The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: Do you think politicians should be held accountable for doing political favors for their friends and/or donors?
Talk about it.
It’s the only way for a politician to make friends. Does anybody really like a self-serving, self-important, smartest person in the room person, unless they can help line your pockets
It only took $66,000 for former DA Mark Peterson to be ousted.
Gavin should have been gone A Long time ago!!
Gavin’s not gone because he’s so slippery & greasy….harder to catch!
Crisco🎵 A Little Dab’l Do Ya…. 🤣
Politicians held accountable when it’s politically convenient.
No as long as the politicians aren’t doing anything illegal when doing the favor. Example, bill clinton pardoned his friend as a political favor.
Have the belief for many politicians there well deserved eternity will be a place under HELL.
Their hubris supports their low morals.
For friends, kind of depends on the favor. For example, appointing a friend to a political position (i.e. ambassador) as long as they have the abilities to perform what may be required is the kind of favors I would accept and expect. Exempting certain types of fast-food joints from having to follow the rules because they are a friend (my understanding of the benefits gavvy’s friend who owns Panera had carved out for him re: minimum wage requirements), absolutely unacceptable. Favors for donors are not only unacceptable, but should be, if they are not, criminal.
It’s been reported that was not fact 🤷♀️
Maybe, maybe not. I have zero trust for anything related to gavvy and how the media report about him. That said, this anti-liberty anti-business minimum wage law is brought upon by the legislature, passed and signed by gavvy; it is not a decree from his royal hair-oiliness. Doesn’t change the opinion that such an implementation, had it been the case, would still be unacceptable.
This is how politics works. Every politician works for who slides them money. They are elected by the voters but work for their “friends” who donate. Dumb voters vote for who they see advertises the most. Based on how much money he has, based on how many “friends” he anre expecting “favors”. This is exactly what happens. Your city council is bought and paid for, just like joe biden and nasty pelosi.
Trump doesn’t take big donors. He self financed 2016/2020 and I believe is self funding 2024. Some of you people have your beliefs completely twisted around and backwards.
Politicians shouldn’t become millionaires from “serving their country”. It’s a duty, it pays very well to begin with and the get the very best benefits and retirements. While making laws that hurt us.
Don’t be mad at me cuz wearing pelosi’s dirty depends on your head while dancing at pride parades won’t save you. By the way, your pedo buddy offed himself the other day.
Says they guy who fell for the COVID HOAX…It’s really too bad you clowns deprived yourselves from oxygen for so long. I’m sure you 12 boosters are helping tho
I do stand against democracy. This here is a republic. At least you got your name correct. Enjoy your stupidity as you are clearly proud of yourself. Nothing new, just a useful idiot doing what useful idiots do. Orange stain, orange dump, cult followers are MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN while you wallow in your own excrement like pigs.
Cult? Yes, the cult of law abiding, honest, tax paying and responsible hard working citizens who are discussed by massive inflation, historically high fuel prices, crime, invasion of the country because of wide open borders, massive taxation, fentanyl ravaging the countries young adults, no representation by the so called democrat political leaders, and more. Another name for this cult is ‘The backbone of America’.
A cult have nothing to do with policies. Some of the issues you are mentioning is what most people want. The problem is when someone is so blinded by the person who is the head of the cult, they cannot bring themselves to be critical of that person, and see the flaws. Most of the time it is not a huge problem, but sometimes it is, Charles Manson was a cult leader, he got people to murder for him, Jim Jones another one, he got people to commit suicide. How many made excuses or turned a blind eye to Hitler, when he started to single out the Jews and other undesireables, and had them put in camps?
Political favors such as accepting money and/or gifts from a donor that will benefit both, the politician and the donor, is a violation of ethics, and a conflict of interest. In the case of our morally bankrupt and unethical governor Gavin Newsom, and Panera Bread, the voters should wise up, and vote to remove him from office.
I believe that using the terms “ethics” and “politician” in the same sentence is an oxymoron.
When was the last time you witnessed an ethical politician?
Yes, I agree, greasy Gavin needs to be voted out.
Paul, Clinton pardoned a “friend” for a donation to his Library/Foundation, quid pro qou
They should, but most aren’t. Look at massively corrupt Joe Biden. He’s the epitome of corrupt government, who has become very rich by peddling his government influence.
Do mean like Newscum exempting Panera bread from the mandatory $20 minimum wage in CA because the owner is Newscum’s top donor??
No question about it 100%.
PG&E has been donating to Newsom for years. Gavin has protected them as much as possible.
Is there a politician that does not happily take donations from companies and/or lobbyists?
We need to hold them accountable.
It’s sad and frustrating
Time for pitchforks and torches or well beyond maybe. But the politicians all know Californians are so complacent. 🙄
Favors for friends okay to only a certain extent. Should not include any paid political jobs. Donations, no matter who they are from should be taxable income.
I don’t mind it all that much if the favor for one doesn’t victimize another. I’m not looking for saints, just effective.
This is the kind of thing that is hard to determine. If a donor gets appointed to a position and they are qualified for it, I think that is okay. I think every administration have done some of that. Clinton, Bush (there were some controversy over his Fema appointment) Obama, Trump (there were a few that were questionable, didn’t seem to have the qualifications). It seems becoming ambassador is often given to a close friend or someone that donated a lot of money.
When John F. Kennedy appointed his brother as Attorney General, they were a lot of criticism, but he turned out to be very effective and a value voice in the administration. JFK trusted him and Bobby was not afraid to tell Kennedy what he thought. He was the one that pushed for a civil rights bill, where as the president wanted to proceed more slowly.
Do mean like Newscum exempting Panera bread from the mandatory $20 minimum wage in CA because the owner is Newscum’s top donor??
Absolutely – Newsom defines it… unfortunately those that do no research prior to elections blindly vote for incumbents and defeat recalls
Finish the sentence. It’s who you what?