Home » The Water Cooler – The Origins Of The Coronavirus

The Water Cooler – The Origins Of The Coronavirus


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you think China is telling us the entire truth about the origins of the Coronavirus, or do you think it could have leaked from a bio-research lab, as many have suggested?

Talk about it….


AnonZ February 26, 2020 - 12:07 PM - 12:07 PM

It wouldn’t surprise me if they tried to hide something. But I believe it came from Bats. PEOPLE NEED TO STOP F*&KING WITH BATS!!!

Jojo Potato February 26, 2020 - 12:19 PM - 12:19 PM

You do know that the famous video of eating bats was traced to some island in the pacific and had nothing to do with China, right? Oh sorry I guess whatever random thing you saw on Youtube must be true. As they used to say “Gag me with a spoon!”

Carnac the Magnificent February 26, 2020 - 9:27 PM - 9:27 PM


for a guy who prides himself on searching google for other people and then complaining about it; headline from probably one of your favorite news source

NPR KQED: “New Research: Bats Harbor Hundreds Of Coronaviruses, And Spillovers Aren’t Rare”
February 20, 20205:15 PM ET

Jojo Potato February 26, 2020 - 12:10 PM - 12:10 PM

Probably not. But the Chinese will have surely learned that lying to the American public works, big time! With virtually no independent press they can get away with a lot. Just like our Mr. Trump does by lying about the “fake news”. Too bad for us all. I used to enjoy reading a good newspaper.

The Professor February 26, 2020 - 4:30 PM - 4:30 PM

This is a response to both this post, and to your reply to AnonZ.

First of all, Anon said nothing about a bat video. The fact of the matter is that both of the previous two corona virus outbreaks were traced to bats. They can sequence the DNA to help determine the original host. SARS was traced from bats to civets to humans. MERS was traced from bats to camels to humans. Bats are known to carry all kinds of diseases. Couple the DNA results with what we know about bats, and it’s not a big stretch that bats are the possible vector.

Your second comment really has little to do with this pandemic that is now under way. It’s just just a slam at Trump disguised as an opinion about China. To paraphrase Darth Vader, “The TDS is strong in this one”.

mdfr8s February 27, 2020 - 1:24 PM - 1:24 PM

@The Professor
Did I just hear the mic drop? BOOM! Well said.

ConcordDad February 26, 2020 - 12:18 PM - 12:18 PM

This is why you don’t eat bats and wolves.

It also shows how inept our government is, major outbreak occurs, STOP people from going here until we know what’s going on. Then they take the sick people to the most populated areas of the country. “Oh they are going to be on a military base” a week later the truly sick are in area hospitals.

Hey TRUMP get off twitter and do something, this country has things going on other then your ego.

The Mamba February 26, 2020 - 12:26 PM - 12:26 PM

I don’t think it’s a bio weapon, if it is it has a terrible effectiveness. But I do think they are lying about how many people have gotten it and died, because that’s what they do.

PO'd February 26, 2020 - 12:26 PM - 12:26 PM

China always saves face first and foremost, so they lied about this. Since the only lab in China that is level 4(Coronavirus) is in Yuhan, and the outbreak has been chased back to a fish market there, likely an employee at the lab made his/her way to that market without proper antiseptic procedure prior..
Of course, we’ll have to speculate about it as the PRC won’t admit it.

Z Man February 26, 2020 - 2:21 PM - 2:21 PM

Cannot refute it could have been (un) intentional

PO'd February 26, 2020 - 7:17 PM - 7:17 PM

That’s right-you really can’t rule either way out because there’s not enough info, and you can’t put it past China that the whole outbreak is weapons testing.

