Home » UPDATE: Several Hundred People On Monument Blvd. In Concord Protesting Against ICE Arrests, Deportations

UPDATE: Several Hundred People On Monument Blvd. In Concord Protesting Against ICE Arrests, Deportations


Several hundred protesters are out on Monument Blvd. between Reganti Place and Virginia Lane this afternoon. They’re protesting the local and National ICE arrests and deportations. Traffic is backed up, and although the protesters are mainly staying on the sidewalks and in the crosswalks, a few have walked into the street, so use caution if you’re in the area.

UPDATE #1: All inbound lanes of Monument Blvd. blocked between Reganti and Virginia. Protesters have a cop car (with a cop inside) surrounded. Several police officers are headed to the scene. This is at the protest against ICE that we reported on earlier this afternoon.

UPDATE #2: Inbound Monument at Reganti has been completely shut down. Police say about 1,000 protesters are on scene. Pleasant Hill Police Officers have been called to assist. No injuries have been reported.


UPDATE #3: All lanes of Monument between Mi Casa Ct. and Reganti Place have been shut down. Concord Police have been told to “standby and keep the peace.”

UPDATE #4: All lanes are now open, and the crowd has dispersed.

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Love it !! Keep at it


Deport them all.


Astroturf is fun. Ain’t no way this is a 50/50 issue. Trump won, it’s over


Only in America do federal criminals protest their right to break the law …


Nice straw man. Might want to rethink your handle.


American laws are for American citizens.
Illegals should never have the rights and privileges of American Citizens
Such rights and privileges need to be earned by people who want to become citizens.


Supreme Court has ruled that all people within the United States, legally or illegally, are protected by the First Amendment. The test is whether or not the person is subject to the jurisdiction of the US, and, as long as the person is within the border, US jurisdiction applies. The “illegal” part would be addressed by immigration laws, not the right to protest or speak freely. Always protect the right to dissent or yours will be the next to be taken away.


as long as the person is within the border, US jurisdiction applies”
Nice blanket statement. Foreign diplomats (and by extension to some extent their families) within our borders are NOT subject to US jurisdiction.


Just like American diplomats (and by extension to some of their families) within foreign borders are NOT subject to foreign jurisdiction.

Such as when Anne Sacoolas, the wife of a CIA agent who enjoyed the protection under the Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations, stuck and killed a pedestrian in the UK while driving on the wrong side of the road. She fled the UK and claimed diplomatic immunity.

The protection is there to prevent a hostile country from simply arresting diplomats and holding them as hostages. Counties rarely waive protection to those who are covered even in egregious cases such as Sacoolas to keep the protection intact.

You sent me to wiki for verify what I was pretty sure was not correct, Hope. Don’t give up on me 😉 I haven’t given up on you.

The Supreme Court has not explicitly stated that illegal immigrants have an absolute right to free speech and assembly to protest, but through various rulings, it has been interpreted that the First Amendment protections of free speech and assembly generally apply to everyone within the United States, including undocumented immigrants, meaning they can exercise these rights to a certain extent; however, this area of law remains complex and subject to legal challenges depending on the specific circumstances. ” and… from there it gets even more complicated.

Jul 10, 2023 — A violation for encouraging or inducing illegal immigration may result in either a fine or a term of imprisonment for up to five years per …


Mexico for example retains authority over all its citizens reguardless of what country they are in. Mexican parent or parents child born in another country is still under jurisdiction of Mexico and is born a Mexican citizen reguardless of which country child is born.


Protesting and trying to invite a riot, closing off streets which could hamper an emergency vehicle goes way beyond speech and is more closely described as attempting to invite a riot.


Nope. Freedom of speech and freedom of self-defense are God-given rights. They’re not for Americans only.

On the other hand, if they are here illegally, it shouldn’t matter what they say. They have broken the law and are subject to its penalties.


Resident Aliens also share most of the rights and privileges of American citizens.
The US Supreme Court has defined “The Rights of the People” under the Constitution, and not necessarily “The Rights of the Citizens” under the Constitution.


Our laws apply to everyone. That’s what makes America great.


They broke federal law if they’re illegal


The only CRIMINAL is your president, being undocumented is a civil offense.


It’s a federal crime Einstein


It’s a civil offense unless they have been deported before.


