The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
Over the weekend the Contra Costa Health Department hinted at tightening the COVID-19 lockdown in an attempt to keep hospitals from reaching maximum capacity.
QUESTION: Will you support any further restrictions in Contra Costa County, or do you think the county should move forward with it’s current restrictions?
Talk about it….
Whatever it takes to solve the problem and save lives. Just tell me what to do. Make it easy for me. Wear a mask and stay inside? That’s easy. I can do that. Any other minor things I can do that take minimal effort? Just let me know.
Sure, just shut down your business, stop making any income, and deplete your savings (if you have any). No big deal right?
Real Truth I dont understand that point you’re making. I said I will comply with any restrictions as long as it is easy to do so. If there is something that requires a lot of effort then I probably won’t do it without compensation. I can stay home and wear a mask. Those things are very easy for me to do. If further restrictions are as easy as those then I am on board.
Why/how is the Solano swap meet open? Passed by there this weekend and it was packed with minimal social distancing or masks wearing taking place. I looked at their website – ZERO mention of the their COVID precautions or requirements.
Same question for the WC farmers market by Target.
These do not seem like critical business to me. I guess we’ll be dealing with COVID until 2025.
Probably for the same reasons farmer’s markets are open in communities in the county. The masks most people wear must be about as effective as stopping a mosquito with a chain link fence the alleged “virus” is so small. It’s seems to be for show and psychological effect.
Please don’t snitch out the Flee Market. They make every attempt to follow current guidelines.
@Captain Bebops
You do realize that the masks are not there to protect you right? Sure they may stop some of it, but the point of a mask is to stop you from spreading it to others, thats why doctors wear them in the O.R., not to protect themselves, but to keep them from spitting inside an open patient…
What is it in Captain Bebops comment that leads you to believe there’s a lack of understanding?
@ERas, which is why a wear nuisance dust mask when I do wear a mask as it affords more protection both ways than most of the cloth masks.
No. I will not support this lockdown. I do not support this lockdown so I will not support anymore. This is out of hand. I will wear my mask when walking in a business because they ask me, not because our useless leaders do. I will go out when I want and do what I want.
Wow parent, your kids must be growing up thinking there are no rules.
To keep others safe and being you refuse to wear a mask unless asked, YOU should be staying home and away from people. Not those of us out wearing a mask and social distancing to keep us and others safe. You do know don’t you that you can carry Covid around in your body and give to others without having symptoms? Either you’re just defiant to any rules or woefully uninformed.
Picking and choosing which laws to obey and which laws to ignore is public policy for the State of California and its counties and cities.
First, my children are growing up understanding there are laws, some legal and some not. They also understand that there are consequence for not following both the legal and illegal rules.
There is no rule that says I have to wear a mask outside. So stuff it!
I do not get closer than ~10 feet with anyone outside when I walk or am in a parking lot. Why would I wear a mask if I am not close to you … why? Yeah, no reason.
So next time you want to open your mouth and make assumptions, think twice. There is an old adage, better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool instead of opening it and proving it to be true.
Open everything up. No liabilities. Do as you see fit.
By the way, a woman wearing perfume walks past me in Safeway and I can smell her perfume. How does her mask or my mask protect either one of us if one of us has asymptomatic COVID and coughed moments before passing each other?
You do realize that the mask helps DROPLETS from getting onto other people right? You obviously will be able to still smell things because why would people wear masks if you were unable to breathe? Take a sec and think about that.
There’s 100,000 “viral” particles in one droplet.
Mask is a chain link fence stopping a BB.
ToHa is right, the mask is to protect others from you, not you from others… sure, it helps protect you a bit, but its about thinking of people other than yourself. Also, the perfume aspect of the anti-mask argument is very played out and overused… perfume smell is a vapor MUCH smaller than the droplets the mask is used to stop, it requires something like an organic vapor filter (P100) to even come close to stopping smells…
Agree with The RT and parent
Follow the science … open up
Especially the schools and libraries
Will we get a relief on our property taxes this year?
It’s a bad cold / flu people! Stop the panic!!! Please!
