Home » UPDATE: 143 Teachers, 2,364 Students Absent From School On Second Day Back From Winter Break

UPDATE: 143 Teachers, 2,364 Students Absent From School On Second Day Back From Winter Break


143 teachers and 2,364 students were absent from school today in the Mount Diablo Unified School District, according to MDUSD Spokesperson Theresa Harrington.

The district cannot say how many of the absences are due to COVID-19.

There were 58 unfilled teacher assignments. Just like yesterday, the open classes were covered by other teachers during their prep periods, some students were divided in order to go into other classrooms and some classes were covered by other credentialed staff.

The MDUSD has 29,000 students and about 1,600 teachers, according to its website.



ZZ January 6, 2022 - 4:39 PM - 4:39 PM

Maybe MDUSD should stop starting back to school in the middle of the week. Extended vacations. Would like to see the absentee numbers pre BS covid

Anon January 6, 2022 - 4:42 PM - 4:42 PM

A Testdemic.
I doubt they were all “sick”, but the bogus test recorded a bogus positive.

BTW, is the State and MDUSD in compliance with the CDC recommendation to Stop using the PCR as of December 31st 2021?

F January 6, 2022 - 5:38 PM - 5:38 PM

Um.. people were really out!!!

Puffandstuff January 6, 2022 - 4:45 PM - 4:45 PM

I’d like to know what the numbers were during cold and flu season from a normal year say like 2018???
these numbers don’t mean much unless there’s something to compare them to

yoyohop January 6, 2022 - 5:04 PM - 5:04 PM

So roughly10 percent of teachers were out today. I’d guess 3-5 percent are usually on any typical day. Historically the district has always had teacher shortages and a high demand for subs. Days before and after holidays though are always shorter staffed – even before the 2019.

Mika January 6, 2022 - 4:50 PM - 4:50 PM

Hmmm. No subs mean your kids were thrown into other classes, or had an admin from the district clueless as to what is going on in the classroom to watch the class, watched a video or were told to silent read. Emergency sub plans don’t exist at many of the schools. District just wants their ADA.

MDUSD Teacher January 6, 2022 - 6:30 PM - 6:30 PM

I am a high school history teacher. I covered a Spanish class during my prep student assignments were on the google classroom.

The kids were fine and learning.

Concord Gal January 6, 2022 - 11:53 PM - 11:53 PM

Thank you MDUSD Teacher

Kristina Karr January 6, 2022 - 5:04 PM - 5:04 PM

I want to know how many of these people who feel it’s too “unsafe” to be in a classroom, DOING THEIR JOB, haven’t been going to restaurants for the past year????

MDUSD Teacher January 6, 2022 - 7:02 PM - 7:02 PM

It isn’t safe.

Hvac is broken. No heat nor air circulation. It’s been broken since mid December.

Classes are at 39 kids.

Just me January 6, 2022 - 7:22 PM - 7:22 PM

That is so funny and true. I was protesting to vote yes to vote Newscum out and I had a lady come up to me telling me I should be wearing a mask and said that she was a retired teacher for the MDUSD. I was outside and I told her I will not wear a mask. She said, “Where is your tinfoil hat?”
Then she walked into Skipolinis and was seated outside where she sat down and removed her mask!!!!! She was about 20 feet away from where I was and I “should be wearing a mask”. She was safe because the virus won’t get you when you are seated in a restaurant but it will when you are seated in a classroom. That is the logic of the people teaching our kids.

Aunt Barbara January 7, 2022 - 11:53 AM - 11:53 AM

Schools are a hot bed of germs.Head lice is on it’s way to grett the Moronic virus.
I bet most of these absences are the flu or a winter cold or teache’rs playing hooky, because they can now, without question.

Glen223 January 7, 2022 - 5:07 PM - 5:07 PM

And the districts continue to whine for more money.

Nope – ain’t gonna happen. The school districts Need to slash their overheads. The districts need to get back to the basics and eliminate the trendy work theories. The pate still need to take responsibility for their kids.

Time to stop paying the property tax portion that goes to schools.

S January 7, 2022 - 5:12 PM - 5:12 PM

S’s posting at 2:49PM is the imposter….

Not “THEE” “S”…

just an FYI

Bill January 6, 2022 - 5:08 PM - 5:08 PM

Maybe the custodian can teach the kids how to sweep and clean up after themselves. Believe me there are a lot of kids that don’t know how to do any basic chores.

