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The Water Cooler – Where Would You Go?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


Let’s have a little fun today.

Imagine this….You have a new car, unlimited gas for a week, a week off work and unlimited money to spend on your roadtrip.

Where would you go, and why?

Talk about it….



Dawg November 29, 2021 - 12:12 PM - 12:12 PM

Only a week? That’s not much time, so I’d keep it in California and go somewhere warm. The Mojave Desert and Death Valley are really nice this time of year, and there’s nothing like being out in the middle of nowhere when nobody else is around.

Tsa November 29, 2021 - 12:17 PM - 12:17 PM

To find a new place to live that is NOT in California…

Randy November 29, 2021 - 12:21 PM - 12:21 PM

Alaska – never been there – wide open spaces – beautiful as I understand it…

Doh November 29, 2021 - 5:21 PM - 5:21 PM
Deb Shay November 29, 2021 - 12:24 PM - 12:24 PM

Pretty much anywhere outside of California. But not Oregon or Washington. Top picks, Idaho, Montana, Texas.

Dorothy November 29, 2021 - 12:26 PM - 12:26 PM

Las Vegas. Just to walk the main street where all the outdoor decor is located. It has changed so much since the last time I was able to do that.

Laura November 29, 2021 - 12:47 PM - 12:47 PM

Unlimited money…? I’d hire a mad scientist time traveler and pay 500 million to make a warp machine and go to a different dimension where politics don’t exist

To Do List November 29, 2021 - 1:03 PM - 1:03 PM

Assuming the new car is someone else’s and I return it at the end and fly back, I would go south through Texas to get to New Orleans, stopping by a desert and Austin on the way. If I have to take relatives, I’d only go as far as the nearest Starbucks.

this_that November 29, 2021 - 1:27 PM - 1:27 PM

olive garden

Chris November 29, 2021 - 1:44 PM - 1:44 PM

For me, I enjoy living life on the edge so I would start off in Oakland taking in the rich culture and diverse communities. I would then proceed to Richmond and get lost in wonderful immigrant communities sampling the many fine culinary delights. I would then end my day crossing the bridge into one of my favorite cities of Vallejo. A former city that hosted a great military community is now transitioning over to a place where families are first and the nightlife is second to none.

To Do List November 29, 2021 - 3:16 PM - 3:16 PM

In anticipation of your Oakland adventure, a very recently published YouTube tour is fun and the comments are a hoot. Just the first 10 minutes or so are all you need and the rest is repetitive:

Original G November 29, 2021 - 3:24 PM - 3:24 PM

For your tours of “diverse communities” of oakland and richmond do so driving a detailed out, mint looking, 1996 Impala SS.
Take note of eye balls tracking the vehicle.

The Fearless Spectator November 29, 2021 - 10:21 PM - 10:21 PM

Rich Culture and Diverse Communities equal violence as 2021 statistics demonstrate quite clearly. People like London, Libby, and Gavin embrace lawlessness as an important element of the Bay Area experience. Bonus points for driving through these areas in a convertible after dark.

Dr Jellyfinger November 29, 2021 - 2:20 PM - 2:20 PM

I’d drive to the airport because there is no bridge to Hawaii.

Old-school guy November 29, 2021 - 4:00 PM - 4:00 PM

True, But there are interstate highways.

Jeff (the other one) November 29, 2021 - 3:05 PM - 3:05 PM

If I am going to live the fantasy, I would drive to Arizona to buy my souvenir house, then to Wyoming and buy a souvenir plot of 40 acres there.

Roz November 29, 2021 - 4:21 PM - 4:21 PM

We would do a road trip to Colorado to see our daughter & her hubby. Along the way pass, through a few States to enjoy the views, and maybe buy a house in one of those States.

Hanne Jeppesen November 29, 2021 - 6:27 PM - 6:27 PM

Unlimited money and unlimited gas, and just
one week, kind of limits the possibilities. Before COVID l had planned a trip to Grand Tetons and Yellowstone, but can’t do it in a week. So limited to California, probably Mt. Shasta, have been by it, but not spend much time there, or Mt. Lassen never been there, would stay on an expensive houseboat. Have been to Yosemite many times, never get tired of it. Would be fun to stay at the Ahwahnee.

ClayDen November 30, 2021 - 10:36 AM - 10:36 AM

You can do it in a week, though 8 days would be better. We did it a few years ago, and included about a 600 mile “detour” via Cedar City Utah, Vail, Colorado Springs and then to Mt. Rushmore, then Yellowstone and the Tetons. It took us 11 days and a little over 4,000 miles, but it’s only a two day drive each way to the Tetons and Yellowstone (which are about 2 hours apart).

Go for it!

reekorizzo November 29, 2021 - 6:31 PM - 6:31 PM

I recently had 2 weeks off………..I stayed home.

Gittyup November 29, 2021 - 7:09 PM - 7:09 PM

Palm Springs

ClayDen November 30, 2021 - 8:12 AM - 8:12 AM

The Canadian Rockies and the Icefields Parkway between Banff and Jasper. We went there 10 years ago and it was the most beautiful place we had ever been until we cruised Norway. We plan to go back to the Canadian Rockies, and I have some other road trips in the planning stages, all 3-4 weeks long. They include New Zealand, the Swiss and Italian Alps and another one around Italy. I’ve also mapped one out that is around 4 weeks that goes to and from the east coast, 25 states and one Canadian Province and does it all without getting on an interstate, about 7,500 miles. It goes a somewhat southern route, as far south as Oklahoma and Arkansas and then heads north as far as Vermont and across the northern US.

Badger November 30, 2021 - 2:37 PM - 2:37 PM

Napa. And go to the French Laundry restaurant. Peasants stay home

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