I hope you’re just trying to make a point and know that what you’re saying is wrong. COVID-19 is much worse than the flu – in nine months it’s killed more people than the flu has in the last five years combined. People were dying faster than one every minute in the US. Many people with “mild” cases will likely have long-term health impacts.
We can occupy both sides of the argument by refuting the government authority & orders while agreeing what’s being asked of us, works.
Just wear masks in public, socially distance, wash hands often, and stay home if sick.
Do it because it’ll help you, your family, and everyone else.
Exactly. 100%
Next “Water Cooler” question(s) could be: Have you or do you think you have had Covid? What was it like and how long did it take for you to feel like yourself again? How did you found out, did you tested positive?
I bet there are many of us who would agree that we may already had it.
No, I don’t support stricter restrictions! This may sound harsh but the county, state, and country can keep us locked up until doomsday, but Covid isn’t the only thing that could kill us, unfortunately.
A relatively easy way to find out if you’ve already had Covid-19 is to donate a pint of blood. The Red Cross is testing all donated blood for Covid-19 antibodies, and they will tell you the results.
Donated blood with the antibodies is being given as a treatment to some hospitalized Covid-19 patients. Of course the donated blood is fine whether or not it contains the antibodies. By donating, you can help someone else, while satisfying your curiosity about whether or not you’ve already had Covid-19.
@The Observer. Yes, I already know that. What I was trying to drive at is that some may have already had Covid and may not have realized it at the time and have being going about their lives just fine. Others may have felt sick for a couple of weeks and got feeling better.
We are constantly being told different stories about how Covid spreads and how it affects the body. No wonder people are skeptical. People are getting tired of this yo-yo situation and from having to seclude ourselves from one another. I agree with others that we can’t stop living our lives and those who must guard their health should stay home but the rest of us must keep on going.
The only ones that should be in a permanent LOCKDOWN is politicians and people from the Health Department for this monstrosity. Talk about stupid regulations.
We have Walmart where it used to be both sides where enter/exit. Now 1 side is for enter and the other side for exit. I saw an elderly lady barely able to walk across in front of the dam building just to get to the entrance. Now Safeway on Willow Pass did the same on the first wave. Now again with this second wave, they closed 1 door for 1 day and many people try to park close by but someone had common sense that now both doors from both sides are open.
CORONA: “Hey guys we can’t go thru there it says Exit we have to use the other door”
So many mixed signals are being sent or being interpreted.
Church in concord yesterday was letting people sit in every row as long as two seats were available between families.
Upward basketball is starting indoors today with up to four teams practicing at once.
This county has mandated training for up to 20 people at the local private ambulance company operations.
Which is it?
I can not get together with family but kids basketball can occur, emt and paramedic training is okay for up to 20 and church services have people sitting every row.
Please explain what is allowed contra costa ?
Nah, I don’t support their “recommendations” anyway. That’s really all they are and not laws. I only wear a mask as mentioned above when a business requires it because it’s really no big deal though I don’t like it. I don’t wear them on walks and I am seeing some folks who didn’t bother with them apparently believing they need to wear them now on walks. Most of the public really doesn’t even know what the real recommendations are and seem to get info second hand.
I just told a friend who recently visited from Oregon that our silly county wants to visitors from more than 150 miles away to quarantine upon arrival. Now just how is that going to be enforced? Check points all over?
No more! End this tyranny and scam. Let us make our own choices.
Your choice to walk around spewing the virus is not good for the world. If you don’t want to wear a mask then stay in your house with the door closed. Is that so difficult to understand? Maybe for you. I claim the right not to be infected by selfish people like you. It’s not that difficult, wear a mask.
Jojo, feel free to stay home, but I am done putting my family’s future at risk for a lie. And for what its worth I do wear the dumb mask. Everybody is wearing masks and it is still spreading. Maybe this doesn’t work?
You stay in your house afraid and I will keep working and paying taxes.
And wash your hands… No seriously, thats good advice pandemic or not…
Jojo, if you feel the need to remove all risk from your life, stay locked in your house. You are free to give up your freedom. You do you, etc.
I am doing as much as I can without losing my mental stability. I wear my mask, keep my distance, I don’t go in other peoples homes, but I would not “stay in” again. Too much fear mongering from the media.