Alex January 6, 2022 - 5:35 PM - 5:35 PM

It’s a sick out. Teachers can’t strike cause their in mediation. This wasn’t the norm 3 years ago. It’s another way for the Union and the teachers to not put our students first

MDUSD Teacher January 6, 2022 - 6:32 PM - 6:32 PM

I am in the classroom.

Your post is crap.

Res January 6, 2022 - 7:10 PM - 7:10 PM

As one of the thousands of dedicated teachers in the district, I can assure you that it’s not a sick out. It’s that teachers, or someone in their household, have been exposed to, or have, Covid. The rules from the CDC, district, etc. are very strict on when you can return to school. Believe me, any teacher would rather be in the classroom teaching their students than spending hours to make sub plans for each day that they are out. That’s very unfortunate that, in your experience, you feel that teachers don’t put students first. If you talk to my husband and family, they’ll tell you that I definitely put students first. For better or for worse…

Deb Shay January 6, 2022 - 9:06 PM - 9:06 PM

So glad the vaxxes are working.

Oh wait…

Oh, please January 7, 2022 - 6:58 PM - 6:58 PM

If you belong to the union, you are not a dedicated teacher. You are the enemy. The union is just a bunch of child-abusing morons. Opt out, stop paying dues, and stand up for KIDS. Otherwise, you can go pound sand. I am glad my kids are at private school with teachers who know what they are talking about and will NOT forgo in-person learning just because of scare tactics. Shame on you “teachers.”

Wage Slave January 6, 2022 - 5:54 PM - 5:54 PM

Considering the still novel and incredibly infectious nature of Omicron, this is inevitable everywhere. It’s why cdc and co lowered the quarantine period. Everything is about to shut down if everyone that tests positive calls out from their jobs. They may have to allow for mild symptomatic cases to continue working to keep critical jobs staffed if it sweeps through the way it seems capable of.

If you are vaccinated, you are probably still going to get it. If you aren’t, you’ll almost certainly get it. I think it was Malone on the Rogan podcast that said this thing has an R of 7 to 10, compared to 2 to 3 for original, and I think it was 3 to 5 for Delta. If everyone who catches it infects an average of 7 other people, it’s going to get everyone in a matter of days.

So hold on, and maybe resign yourself to a couple three more weeks of kids at home. But it should subside as quickly as it came on, South Africa is already mostly done with it.

Oh, please January 7, 2022 - 7:03 PM - 7:03 PM

NO. If you look at prior years, you will realize that the response to this makes NO sense. Unless schools shut down for the flu, then all we are looking at is a political stunt. If we stopped testing folks with no symptoms, this would behave just like the cold it is and everyone would just go back to normal with the normal cases of colds during the winter. You are all ridiculous.

Pete V. January 6, 2022 - 5:54 PM - 5:54 PM

The Chinese were just getting warmed up…they are now doing a massive/brutal lockdown in Xi’an which is a city of something like 8 million people. And why? Reportedly infected people are getting a HEMORRHAGIC FEVER with renal syndrome, meaning besides renal failure they start bleeding from nose, eyes, etc.

Unknown at this point if it’s hantavirus, Ebola, covid variant, or some awesome new virus they cooked up. I’ve seen multiple videos where instead of the backpack fogger guns, they’re using FIRE guns (think small flamethrower) to “disinfect” areas…that’s our buddies, our overlords, bringing light & joy to the world, good thing people from all over the globe are headed there for the Olympics.

Ricardoh January 6, 2022 - 6:09 PM - 6:09 PM

Travel should be cut off immediately. Joey Baby will do nothing. He can’t get Jan 6th out of his clogged brain.

Gittyup January 6, 2022 - 6:58 PM - 6:58 PM

Viewing video footage of Jan 6th, it looks like a relatively nondescript, peaceful protest. Unfortunately, there were deaths. On the whole, however, Democrats have blown the entire thing out of proportion calling it an “insurrection.” It appears to be habitual when you consider they have done the very same thing to this pandemic, and AOC is permanently traumatized by Jan 6th, as if she were well adjusted before that. It’s positively surreal taking this journey through the”reality” Democrats live in.

JR January 6, 2022 - 7:51 PM - 7:51 PM

Pete, can you post a link to any info on that. I heard something about this a month ago or so….but lost track of the story.

Cyn January 6, 2022 - 8:19 PM - 8:19 PM

No, there were not deaths that day….one dead un-armed veteran named Ashli Babbitt.

yoyohop January 6, 2022 - 8:54 PM - 8:54 PM

Jan 6th was a win-win for the Dems and the Deep State – massive shade on Trump and a pretext to expand the Capitol Police all over the country.

