lanes.

Crossing the double white line to cross in and out of the carpool lane


When driving behind me, especially in bumper-to-bumper traffic or merging onto a freeway from an on-ramp, deciding to change lanes and accelerate only after I’ve turned on my signal, effectively blocking me from changing lanes until they pass. I have no idea why people do this.

I do use my blinker, but I do it to let you know what I am doing and not asking your permission. I learned that driving in California in situations you just described.

Wasting the green light for drivers behind them because they’re looking at their effing phone!


Well you hit the right nerve with me. Talk about ignorant drivers. Worst are in this area, forget how to slow down in these wet and hazardous conditions. I will drive slowly. I will not speed. And if you don’t like it, please see middle finger.


Using the right hand shoulder to pass traffic and cotinue and using turn lanes to fly through an intersection continue straight.

Especially on Clayton Rd. between Galindo & Grant. A great number of “its my road, I’ll do as I please” buttinskis/lane bombers.

My personal favorite:
Truck driver tailgating other drivers. And then getting angry at the other driver.

They pull up to a 4 way stop and just sit there until I arrive and come to a complete stop and THEN they go or they wave me on to go first!
YOU people are the ones who screw up traffic and cause accidents.
Take your right of way.
When you ignore traffic laws and make up your own you are a dangerous driver!

1.Practically stopping thru traffic to turn into a parking lot.

2. Diving across multiple lanes from a lot to the left turn lane at intersection, which half the time results in blocked straight lanes.

Both these practices can be observed in daily abundance at Treat – Oak Grove near the fire station.



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