RANDOM TASK February 26, 2020 - 12:36 PM - 12:36 PM

well 2 years ago china claimed they had a virus that had no known cure and refused to hand out any information on it.

then the a head researcher was the first one to tell that this is the coronavirus
he subsequently was detained and questioned for days ….
then hmmm came down with the virus and died days later

welcome to bio warfare for profit

lets see who comes up with a so called cure first and watch the money

this is what china is all about …..subtle attacks from any thing not connecting them to it

the professionals have stated this is chinas MO

they come up with ways to antagonize and threaten that seems to not directly point the finger …..this is how their communist socialist gov works

they also have satellites that can disable ours and obviously have shared that tech with Russia as they just demonstrated by tailing our spy satellite

this one got away from them because one person realized what their gov was doing and died for letting us all know

he is a hero to the rest of the world

and an insight as to where the democrats of this state wish to do here
rule over us in a communist fashion ….this should be your awakening
just watch everything they are proposing and if any of it is actually helping you and your family or is it imposing rule over you ?

Me February 26, 2020 - 1:13 PM - 1:13 PM

I don’t believe it was just transferred from animal to human. I also don’t believe them when they say it originated in the market. The PRC govt has every motivation to cover up that someone messed up and that the virus actually came from the research facility. Problem is, they aren’t going to let anyone investigate, so we’ll never know.

ClayDen February 26, 2020 - 1:16 PM - 1:16 PM

I wouldn’t be surprised if it came from a bio-research lab. Realize also that China is really a third world country that can barely feed its people, so they eat many things that would never be eaten in a first world country. Additionally, China is our biggest enemy and a threat to world peace and they will do anything to achieve their goal of world domination and subjugation. They lie and steal our intellectual property to work toward their goal. President Trump “gets it” while the liberals/socialists/progressives do not. The foreign policy of the worst President on our history (who was the previous occupant of the White House) was “why can’t we all just get along.” The new sheriff is trying to rectify the damage of the previous 8 years.

Foonman February 26, 2020 - 1:30 PM - 1:30 PM

I read where China has been aware since last November and working on it. However when Trump offered to send some CDC people over in January, they refused. So, I don’t think you can get a straight answer out of anyone in China and if you do, they will disappear shortly thereafter…..don’t trust them at all.

Roz February 26, 2020 - 1:40 PM - 1:40 PM

Any info from China is questionable.
Even if we contain folks here and get it, so called ‘under control’, just like many viruses (flu), it some how flares up in the up coming season(s). But how long does it take to produce an anti-virus,…18 month – 2 years? Thinking this is not over and will be dealing with it for a few years if not longer.

PH Dad February 26, 2020 - 2:13 PM - 2:13 PM

It is most likely an accidental escape of the virus from the bio-lab in Wuhan.
Xi has basically admitted this if you pay close enough attention to international news sources…

Sam Malone February 26, 2020 - 2:37 PM - 2:37 PM

Do not believe a word from China.

Jojo Potato February 27, 2020 - 11:07 AM - 11:07 AM

That’s good because I don’t believe a word from you either.

Donk February 26, 2020 - 3:13 PM - 3:13 PM

Lol bat soup?!? Ya right. I don’t believe anything the media says. Made in a lab for population control

Candy February 26, 2020 - 6:39 PM - 6:39 PM

If you cook an animal well enough at high heat, the high temperature will destroy bacteria or a virus. We, the public are not getting the full story, We are not being told the truth.

Hanne Jeppesen February 26, 2020 - 6:44 PM - 6:44 PM

Being skeptical of some of the media is understandable, but not believing in ANYTHING they say seems like overkill. Who do you trust to give you the news?

Atticus Thraxx February 26, 2020 - 3:21 PM - 3:21 PM

One of these days one of these wack job conspiracy theories will turn out to be true. I can wait. 😜

Ricardoh February 26, 2020 - 3:29 PM - 3:29 PM

The joke is everyone on the left is worried about the Russians when our whole country is filled with Chinese spies in every tech company, military, and every college lab in the country. As far as the virus goes I seriously doubt we know anything and anything is possible with China.
How do you keep trade secrets from the Chinese when everything that is built is built in China by Chinese workers. They should not be doing anything technical in China.