Acting on the behest of Congress, the Capitol Police is considered a part of the Legislative Branch and thus is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. In other words a quasi-police force with little oversight or transparency. Note the ease at which they were able to get away with shooting an unarmed woman on Jan 6.

Pete V. January 6, 2022 - 10:12 PM - 10:12 PM

As much of a cesspool as Twitter can be, you can get useful news/info there…just search “xi’an hemorrhagic” and have at it.
Whatever “it” is appears to have popped up within just the past couple weeks, but of course you may have heard something a month ago. This is VERY reminiscent of 2 years ago when these “rumors” and videos were emerging from Wuhan right at the same the CCP and WHO were downplaying and outright lying.

WC Resident January 6, 2022 - 5:55 PM - 5:55 PM

This may well be the normal number of absences for the restart of school after the winter break.

As Puffandstuff noted earlier, “these numbers don’t mean much unless there’s something to compare them to.”

The average positivity rate for CC county for the last 7 days is 18.3 percent. An estimated 210,000 people in the county have COVID-19 at the moment. As school teachers are sent home the instant they test positive it’s no surprise many teachers are not available. One solution is that we stop testing or to take no action should someone test positive. Just allow the virus to blow through the population. If you are not vaccinated and concerned about getting COVID-19 then stay home.

Led January 6, 2022 - 6:09 PM - 6:09 PM

You hit the nail on the head.

If you can’t stop the quick spread of the virus through the population anyway, then stop these disruptive measures that only make sense if they can stop the spread. Keeping asymptomatic people in critical jobs at home only makes sense if it actually achieves some end. If it just creates disruption and the virus spreads like wildfire anyway, then forget it. If you are sick, stay home, get care as needed. If you’re not, go to work. It really should be that simple at this point. Countries even more vaccinated than the Bay Area, with more rapid tests available, haven’t stopped this wave. It’s happening. We need to stop making things worse pointlessly.

Wage Slave January 6, 2022 - 6:12 PM - 6:12 PM

It doesn’t matter if we “allow” or don’t allow it to blow through. It’s going to no matter what we do. The only thing officials can do is modify how they respond to that reality.

Puffandstuff January 6, 2022 - 6:15 PM - 6:15 PM

Thanks for the info WC,
and I totally agree

Oh, please January 7, 2022 - 7:06 PM - 7:06 PM

Yep. Just like there was no increase in yearly deaths once covid hit. They try to shock with death counts, but somehow people don’t realize that people die every day. Lots of people die every day! This is NORMAL.

Torcofuel January 6, 2022 - 6:19 PM - 6:19 PM

Our grandkids are being homeschooled and it’s the best thing now to do. We don’t have to worry about all the public or even private school bs anymore.
People say they won’t learn anything or be taught correctly and we laugh and emphasize what crap is spewed on them in public schools nowdays.
Ok all those kids absent and teachers I shouldn’t have to explain any further you don’t want your kids in public school systems ever again.
Oh we homeschooled our 3 kids from 6th grade in starting in the 80/90s and all 3 very successful in their careers.

The Fearless Spectator January 6, 2022 - 6:29 PM - 6:29 PM

Perhaps if 29,000 students didn’t show up to school for a week; a miracle would be announced:

“Due to data and science the pandemic is over, now please come back to school so we can all get paid.”

Littleblueorchid January 6, 2022 - 6:35 PM - 6:35 PM

I know for a fact there are many parents that are “not comfortable “ with the lax masking enforcement so they are keeping their kids home till Monday the 10th. To me I don’t understand the arbitration 5 day difference that this suppose to make. And on top they created MORE work for the teachers to create home learning packets during those 5 day absence….. I don’t get people.

Glen223 January 7, 2022 - 5:10 PM - 5:10 PM

California is 47th in the US in education, but we spend more per student than any other state.

Given that, throwing more money at the schools will ensure California is at the bottom of the outhouse.

Oh, please January 7, 2022 - 7:09 PM - 7:09 PM

Well, these parents all apparently received a nice, liberal, public CA education. They don’t know how to tell when something is an actual thereat versus brainwashing.

Kariann January 6, 2022 - 6:46 PM - 6:46 PM

How about posting stats from other districts instead of just focusing on MDUSD?

Just me January 6, 2022 - 7:35 PM - 7:35 PM

Maybe because most people in Claycord (Clayton + Concord) have kids in their neighborhood schools, unfortunately, we are stuck with MDUSD.

