Home » WATCH LIVE AT 6 p.m. – MDUSD School Board Gives Update On Return To In-Person Education

WATCH LIVE AT 6 p.m. – MDUSD School Board Gives Update On Return To In-Person Education


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I’m not expecting too much…. Oakley is a tough act to follow.

Maybe not Jelly…I bet that behavior is in all districts. Oakley was just the dullest knife in the drawer.

From the looks of it, the circus is in town. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


It’ll be just more of the same old baloney.

The (expletive deleted) school board is going to do whatever they want to do and ignore what the taxpayers want.

We need better far people on the school board.

People with good character values would be a good start.

What an ignorant statement!

@ anonymous

Thank you, I appreciate your comment.

It’s invaluable. 😂

@ Anonymous

What is so ignorant about having people with good values. This School Board is a joke.

I would say anon is Keisha, but she would have called you a privileged white parent first.

Yikes…. looks like a tough crowd with those thumbnails….

So, who would want to buy a used car from any of these upstanding citizens?


Wasted time

Agreed. Nothing will change. And if they do go back, what kind of joke is 2 hours twice a week in the afternoon? These poor kids and families and teachers. This is not what they want! It’s becoming spring. Why don’t we do our door teaching? Unfortunately our board and government isn’t good enough to come up with something unique, creative and deliverable. We pulled our kids in November from the district and put them in private. Best decision we ever made after this fiasco and we won’t go back. We cannot trust our government to provide an education for children anymore. Sad- I pay the same amount of taxes but don’t even get education for my kids out of it.

Better make sure those cameras and microphones are off before they talk about us.

OT – You are right, the old saying, “the walls have ears” has always been true. Now we have to add eyes to that.

How about you address the fraud in the school district

Email the Board so they can make it an agenda item.

I tuned into this meeting for about 45 minutes. I heard talk of changing YV High schools mascot because a WARRIOR is offensive to indigenous people. I heard praise being given for a conference that will given only in Spanish, and how great that was. I heard a shout out given to a program in Martinez that offers free programs and assistance to people with blood proven Native American heritage…What I didn’t hear was any talk about my elementary school age children returning to school. I didn’t hear a single thing that affects the district as a whole. I couldn’t relate to a single thing that was being said. It made me feel like the board is totally out of touch with reality, and the real problems the majority of the children in our district are facing right now.

Yep, the hour+ I listened was 90% self-congratulatory circle-j*** ….unbridled giddiness at getting this practically unknown vaccine and equating it to winning the lottery, Spanish language meeting, ensuring textbooks are woke, free bus rides, how TRAUMATIZING it is to have a Warrior as mascot, etc. These people are complete and utter loons who just nod along, the enthusiasm of which increases with the level of stupidity insane leftism being discussed.

About the only halfway useful takeaway I got was the mention that, during the Spanish language meeting, only about 30% parents supported this ridiculous 2-hour twice per week bulls*** hybrid plan because, just as I said in MDUSD thread a few days ago, it’s a burden on working parents who would have great difficulty getting their kids to school in the middle of the effing day.

I agree ConcernedParent, I watched the whole meeting from 6 to 11:15. Not because I was interested in the agenda, but because I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. So many buzzwords, so much self-congratulation, so much back slapping capped off with a “you have no idea how hard we work” at the end of it.

During public comment, there were many VERY upset kids and parents and their time was cut to 1 minute each, apparently due to the number of commenters. What?! Do you think there might be a reason there is such a large number of folks that want to comment? The asked the board pointed questions, and the board replied that they aren’t able to answer during the public comment period. Instead, they waited until 10:30pm to even talk about the issue everybody commented on. And even then, they didn’t address the pointed questions asked by the public. The reply was generally “we’re doing what the CDC says, we won’t go back until it’s safe, we love kids, we’re the hardest workers in the room and we don’t deserve to hear anything negative about how we’re handling this”

It’s up to us to change the makeup of the MDUSD school board.

Parent- that is because their need to virtue signal outweighs their want to do their jobs correctly. Watch out – what happened at Coca-Cola is coming to a public school near you.

I did just a little Googling of the board members, and was not surprised to find they’re all extremely liberal and vocal about it. There is no representation of families that don’t share their political beliefs. It is truly an echo chamber of woke-ism, exemplified by a couple of the board members including their preferred pronouns next to their names on Zoom.

Although I appreciate their willingness to serve in what has become an increasingly difficult capacity, there is no other voice on that board for honest debate and discussion. It’s a rubber stamp board, whatever lines up with the most extreme liberal positions is assumed from the beginning. Parents, kids and teachers can complain all they want, write letters and emails, call in to meetings, it makes no difference. That’s just the part the board has to put up with for legal reasons. They’ve decided the path, damn the kids and families.

And the Superintendent needs to watch these if they’re recorded. I hope he’ll see that he takes 400 words to say 5 that have any meaning. The meeting last night could have been shortened by an hour if he would communicate more succinctly.

Dan Reynold’s was spewing absolute nonsense last night about COVID being widespread in ALL cities within the MDUSD district? Really?

Where is his data backing up these claims? The COVID dashboard that we all see daily completely contradicts his comments.

His overall behavior last night was textbook “Union enforcer 101”

In my opinion, all of our energy needs to be focused on MDEA at this point.

Widespread apparently means one case in each city. So, I guess when we wrongly define words, they can fit our narrative.

The public education industrial complex continues the maintain as much distance from actually educating students as possible. Time to defund it and start from scratch. They obviously have more power and say in this state than taxpayers and families.

All parents and guardians with children in the MDUSD should ban together and begin a “zoom out” for every day school is closed do not log on.

Children are not learning anyway so why bother to have them log on while the boards and the unions continue this abuse of power.

ZOOM OUT of class until they open.

Teachers getting paid not to teach !

We pay taxes they benefit financially while the kids suffer.

ZOOM OUT and make your voices heard. The unions will not stand up for your children.

All parents need to band together and Zoom out of class for everyday the schools are closed.

They will never open they will continue this abuse of power

Take all of your kids out of MDUSD

For everyday they don’t have in person learning don’t log on

ZOOM out of class until they stop the abuse



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