Home » Claycord Online Museum – Frank’s Feed In Concord Gives Away Free Chicks And Accidentally Sells Kid’s Guinea Pig (1965)

Claycord Online Museum – Frank’s Feed In Concord Gives Away Free Chicks And Accidentally Sells Kid’s Guinea Pig (1965)


Who remembers Frank’s Feed in Concord? They were originally located on Market St. in Concord, then moved to Meadow Lane, where they had a monkey.

Anyway, the ad above is for “Chick Bargain Day” back in 1965, and the little clipping below is also from Frank’s Feed. Oops! We hope the poor kid got his/her pet back.


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ON DA April 3, 2024 - 7:14 PM - 7:14 PM

That was one mean monkey.

nytemuvr April 3, 2024 - 7:22 PM - 7:22 PM

I remember Frank’s Feed very well and the chimp Chris, he was a world class feces slinging chimp with a good aim. If you brought your girlfriend or wife in during her monthly period Chris went crazy. I bought my first and last rat from Frank’s. I bought her for 25¢ and Frank gladly took it back for free after the rat bit a big hunk of meat from one of my fingers after picking up up one of her babies….lots of lessons learned there at a young age.

Ron Murphree April 4, 2024 - 12:25 PM - 12:25 PM

Walter Gibson used to work there, I remember that monkey motioned me to come closer to his cage and he grabbed my mustache and pulled some hair out, it hurt like heck. Of course, Walter laughed.

theunforgiven April 3, 2024 - 11:03 PM - 11:03 PM

im sorry it was me who bought the guinea pig and by the time i read the article it was too late because my pet snake ate well that day to say the least

Dr. Jellyfinger April 6, 2024 - 5:02 PM - 5:02 PM

You could have fed your snake baby chicks for free.

Lou April 4, 2024 - 5:52 AM - 5:52 AM

Ed and Clair were great people so was their help, Walter and others. My father had a TV. Repair business next door for many years. Miss them all

nytemuvr April 4, 2024 - 6:03 AM - 6:03 AM

@THEUNFORGIVEN…. Frank’s was where we got our chicks each year to resupply the chicken coop. The chicks usually sold for 2¢ a chick. Most people we knew did the same as us, buy the lb. of feed for the free chick then they lived of garden trimmings, food scrapes and other bugs. Feeding the guinea pig to your snake may not be as bad as what we did to the “male” chicks. My Grandpa and Uncle both had “capon” surgical kits. These are from 1912 and looked like this. Supposedly capons are more tender and larger plus they didn’t crow all the time. My Dad worked nights and graveyard shifts so bye, bye cocks, hello Saturday night supper…..https://www.ebay.com/itm/133978054425

Chester E. Kitty April 4, 2024 - 7:04 AM - 7:04 AM

My brother got all kinds of pets at Frank’s Feed in the 60s. My mom bought him a Gold Mantle Squirrel there for his 14th birthday. That squirrel was the best pet. My brother still had him when he got married. I remember steering way clear of Chris’ (the monkey) cage … he was a mean one!

Ms. Mom April 4, 2024 - 7:34 AM - 7:34 AM

I was really little when we went there but boy that chimp always scared me, every time! lol

Snakekeeper April 4, 2024 - 8:28 AM - 8:28 AM

I remember purchasing feeders for my snakes when I was young. I avoided the monkey.

Lou April 4, 2024 - 8:49 AM - 8:49 AM

Remember the name for the prefix on the phone number , MU? The answer is Mulberry

George April 4, 2024 - 9:02 AM - 9:02 AM

I remember Frank’s Feed very well. My dad and I used to race homing pigeons and we would make regular trips down to Frank’s Feed to buy sacks of pigeon feed. What I remember most is walking up the large wood plank stairs and into the barn while smelling the hay and grain and seeing little ducklings or baby chicks running around.

Cowellian April 4, 2024 - 1:01 PM - 1:01 PM

I remember Frank’s Feed and the monkey. We bought quite a few critters there.

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