Pete V. January 6, 2022 - 10:14 PM - 10:14 PM

uhh, maybe take a look at the name of the site you’re on as to why there’s a focus on the s-hole known as MDUSD.

Randy January 6, 2022 - 6:53 PM - 6:53 PM

… teachers slacking off again and parents just not wanting to take their kids to school… MDUSD is going downhill fast and nobody is doing anything to correct the path its on… …

F January 6, 2022 - 8:49 PM - 8:49 PM

Hum.. I think you are an empty nester. Get a grip. Don’t speak for parents if your not in the boat! I bet it’s just you on your own.

Deb Shay January 6, 2022 - 9:10 PM - 9:10 PM


Specteach January 6, 2022 - 10:09 PM - 10:09 PM

How are teachers slacking off? The only ones out either have covid, have symptoms or aren’t fully vaccinated. If anything they are working harder!

Dr Jellyfinger January 7, 2022 - 7:42 AM - 7:42 AM

Speaking of missing teachers, Sidney Poitier died….. 94 years old.

Oh, please January 7, 2022 - 7:11 PM - 7:11 PM

Oh, the lazy parents LOVED the virtual school crap. They didn’t have to drive their kids to school or put forth any effort whatsoever. They are for sure using this as an excuse again, but then again, they are also all brainwashed and have bought into the mass hysteria.

D From Out of State January 6, 2022 - 7:48 PM - 7:48 PM

Lazy —Union —Overpaid —Government Workers.

And don’t get me started on pay. Go look at the salaries online. Ridiculously overcompensated for working 8 months a year.

School vouchers are needed now. Time to separate the wheat from the chaff. Time to privatize education. Sorry government worker…but those are the facts.

END Government Unions (all of them). They were illegal until the 1970s…and look where we are at now.

MF January 6, 2022 - 8:01 PM - 8:01 PM

Geez, hate much?

Cyn January 6, 2022 - 8:49 PM - 8:49 PM

No mention of hate by D From Out of State……just by you. Apparently, you don’t like facts.

D From Out of State January 6, 2022 - 9:26 PM - 9:26 PM

Not Hate…just stating the facts. If you dont agree…state facts to back your opinion. Dont take lazy —left wing approach by labeling it as “hate”.

Government workers are lazy and over compensated.

How much does the BART cost now> What about crossing the bridges? How about Gas? Rent? Cost to go to Yosemite? State parks? Anything related to government?

Post office? DMV? The list goes on and on and on and on…..

Go look at the salaries for these “educators”. Way overpaid. Avg teacher making close to $110 K per year. That is a lot higher than non government workers. Principals making $250K plus per year.

Government Unions must end. Not sustainable.

Specteach January 6, 2022 - 10:12 PM - 10:12 PM

Lazy? Over paid? I get $30 an hour. UPS drivers, with out 6 years of college education make $40.

Hanne Jeppesen January 6, 2022 - 10:28 PM - 10:28 PM

Some government workers might be overpaid, in fact I have a friend that work for the state of California for years, and he retired with a rididules high pension. However, when it comes to teachers I think they for the most part deserve the pay they get. I wouldn’t want to do their job, would you? And they work, for the most part more than 8 months. A conservative talk show host from Sacramento, said they other day he would pay teachers and professors very well, but it should be possible to fire those who are not doing their job. I tend to agree with him.

JRocks January 7, 2022 - 10:26 AM - 10:26 AM

I agree with D From Out of State.

Public employee unions pose a serious threat to our Republic and should be banned immediately. When public sector employees negotiate a labor contract they are in essence bargaining with themselves. As tax payers and voters they are their own bosses. If the union is large enough in terms of voting power, or wealthy enough they can elect (or purchase) politicians that will represent the union interest over the public interest. In a Republic there should be no instance where public funds can be used to purchase politicians. It just so happens that over 95% of public sector union political contributions go to one party. Human nature being what it is politicians will always sell out the tax payer to get re-elected.

JR January 6, 2022 - 7:48 PM - 7:48 PM

I’d be interested to look at absences from bad flu years. These numbers don’t mean much with out comparative data.

Ricardoh January 6, 2022 - 8:35 PM - 8:35 PM

We have been living through some weird terrible times. Expect the worse. Kids not allowed in school. Four million people quit their jobs in a month. People we know getting covid. Crime going through the roof. We have to get a grip and vote the Marxist out starting this November. Hope some good non Marxist candidates run for office. Find out if any candidate is backed by George Soros. They would be a for sure no no along with any democrat.