Wait till Joe gets in office, the best is yet to come.
Well he did say in the last debate that we will have a DARK WINTER.
DARK WINTER – Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation conducted on June 22–23, 2001. It was designed to carry out a mock version of a covert and widespread smallpox attack on the United States.
The Contra Costa board of Supervisors should be recalled. All of them need to go. There is no reason for further business closings. Just enforce the existing public indoor mask requirements, and put the heaviest enforcement in areas of highest incidence.
According to CCC Health Dept no one has died of covid in the county in the last 13 days.
Thats a good thing, means they are currently able to treat all the patients that need it. If the numbers rise too much and the hospitals fill up THEN they have to start picking who gets treatment again and who doesn’t, leading to rising death numbers, its all a matter of limited resources… ALSO, remember, just cause you didn’t die, doesn’t mean you got off free and clear, I have a friend who “recovered” 2 months ago who still has no sense of smell (Thanksgiving sucked), and a cousin who a month later can’t climb a set of stairs in one go. Not always about deaths.
My daughter and son-in-law both lost their sense of smell back in June.
My brother-in-laws parents are both long-haulers that got sick back in March and still have difficulty breathing.
Also remember that a full ER and Intensive Care is not a good scenario if you should get a heart attack, injured in a car accident, slip in the bath tub etc….
It’s not all about the death numbers….
A cold/flu with a more than 99% chance you will be fine. There is nothing in the Constitution about public health. Do what you need to do (stay inside, be afraid, wear masks) and let the rest of us LIVE!!!!
Ah yes, another flu comparison…
The difference:
You get a flu, you get symptoms, you stay home, you get infectious.
You get Covid, you get infectious, you get symptoms, you stay home.
The difference is subtle, but its there…
(If you still don’t see it, see below)
With the flu you don’t spread it to everyone you know cause you gett he symptoms when you get sick, but with Covid you get sick, spread it around for a week or two and THEN get the symptoms. Basically you can see the flu coming, covid not so much.
ALSO, the flu killed 22,000 people in the US last year. Covid… well we’re over 250,000 and climbing…
Oh and those death numbers don’t take into account the lung/brain/heart damage that occurs…
I think ERas is living in a science fiction movie that has him terrified. BTW Eras, 250,000 people on average die a month with the most deaths occurring in winter.
@Captain Bebops
No, I’m not terrified, I’m actually doing pretty good (introvert)… I go out to the store, get fast food, no problem, just wear a mask, wash your hands and give people space.
I’m mostly just tired of people not taking this seriously, saying its a hoax, saying its a government scam, or in this case comparing it (YET AGAIN) to the flu… Oh and FYI, there have been studies on why people can’t accept the fact this is real, it seems that most can’t mentally cope with the repercussion of an actual pandemic so they convince themselves its not real and everyone is lying to them as a coping mechanism.
Yes, a lot of people die per year, but thats from a LOT of different causes… This is from ONE cause, and its adding that on top of the normal causes…
@ERas. Is introvert a code name or politically correct way of saying antisocial or hermit? There are those of us who enjoy being around others and like to explore the world. We also like having fulfilling lives and a fulfilling life can’t happen by staying at home and laying on the couch all day.
As per you “ Yes, a lot of people die per year, but thats from a LOT of different causes…” See, anything can kill us so why weren’t we worrying about all those causes before? We were going about living our life normally and it was no biggie, now we can barely leave our homes out of fear of 1 cause out of a 1,000.
I enjoy staying home, reading, working on projects. I do also like going out and seeing the world and hanging out with friends, but I prefer quiet.
As for your 1 in 1000 comment… its not that other things aren’t a worry, its just that the 1 has killed more people than the other 999 combined… kinda makes it a priority right now….
Actually ERas I do take the pandemic very seriously as do others here. Seriously enough to read a lot of scientific papers by various experts in the field the majority of which disagree with the tactics non scientist bureaus are using. So if you like reading a bit you need to find those abstracts and papers and hopefully they won’t be above your pay grade.