Ozzie February 26, 2020 - 3:45 PM - 3:45 PM

Tey hang out at a certain golf course in Florida too.

Ricardoh February 26, 2020 - 4:02 PM - 4:02 PM

Two of them have been arrested so far .

Nokeem February 26, 2020 - 3:37 PM - 3:37 PM

Bio lab in Wuhan

Rod Barton February 26, 2020 - 3:46 PM - 3:46 PM

Wherever it came from it is here, and not going away anytime soon. Clearly, the Chinese didn’t want our help and now the whole world is paying the price.
You have to be extra vigilante – be careful of people from airports boarding the bart at OAK and SF. Be careful of people at work as chances are many people traveling from other parts of the world could have been exposed.
Wash your hands and carry extra disinfectant wherever you go in public.
No more high fiving random strangers at Orange Theory Fitness!

Aunt Barbara February 26, 2020 - 4:27 PM - 4:27 PM

24 hour high fives after classes and everyone exchanges smelly sweat, after being in a sweaty overheated room with asians on top of you.They sure love to get close!

To all February 26, 2020 - 3:59 PM - 3:59 PM

While this virus is terribly dangerous, we’ve had more than 15 million cases of flu this cycle with 8200 deaths. We have less than 60 cases here in California.

Our CDC has stopped Ebola from this country and while we can’t ignore this latest virus, it is being politicized by media and the Washington Elite, IMHO

Silva February 26, 2020 - 4:02 PM - 4:02 PM

I think it came from the poor pangolins😔

The Professor February 26, 2020 - 4:17 PM - 4:17 PM

There is no way that China is telling the truth about this virus. They knew that there was an unusual illness that was killing people about a month before they reported it. They have probably minimized the numbers of infected/dead since early Dec. They still have not allowed outside experts into the country to share information and fight this disease. China is not to be trusted in their reporting about the severity and origination of the virus.

It is possible that this was created in a weapons lab. It is also possible that it originated naturally and has mutated as it jumped from species to species. We just don’t know and we might never know.

I’ve heard many theories about the origination. These include:
1. Natural with mutations. This is the most probable scenario. We see this happen with SARS, MERS, the swine flu, etc. Viruses mutate rapidly and under the right circumstances, they can jump to previously uninfected species.
2. A mistaken release of the virus from a research laboratory. In this case, the lab was studying the corona virus and accidentally let it out. This could be the result of faulty containment equipment or poor safety management.
3. A release from a bio-weapons lab. Here, the Chinese are studying the virus to create a weapon and then it is released accidentally, or possibly on purpose (to test the virus on an actual population). This seems pretty far fetched.
4. (I just heard this one today). Contaminated lab animals were sold and slaughtered at the “wet market”. Then they were taken home and consumed.

This virus is not particularly effective as a bio weapon because it does not kill a high enough percentage of infected people. It also has an incubation period that is too long to be effective as a weapon. Ideally, a bio weapon has a quick onset followed by rapid, high mortality. This virus does not fit the bill.

chuckie the troll February 26, 2020 - 5:07 PM - 5:07 PM

Actually, the long incubation period would be ideal if you were looking to have a massive spread. Airports, train stations and cruise ships would be ideal locations to use in dispersal into the general population. As we have already seen, even a limited number of cases has caused billions of dollars in lost production and taken a TRILLION dollars out of equities (the Stock Market).

If it killed just 2% of the U.S. population, that would be over 600,000 people. And hospitalizations would overload our medical system. All that being said, I tend to think this was an accidental release from a lab. It would be interesting to see if some major short-selling occurred just before the great selloff.

The Fearless Spectator February 26, 2020 - 5:45 PM - 5:45 PM

Perhaps it didn’t leak out of a lab, perhaps it crawled out.

Since this virus doesn’t seem to focus on a specific gene pool or orientation, we can probably say, “Hey, it’s just a nasty virus” and we have to be more careful. However I’m still not sure why they are moving the sick people around like musical chairs. I mean, if your dog got sprayed by a skunk, would you march it through your house room by room? I think not.