Follow the Money January 6, 2022 - 9:30 PM - 9:30 PM

I am curious where this communication is coming from. I cannot find any news articles that reference it. Is MDUSD contacting Claycord to get these numbers out or is Claycord asking MDUSD for them?

As far as the unfilled teacher assignments, back in October in an article in the Times about substitute shortages, the MDUSD director of human resources Ryan Sheehy said MDUSD has 100 more subs than they did in 2018-19. He also said that at that time they had an average of 42 unfilled teacher assignments per day. So increasing that to 58 over how many school sites there are in MDUSD is not some incredible explosion of unfilled assignments. It sounds more like substitutes are going elsewhere to sub.

MDUSD Teacher January 7, 2022 - 9:20 AM - 9:20 AM

@Claycord Reporting teacher absences two days in a row and not the rest of the site staffs feels extremely targeted. Is the district trying to pin parents even more against teachers than they already are? Is it because we are in impasse and the district wants to ensure parents are unsupportive of us? Please tell us…is the district reaching out to YOU asking for you to report these numbers daily or are you reaching out to them?

Shut up and Comply January 7, 2022 - 10:56 AM - 10:56 AM

We must not question the so-called scientists or the teachers unions.

CountryGal January 6, 2022 - 10:01 PM - 10:01 PM

This is some odd freaking timing, I must say.
How are all these teachers “sick” at once?
This happens right after Christmas break?
Come on!

This may not be a fully planned sick out, but it still could be planned by some of the staff and teachers.
They want more vacation days to sit on the beaches in Mexico.
They already get WAY more days off than any other profession and yet it’s still not enough for them.
They’re no better than the Chicago teachers union who are refusing to go to the schools and teach because they’re “afraid” even though they’re all vaxxed.🤔🤔🤔

If the students were sent home with test kits and they tested positive and have symptoms, I understand.
But why test these kids when they have NO symptoms??
The tests are faulty.
Stop wearing masks. Stop taking tests. Live free.

Wesley Mouch January 6, 2022 - 10:29 PM - 10:29 PM

Maybe they’re still stuck in the icy Virginia traffic jam while driving back from their annual Colonial Williamsburg history field trip!

JJ January 7, 2022 - 6:22 AM - 6:22 AM

Do the math and this story is mute.

Maybe a lot of teachers and students are still in Tahoe enjoying the snow. When my children were attending MDUSD schools that is all parents would talk about, Tahoe, Tahoe, Tahoe. There is still lots of snow to play in, so they are probably still there.

Anon January 7, 2022 - 7:24 AM - 7:24 AM

Follow the money.
ANY school district that took the ‘CARES’ act money is on the hook for following Full NAZI covid protocols.

Now you know. Do the right thing and Homeschool!

Anon January 7, 2022 - 12:22 PM - 12:22 PM

Lol, and we all know what side you would have been on under Hitler’s reign.

Enjoy Nuremberg 2.0

Dr Jellyfinger January 7, 2022 - 7:39 AM - 7:39 AM

Bueller ?……..Bueller ?………….. Bueller ?

N95 January 7, 2022 - 7:49 AM - 7:49 AM

Let’s hope they can make church on Sunday.

Torcofuel January 7, 2022 - 8:55 AM - 8:55 AM

Our grandkids just started their school day NOT in any public or private school. It’s history first and gonna be no me of that crap CRT, Woke, erasing certain parts deemed racist. They will certainly be better taught at home with 4 different qualified family members.
People… get you kids at least out of public schooling, private can be iffy but nothing beats home schooling if it’s done correctly.

Everytime we read about the crap teachers are pushing on kids and their bs sickouts etc we just cringe.

Lilo Alexander January 7, 2022 - 10:11 AM - 10:11 AM

I had a mandated Covid test prior to surgery. My question to the nurse was “how many false positives do you have?” Answer “none”. My statement and question was, “let me rephrase the question here, how many Covid tests that you do come back positive on a person who has no signs or symptoms of disease?” Answer “18-20%”. My comment, “in my view, anyone who has zero signs or symptoms of disease are not diseased or ill in any way. This is what I would call a false positive.” As an RN of 45 years, what do I know. The new normal has nothing to do with the patient, just what is written on paper. Disease without symptoms……. wow. What a concept.

Createanew January 7, 2022 - 11:05 AM - 11:05 AM

Time to update our school system, make them be in session during the summer and break during the more risky season.

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