I say lock everything up for the 4-6 weeks and fine those that don’t follow the rules. Hey I don’t agree with a lot of the rules/laws out there but I must follow them. After the 4-6 weeks open up and enforce face mask everywhere you go. If things don’t get better after the vaccine then we all just have to live with this and pray to God the 4-6 weeks closure helps out. Hey we’re all in this together and we need to work together no matter if you believe the steps our government takes……What else can we do?
Lock everything down. Everything? Grocery stores? Forbid important home repairs? Close factories that produce essential items? Send utility workers home to shelter in place? Shut down food producers and packagers? Close police and fire departments? What do you mean by “lock everything up?”
Dude, we already did that. Why do you think it would work differently this time, when everyone is *more* tired of it and the federal aid is over? Even in the fantasy world where all Americans go into house arrest for six weeks, the virus would still be there when we come out. Look what happened with Europe. Ruinous lockdown, open up, it bounces right back.
Think management, not fantasies of elimination. Maybe it makes sense to tighten certain things up again on the margins, if that will keep hospitals functioning well through the winter. That’s really the thing that matters. Don’t let the health care system break down.
So, with little evidence that lockdowns are even minimally effective, you’re willing to crawl in a hole to escape an illness that has a 99.98% survival rate among those 50 years of age or less? Got it. Knock yourself out – nobody is stopping you from doing that now. Just don’t call anyone if you need groceries, or if your heater goes out.
It seem like we really don’t have a choice,…thing are going to be closed down more,…ugh!!
But hopefully not like New Mexico:
New Mexico gov. shuts down some grocery stores with new order (wnd.com)
One thing is certain, that Santa has got to drastically curtail his promiscuous habit of visiting everyone’s home! And those reindeer … the next minks!!!
They already talked to him about it, apparently the Christmas magic keeps him (and his reindeer) from catching/spreading it… Just wish there was enough of that magic to go around…
They say it’s a “no brainer” and “science” that we should all be wearing masks? Oh, well here’s a link that goes through 7 independent scientific studies that say otherwise:
I wrote bunch about his above so I won’t repeat myself fully, but heres a summary:
The mask is to protect others from you, not you from others.
Halloween and Thanksgiving have already passed. Why tighten a lock down now? Isn’t it to late? And is it just me or does anyone else notice our numbers seem to be holding steady?
Numbers get wonky and don’t get reported right around holidays, give it a few weeks.
Hospitalizations seem to be going up. It was in the 70s recently and now over 100. Back in October it was in the 20s.
But probably that is due to seasonal effects. Maybe we all need some extra vitamin D… Or maybe it is just that people are in less ventilated spaces when it is cold outside.
Really I guess they haven’t learned the these politicians Enjoy Biden and Harris!
This sums up everything about this lock down.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Exactly, we’re in the home stretch.
How much tighter?
See Santa Clara’s lockdown and envision this of the entire state.
Oh, well.
Gavin’s going to lock down the entire state beginning next week and well into the New Year.
Our duly elected representatives believe that the public is incapable of taking care of themselves so they will take care of us, for us.
Of course, more businesses will close, people will be shuttered in their homes, and more and more people will decide to ignore the dictatorial mandates.
I’d bet good money that every politician gets reelected next election, by hook or crook.
I can’t help but wonder if the State will even allow more than one candidate for each office on the ballot.
Such is life in the land of the left, or, should I say, the Peoples Communisitic Socialistic Totalitarian State of Newsom, Governor for life.
The masks don’t protect you, they protect others from you.
How does that make any sense?
There is no standard definition of a mask.
Old t-shirts, bandana’s overused paper, people wear anything.
A mask is more of a fashion statement than anything helpful.
If masks were to work properly, there would be one standard mask.
If there was one standard mask, no one would be able to get them, they’d be hoarded like toiler paper and bleach wipes.
There is no standard definition of a car, buy I bet you have one outside your home right now…
Why do you think doctors wear masks, gloves, gowns and hair coverings when doing surgeries? Not to keep their scrubs clean… its to protect the patient from their spit/hair/germs. If you’re wearing a mask and are sick then it prevents you from spreading the illness around. If everyone wore a mask then it drops the spread rate to next to nothing…
Here, read this, CDC standards for masks:
(and its got pictures) 🙂
@ ERas
There is no standard definition of a car?
