Home » Contra Costa County Releases COVID-19 Vaccination Plan

Contra Costa County Releases COVID-19 Vaccination Plan


Click on the image above to view Contra Costa’s COVID-19 vaccination plan.


Jeffers December 4, 2020 - 8:30 AM - 8:30 AM

I believe one day we will all look back and laugh at all the funny things people were doing, our extra memories with our family and how the world became closer than we thought.

Chino Nica December 5, 2020 - 10:54 AM - 10:54 AM

right. hopefully so man!

Roz December 4, 2020 - 9:27 AM - 9:27 AM

Simonpure ~
Thanks for Sharing,… 🙂

Shoulda Coulda December 4, 2020 - 10:34 AM - 10:34 AM


Thank you for sharing the wonderful story about
Major Wooten. It made my day! My dad is also a
WW2 Vet who will 98 in a few days. He went
ashore on Omaha Beach on D-Day. Like Major
Wooten dad was able to return to Normandy for
the first time in 75 years for the D-Day Anniversary
Ceremony. He was thanked for his service by our
President. It was so heartening to see Major Wooten
fight off the Covid Virus. Seems like they made them
a lot tougher back then.

Simonpure December 4, 2020 - 11:37 AM - 11:37 AM

Yip…they don’t make them like they used to. My Grandfather was nicknamed Nails in the army. They all said he was tough as nails.

Shoulda Coulda December 4, 2020 - 12:10 PM - 12:10 PM


Nails is one of the best nicknames I’ve ever heard.
Your grandfather must have been quite a guy!
It’s people like him that we can thank for not speaking
German today. My dad was so skinny that they called
him Boney Ass. That doesn’t strike fear into someone
like Nails does. Wish we could have met your tough

LL Cool J December 4, 2020 - 12:53 PM - 12:53 PM

Thank you to all military past, present and future. Thank you for protecting our Constitution and our Freedoms. We salute you and we are grateful!!

Cellophane December 4, 2020 - 8:58 AM - 8:58 AM

A fine example of how are our tax dollars are used by our duly elected representatives of the citizens of California.

miguel December 4, 2020 - 9:31 AM - 9:31 AM

the license fees for PowerPoint aren’t free you know

Chuq December 4, 2020 - 9:40 AM - 9:40 AM

Yes to save lives and return us to normalcy.

Elliana December 4, 2020 - 9:23 AM - 9:23 AM

Sooooo how long until the vaccine is available to all

America December 4, 2020 - 9:41 AM - 9:41 AM

Wondering what penalties will be put upon people who refuse the vaccine.

Yoyohop December 4, 2020 - 10:28 AM - 10:28 AM

Fake medicine for a fake disease, paid for with fiat currency will help society return to normalcy?

Chuq December 4, 2020 - 11:36 AM - 11:36 AM

Probably nothing but why do you want to prolong the pandemic?

Chuq December 4, 2020 - 1:26 PM - 1:26 PM

Mark your words why? What freaky diseases can you point to that were the result of recent vaccines?

Yoyo Hop December 4, 2020 - 2:51 PM - 2:51 PM

@Comrade. Thanks for the question. It is telling of your thought process.

Based on my single statement about the veracity of the pandemic, you have inferred that I am part of some larger group. This larger group (according to you), touted a theory about chemtrails, and did so enthusiastically, (according to you) 5 years ago. But presently, this larger group that I am supposedly a part of no longer touts this theory.

Not knowing you, I can’t tell if you are literally insane or just caught up in the hyperbole of the times. But at the very least, your thinking is lazy and prejudiced. It is the kind of thinking fostered by corporate media and a twitter length attention span. It makes two dimensional caricatures out of anyone who thinks divergently and does nothing to further the dialogue.

K.Smith December 4, 2020 - 9:50 AM - 9:50 AM

Let me guess, some of you nutcases won’t take the vaccine?

Led December 4, 2020 - 10:19 AM - 10:19 AM

I don’t think this will be a big problem. For the next several months it isn’t going to be available to just anybody. By the time it is, the combined natural/vaccine-induced immunity is going to be pretty high in the population.

Cyn December 4, 2020 - 10:57 AM - 10:57 AM

That’s correct….some nutcases won’t take it and some nutcases will.

Led December 4, 2020 - 10:20 AM - 10:20 AM

It’s going to be health care workers and long-term care residents first.

Exit 12A December 4, 2020 - 10:40 AM - 10:40 AM

Should people of color receive first opportunity otherwise to get the Covid vaccine since they have been historically marginalized?
Asking for a friend.

Wildcat December 4, 2020 - 12:41 PM - 12:41 PM

We’ll all have to wait until all Politicians and their powerful friends are vaccinated.

Cat'sMeow December 4, 2020 - 12:58 PM - 12:58 PM

The following would be my preferred vaccine rollout:
1) Soros & Family
1) NewScum & family
1) Pelosi & family
1) Cameltow & family
1) ByeBye & family

HappyPappy December 4, 2020 - 12:54 PM - 12:54 PM

Dr. Roger Hodkinsons, MD EXPERT Perspective on the virus –


Sancho Panza December 4, 2020 - 2:59 PM - 2:59 PM

Thank you, HappyPappy, for that link…well worth the time to watch! If only our elected officials heeded his advice, we’d be in a better place today. The hysteria is unstoppable…

SmileWC December 4, 2020 - 8:52 PM - 8:52 PM

So much gibberish. I suppose taxpayers will get access in about June. Prisoners, homeless, medical recipients, politicians, elite will go ahead of taxpayers, but won’t show up for the second dose or be track-able. The same folks who followed all the rules – followed the lockdowns in, March -cancelled
Thanksgiving & Christmas, kept kids home from school, wore a mask from day one – stayed home unless essential will be the last to get access to the vaccine and amazing – then it will work.

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