Home » Claycord – Talk About Whatever – April 7, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Whatever – April 7, 2023


Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.

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Cowellian’s First!

Easter Blessings to All!


Have a great weekend!

Found these charts very interesting, can see for yourself what is happening.
Use Prev Next, to page thru charts and can select or deselect different regions .
Grey shaded vertical bars recessions.


Who else loves the Moody Blues??
“Cold hearted orb that rules the night, Removes the colours from our sight, Red is gray and yellow white, But we decide which is right. And which is an illusion? Pinprick holes in a colourless sky, Let insipid figures of light pass by, The mighty light of ten thousand suns, Challenges infinity and is soon gone. Night time, to some a brief interlude, To others the fear of solitude. Brave Helios wake up your steads, Bring the warmth the countryside needs.”


@PARANOID PABLITO…..Michael Pinder and later Graham Edge spoken words before “Nights in White Satin”. Always a big fan, prog rock rules.

One of the few bands I saw in concert in. I was always impressed that they combined rock with an orchestra.

I enjoy some of their songs, really have not delved into their discography. If the above came on the radio, I would probably skip it, not my cup of tea. “Question” and “Ride My See Saw” are on my regular playlist.

Love night in white Satin. As for other rock songs that combined rock with an orchestra check this out on UTube, Procol Haram’s A white shade of pale, with the Danish Radio Orchestra. It is from the nineties, Gary Booker (who sadly passed away not too long ago) sounded every bit as good as he did in the sixties. It is an open air concert filmed at a castle, it is a castle I have passed by many times, it is located close to where both set of my grandparents lived.


@HANNE JEPPESEN….Here ya go, the whole show is killer………

Thank you. I was wrong about the orchestra, it was the Danish National concert orchestra, not that it makes a differences. Just listened too it again, still the best version. My Danish cousin once asked me to translate “A whiter shade of pale” into Danish. She speaks decent English, but had troubel with that one. The lyrics are a bit odd, as someone mentioned, but love the melody. I think it was also on the soundtrack of “The Big Chill”.

I enjoy “Whiter Shade of Pale” from Procol Harum, even though it is an odd song. Something about it stands out. Not familiar with much else from them, but do listen to quite a bit of Robin Trower’s (joined PH after WSoP) solo material.

@JEFF (THE OTHER ONE)……Robin Thrower just put out an album last year, No More Worlds to Conquer, at 77 years old, pretty tasty tracks…..from 2017 in Petaluma……

“Days of Future Passed” is one of those albums on many people’s lists if marooned on an island. A Mellotron was an expensive, amazing, exotic piece of gear and they took full advantage of it. There are some great YouTube videos on the mechanics of the Mellotron. Great innovative band.

“Just what you want to be, you’ll be in the end” – Moody Blues – Nights In White Satin – used to listen to that in 1972 on AFN Stuttgart

I always loved the Moody Blues and had several of their albums on 8-track tapes. There used to be a club in Nashville’s Printers Alley that frequently had a Moody Blues cover band when I was home on leave.

awesome, thanks for posting

Bless The Wings, The Story In Your Eyes (as loud as the stereo will go) Seen them live 4 times over the years, they put on a great show every time.

The Story In your Eyes is the song that made me decide to get married……really, tho Adolph Coors and Jim Beam may have shared responsibility.

Pick One:
A) Fried Green Tomatoes
B) Fried Tomatillos
C) Yuck
ps: Thanking O G for this week’s inspiration…


@ S ~
Have not had either, but like Tomatillo Salsa.
Anybody out there, have a good Fried Green Tomato recipe?
Better with: flour, cornmeal, breadcrumbs, … combinations of?

MMMmmm…… For either you can….

Soak slices in buttermilk. (Someone in my family history was allergic to egg, so grandma just used buttermilk)
mix coarse cornmeal with flour (@ 1cup/1 tablespoon ratio) pinch salt, cracked pepper to taste. Moisten it all with splash of the buttermilk. It will stick to the slices better.
any cheap veggie oil will do, but sneak a little bacon fat into it was well….. Oil needs to be hot hot hot…
Fry to golden brown….
I’m not a sauce person, but sometimes make a thin sauce of apple cider vinegar/tomato paste with touch of hot sauce.
ps: I’ve never met an “A” I didn’t like, but will pick “B” !


@S~ Oh! Like the idea of buttermilk soak!! Thanks!


@ROZ….Just made chicken enchiladas with tomatillo salsa a couple of days ago, nice change from red sauce every once in a while.
Grandma just used flour to bread green tomatoes, so that’s what I’ve always used, but I don’t fry mine in lard like she did, EVOO.

~ chicken enchiladas with tomatillo salsa Sounds Yummy!



I used to run a dating service for chickens, but I was struggling to make hens meet.


2 book reports:

1 – Doomsday Morning, C L Moore, 1957. Comus (Communications U. S.), it knows all, sees all, runs all, so on and so forth. A former great actor is picked up after 3 years being a Cropper (field hand). He is told to lead a group of minor actors to go to California and put on a play. It is to be put on exactly as scripted. Why California? The state is in rebellion against Comus. I thought I was reading the seed of the Terminator movies but most of this book is actually about the actor. He is telling the story in both the third person and in person, sometime in the same sentence. And that is what gives this one its main interest.

2 – The Menace From Earth, Robert A Heinlein, 1941 through 1957. This is actually a collection 8 short stories. The one called Menace From Earth is pure juvenile but The Year of the Jackpot and Goldfish Bowl I though were more interesting. The others are good stories and you would enjoy them more if you keep in mind the era they were written.


I just finished season one of “Hello Tomorrow!” on AppleTV+. It was loosely inspired by Robert A Heinlein’s “The Man Who Sold the Moon” (short story collection).

Happy Easter all. Hope you all enjoy family and friends. For some I would say…relax, take a breath, be calm and simplify your life so it can be enjoyed. It is a very short journey. Wish ya all well!!!


Hey Lil Bro ~ Happy Easter to You & Family too!
Will catch up with you Monday on other Matters.
Sis 🙂

A Happy Easter to you and yours as well Simon.

Any word on CHP officer injured on 242 ?

an outlet says expected to make full recovery. Doesn’t detail injury level….


She was treated for her injuries and later released. She is expected to make a full recovery.

‘Stunning photos shows California superbloom: Unprecedented winter storms sees abundance of wildflowers springs up …’
Anyone ever considered using a drone to seed Claycord hillsides with Poppy seeds ?

Found cure for Fungus Gnats in greenhouse and vegetable seedlings
Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis. (B.t.i.)
Using Mosquito Dunks in 2 gallon watering can, put one in can fill with water and let sit overnight.
Water seedlings and refill can, no gnat activity and seedlings are doing good.

The California Lottery Fantasy 5 numbers tonight were:

Isn’t that odd?

And for a little mid-week pick-me-up, Who did it Best?

Song: I will always Love You
(a) Dolly Parton
(b) Whitney Houston

but ‘B’ for the National Anthem…..

b) Whitney Houston

……and agree with “S” about the National Anthem, too.

I appreciate Dolly’s version because of the story behind the song.
Dolly appreciates Whitney’s version because it made Dolly an incredibly wealthy woman.

Helpful Hint:

Easter’s Ham Bone should now be ready for a pot of Butter Beans !
Don’t forget the Cornbread….


Cal Falcons have just had 3 new babies born!




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