Give me the standard definition of a car then… Bet you I can find a bunch of cars that don’t conform.
It’s not my responsibility to educate you.
If you’re that interested, look it up.
Or, you can stay the way you are.
Sounds like you aren’t able to come up with one and are deflecting. Seems to further my argument then.
I think ERas and Natalie are sisters, the “Know-it-all-sisters”. A few of their relatives are on here, I won’t name names, but you all know.
There is nothing wrong with being knowledgeable. I appreciate them both.
um… I’m a guy… so, yeah…
If I were keeping someone from living their lives and taking part in activities they enjoy, it would be considered abuse. If I were keeping someone from going to work, school, and socializing, it would also be considered abuse. If I were keeping someone from going to the doctor, the grocery store, and I limited the amount of time I give them to go about doing their daily activities it would be considered abuse.
What county officials and Newscum are doing is restricting how we live our lives and that is abuse.
It would also be abuse to recklessly put someone’s health at risk.
You are approaching this from the wrong angle. I agree that it’s scary to have the government restrict you from doing those things you listed. But the point is you shouldn’t WANT to do those things in the first place. Not if it’s risking other people’s lives. This risk should not be worth it to you. You’re supposed to care about other people. You supposed to consider the health and well being of people who aren’t you. At least that’s what I was raised to believe.
If you really mean that, sign the recall.
@Comrade Grandkid
Its about being a grownup and doing the right thing. The lockdowns shouldn’t be necessary if everyone would act like an adult… but thats not the case (only thinking about themselves) so everyone gets sent to their room.
ER ,Comrade ,you two an the rest of the simple thinking sheep don’t get it . The reality of covid is the fact it is not going away period . So it seems really stupid to keep doing the lock downs and taking away our freedoms and jobs and quality of life . Why keep doing the same things over and over again that don’t work ? Covid is going to be with us for years no matter what we do. Stop watching the news media . Limit watching to15 minutes a day and you will see a whole new world outside your door.
You don’t care about the suicides, drug overdoses, and domestic abuse? The response to this pandemic has more than one dimension, and laser focus on only one dimension makes it far worse than it should be.
Wow, there’s more of the standard arguments… OH! and we got a sheep comment, NICE!
Fact of the matter is, if EVERYONE wore a mask, washed their hands, gave each other space and acted like adults then this thing wouldn’t have gotten so out of control and the lockdowns wouldn’t be necessary… BUT NO!! They’re taking away my freedom to spit on people while yelling at them………
@Aunt Barbara
The short immunity was a worry point, but more recent research shows the “short” immunity period is still a year (as measured by antibody levels). So if most (if not all) people get vaccinated then it will die off before thats an issue. Worst case its a yearly deal like the flu shots.
Could kill you… yeah if you’re allergic to whatever the base is (think its usually egg based for flu shots).then its possible, but its also possible you could get hit by a bus while watching tv in your living room… Typically the different manufacturers use different bases so as to give an option for everyone.
Here’s a question for you….Has anyone, or anyone, one of us knows, contracted COVID-19 as a result of being inside a Martinez restaurant?
I’m looking for cause and effect here. You know, we have stop signs, light controlled intersections and speed limits because drivers, passengers and pedestrians can and do get inured by vehicles here in Martinez.
I’m trying to understand why, in essence, the CCH is culling the Food Service Industry in Martinez. So far, it doesn’t make sense to me. SHOW US THE DATA, THE NEXIS, please! How many more Martinez businesses have to die in silence?
I posed this question 2 weeks ago in a Martinez FB Group. One of the factoids gleaned was that the bug just wasn’t here so much, at least anecdotally. Few, very few people admitted being close to the bug, out of 258 comments. During the first shut down, we restaurant operators and many other mom & pops reached into our pockets, our credit cards, expensive debt service, etc, to stay alive.
If the current closure goes into next year, it will be an
The restaurant industry in my opinion has been made to jump thru hoops to be able to open. I dont know how any small restaurants can stay in business.
How are food carts affected by all this?
Allowed to sell food as is an outdoor restaurant?