Home » Republic Services Fined $160K For Violations At Landfill In Contra Costa County

Republic Services Fined $160K For Violations At Landfill In Contra Costa County


The Bay Area Air Quality Management District announced it has fined the operators of the West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill $160,000 for air quality violations that occurred between 2019 and 2023 at the Richmond facility.

The landfill, operated by Republic Services, has been closed since 2007.

Landfills don’t just shut down in a day. They continue to produce gasses caused by the decomposition of organic waste, like methane and carbon dioxide.

The West Contra Costa site had received 13 Notices of Violation beginning in 2019 for issues including well and surface leaks, visible emissions and an inoperative gas collection system, according to an air district spokesperson. The last notice was issued in 2023.


“The problems which led to the issuance of violation notices have all been corrected,” he said, explaining why the fine was issued so long after the violations. “The settlement of violation notices usually involves a lengthy period of investigation and a considerable period of legal back and forth between the regulated entity and the air district.”

“In addition to the negative impact on air quality in the surrounding community, the methane in landfill gas is a powerful greenhouse gas contributing to climate change,” said Philip Fine, executive officer of the air district. “It’s critically important that facility system components are properly maintained to ensure that local air quality and the global climate remain protected.”


MAGA SAM January 30, 2024 - 6:43 PM - 6:43 PM

My god. These people are tyrannical. Climate change is a HOAX to extract money. As seen here. Maybe you dimocrats will understand when they tell you to wear a mask because you’re killing mother gaia …oh they did already. This anti human cult needs to be banished from existence asap.

Larry U. January 30, 2024 - 9:14 PM - 9:14 PM

I feel bad for the country that we have people so radicalized that they deny the climate is changing and criticize the Air District for trying to keep our air clean. Are you for polluted air?

MAGA SAM January 31, 2024 - 5:19 AM - 5:19 AM

You are emitting C02 nonstop. In fact it’s all you produce, well that and methane. you got methane coming from one end and C02 out the other. It’s a pretty radical concept that these are the two main causes of CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX. You actually thinking any of this has to do with anything other than killing humans off what I feel bad about. You’re in a cult. A death cult.

JWB January 31, 2024 - 8:53 AM - 8:53 AM

Ha ha ha, MAGA SAM accusing others being in a cult…. That’s pure comedy gold.

MAGA SAM January 31, 2024 - 9:47 AM - 9:47 AM

Rather be in a MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN cult then a death cult that proves they’re not insane by cutting off kids parts and wants to ban human breathing.

Chuq January 31, 2024 - 1:48 PM - 1:48 PM

It’s always interesting that the people who come on here to demand that companies be allowed to violate protections for people’s health (usually with regard to the refineries) are also probably the same people who get mad that a neighbor’s tree is over their property line or are playing music too loud.

MAGA SAM January 31, 2024 - 4:32 PM - 4:32 PM

Wrong. I cut the tree if I want to and I play the loud. I also pour oil down the gutter, and burn garbage and dead dinosaurs. Oh my gawd it’s raining, it’s a once in a lifetime atmospheric river, everyone on the ark I built. The sea level is rising and the polar bears can’t swim. Quick give the government money

Chuq February 1, 2024 - 10:12 AM - 10:12 AM

Sure. “Screw the drinking water supply, MAGA Sam doesn’t feel like he should have to dispose of his motor oil properly like the rest of us.”

MAGA SAM February 1, 2024 - 11:27 AM - 11:27 AM

Nice use of quotes. Low IQ democrat doesn’t know where drinking water comes from but convinced he understands how the earth works. Nothing better. By the way, asphalt is made from oil lol. Just wear your mask, you hyperventilating is causing air pollution.

Original G January 30, 2024 - 8:09 PM - 8:09 PM

Hmm, garbage farts . . . . . .

weppin January 31, 2024 - 3:37 AM - 3:37 AM

Climate change, my a$$…

Captain Bebops January 31, 2024 - 9:09 AM - 9:09 AM

“Climate Change” is a buzzword the “dems” all use to try to way the public. They have other buzzwords too. And their “experts” sound like 5 year olds. They are being “used” for political agendas.

Fed Up January 31, 2024 - 8:56 AM - 8:56 AM

“It’s all about the Benjamin’s” and Political power over anyone that does not kowtow to them.

Fed Up January 31, 2024 - 9:22 AM - 9:22 AM

I would also like to add. This is all about “environmental justice,” which is effectively the combination of social justice ideology and green policy.

Captain Bebops January 31, 2024 - 10:37 AM - 10:37 AM

It’s “idealism”. When I was a kid and would wonder why there wasn’t a law about something my parents would explain why it wouldn’t happen or if something did those for and opposed would have gotten together and made compromises. That’s how it should work.
These days for some crazy reason they let the idealists get their poorly thought out laws passed probably because it’s often too late for the general public to find out that the screwball bill has been passed. Look at all that’s going to go down out of the insane idea that autos have to be EVs not gas driven by a certain date. Impractical as well as poor science. Also recent science indicates that “fossil fuels” aren’t from fossils but a natural occurrence from earth’s own geophysical layers and may never run out.

WC---Creeker January 31, 2024 - 9:58 AM - 9:58 AM

We end up paying. Congrats BAAQMD for you work in generating funds to sustain yourself. The rate payers will cover you with the increase fees for garbage pickup.

Atticus Thraxx January 31, 2024 - 9:06 PM - 9:06 PM

We live in a closed system and we’re not getting any more clean air or clean water. There are times and places for ideological debate, but this is a question of survival for our species. I mean I’ll be long dead either way so I can only get so worked up, but the same is true for you…what’s in it for you to interfere with that I have to wonder. Sport? Amusement? Obscure cult requirements?
If you don’t care, fine that’s your right, but damn, deriding people who want clean air and water for their kids is twisted. And don’t come at me with your Alex Jones science. It doesn’t work. Not unlike his legal defense. In fact here’s a list of people you should never take science advice from:
1. Tucker Carlson
2. Sean Hannity
3. Donald “Let me look directly at a solar eclipse twice despite be repeatedly warned” Trump.
4. Your dog

MAGA SAM February 1, 2024 - 5:18 AM - 5:18 AM

Trusting the government and believing they care about you is bad for your health and your freedom. Your chicken little cult likes offering my freedoms and dollars away to this HOAX. That’s my interest. Tell me why the two things humans produce, co2 and methane are the cause of climate change HOAX. It’s obvious when the WEF blames humans and in the same breath says the world is overpopulated.
You’re in a death cult.

MAGA SAM February 2, 2024 - 10:27 AM - 10:27 AM

WEF Member: “Reducing Human
Population by 90% Would Help
Achieve ‘Net Zero’.”

Go ahead, help them more.

cheeseburguesa January 31, 2024 - 10:36 PM - 10:36 PM

Well if you’re gonna bring Tony (“I am the science”) Fauci energy to it, you should add a couple more names to the list.
1. Klaus Schwab (or any of the WEF)
2. Rachel Maddow
3. The hosts from The View
4. Al (an inconvenient truth / i invented the internet) Gore

MAGA SAM February 1, 2024 - 9:26 AM - 9:26 AM

These conspiracy theorists are burning down the place to create their HOAX.


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