Tired February 26, 2020 - 6:13 PM - 6:13 PM

Just like Aids, its Biochemical warfare. This virus will impact the homeless, drug addicts, weak immune systems, elderly and the very young. What better way to rid the masses. They are sending the infected to all corners of the US.

gittyup February 26, 2020 - 6:22 PM - 6:22 PM

It certainly isn’t beyond the realm of imagination that China would be experimenting with biological warfare. It seems a reasonable explanation to me. And, I don’t think we’ll find out the truth from the Chinese until they have managed to get things under control and put together some kind of reasonable explanation … if ever. At the moment, their focus and attention is just on containing the damage.

BOB February 26, 2020 - 6:27 PM - 6:27 PM

About a month ago a Chinese website said 110,000 people were infected, this was when the government said it was less than 20,000. The story was taken down right away. We have not been told the whole story. Also, how has it spread so far?

Ozzie February 27, 2020 - 9:00 AM - 9:00 AM

I’d be careful visiting Chinese websites it’ll get you put on a list.

RANDOM TASK February 26, 2020 - 6:33 PM - 6:33 PM

thank you …fearless

exactly what I was thinking …

why are you bringing infected and now sending them to different cities for treatment

to spread it even more

the world is out of food and the purge is set to begin

or maybe just some idiots in china didn’t do their due diligence and let it out

either way ….

it is being handled rather lack luster for something nobody knows how to contain or cure or how it spreads

No Nonsense February 26, 2020 - 7:03 PM - 7:03 PM

NO, I’ve heard quite a bit of information that says otherwise.

Anonamel February 26, 2020 - 7:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Well could be inadvertently loosed from a bio lab, could be from some populations of Chinese consuming “exotic wild caught foods” don’t want to say they eat bats because that’s racist somehow. Didn’t SARS originate in China from a bat source? Anyway doubtful its intentional, China currently is experiencing a population crisis and I am sure they don’t want to risk killing off potential baby makers whilst trying to destroy the rest of the world.

Concerning me most is that China manufactures nearly all the antibiotics we use in the US. They don’t need Coronavirus to cull our numbers, if that was their intent.

Abbie R. February 26, 2020 - 9:03 PM - 9:03 PM

You can thank Tricky Dick Nixon for all of this, He sold out the USA by going to Red China in 1972, and ending the trade embargo that had been in effect since the Chinese tricked General McArthur into a trap in the Korean War of 1950 to 1953…………..thousands of Americans were killed by the Chinese and thousands of American prisoners were never returned. When treason makes profits, none dare call it treason.

John P February 26, 2020 - 10:33 PM - 10:33 PM

China tell the truth? Get real! A friend of a friend returned from China in December and told us the outbreak was already underway. She also said that you should add a “0” to every number the Chinese government releases.

rich February 27, 2020 - 5:44 AM - 5:44 AM

Who is responsible for the CDC restrictions on testing, perhaps the next discussion… https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/27/health/coronavirus-testing-california.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage

Ilovepopcorn February 27, 2020 - 6:14 AM - 6:14 AM

The truth will never be told so why give any thought to the cause?

John P February 27, 2020 - 7:59 AM - 7:59 AM

It should be fairly obvious by now that the corona virus was developed by Democratic operatives intent on destroying the world economy in a desperate attempt to bring down the perfect presidency of Donald Trump. We have experienced a period of economic growth and social gains never seen by mankind, and these selfish fools thought about nothing but their own greed and craving for power. Not to worry though, as our fearless leader will personally guide the nation through the pandemic and deliver us from the socialists.
(Oh, it looks like it’s time for my medication. Here comes the orderly. I hope he loosens my straight jacket – it’s a bit tight around my shoulders.)

ming February 27, 2020 - 11:16 AM - 11:16 AM

Wash your hands with warm soap and water.
Stay away from sick people.
Stay home if your sick.
It’s a “no brainer”.

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