It’s a civil offense to overstay your visa. It’s criminal to break in

You want to talk about criminal Biden and his entire family are a bunch of criminals


Which family members are you talking about? How many members, their names and the crimes they were charged with?


Do yourself a big favor and turn off the TV.

Since the Biden family received a blanket pardon we will never know, will we?


Entering the US without going thru the legal process is a criminal offense. If you legally entered and fail to leave when your visa or permits expire is a civil offense. Those who just crossed the border have committed a criminal offense and should be deported.




A civil offense?
Maybe it’s a traffic law violation, too.

Since when does the US put people in prison for a civil offense?!?

You get one free bite of the apple. Afterwards the crime of illegal entry can be punished by imprisonment in a Federal pen, a fine and deportation.

By the way Paul, I seem to recall you making fun the lack of Federal enforcement of immigration laws. How do you like it now?!?


Illegals don’t get any constitutional rights that American citizens have.
They are NOT citizens and therfore aren’t protected under our constitution.

If I came into Japan illegally and live there, do you think I’d get be protected under their laws? Not a a chance.

Illegal means not legal. I don’t know why some don’t understand that.


I imagine Japanese law and US law are not the same. Countries have different laws and constitutional rights.


When you break federal law you are a criminal you do not have a right to protest.


How do you equate people already breaking our Laws with having the right to throw a damn fit when they are reminded of the laws they’re breaking?

Throwing a tantrum and disrupting the peace, breaking more laws is not a Constitutional Right. CITIZENS (in order to form a more perfect union…)~~~ have the Right to Assemble, The Right to Speak Freely ~~ and so on.
But ya know what is another Citizens’ Constitutional Right? The Right to a ‘quiet enjoyment’ ~ peace in our own home/town/state/country.


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Like your White House criminals ?!
As of 1/2025


You’re lack of intelligence is astounding . Constitutional rights for an illegal is an oxymoron just like you calling yourself intelligent human. LOL try a new name.


They are all waving the wrong flag…


Agreed not one American flag


Not a single American flag in sight.

They have alternatives if they don’t like it here.


It’s quite clear that they hate America.
Not 1 🇺🇸. Only Mexican flags.
If their country/countries are so great, why don’t they live over there/go back?
Nobody is stopping them.
If they think they’re going to take over this country, they’re wrong.

President Donald J. Trump WON the election in a landslide victory.
Most of us voted for these criminals to be deported and that’s what will continue to happen.
Their boo hoo sob stories and pointless protests will not stop Tom Homan, Kristi Noem, and ICE from sending them back.
We’re tired of criminals in this country.
We want a safe and healthy America.

These 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 are so full of it with their dumb signs, too.
Europeans built this country. Not them. 🤣
They don’t know history.
We don’t care or want you picking our crops.
We don’t want criminals in our country stealing our jobs, murdering people, stealing, selling drugs, getting free food, free Healthcare, free cars, etc.
Come in legally or be sent back!

The End.

P.S. Ice, Ice, Baby🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊
*Paging Tom Homan and ICE*


For one, you can deport every single person with a tint of brown in their skin, there will still be foul, disgusting, vile, criminals, rapists, murderers, who sell drugs and people who mooch off the government.
The president is in fact a criminal too.
You are ignorant and racist to think otherwise.
Secondly, I am a European Mutt myself. HOWEVER, Europeans did not “build” this country, Europeans STOLE this country from Native Americans. Our Ancestors were once in the SAME EXACT POSITON that a lot of these people are in.
Sounds like you need to learn some more about this country’s history.
This country will never be “safe” or “healthy” as long as people like you get keep their privilege.


Thank you


It has nothing to do with their skin color and everything to do with them coming over here illegally and getting everything for free.
Taxpayers are paying for their free food and Healthcare.
You may not care, but most Americans care.
People shouldn’t have to bust their butts and they have their hard earned money going to people who are here ILLEGALLY.
This country is a melting pot but we want good and decent people coming here legally!!
Have you not read the stories of all the families who have had a son, daughter, brother, sister, etc. murdered or rated by an illegal?
I’d love for you to say all that to them and see what absolute torment they go through on a daily basis by them having to visit a grave instead of having their child with them.
I’m no racist. You know nothing about me.
You calling me “privileged” is absolutely absurd. Do you know me?
You know who is “privileged”?
Selena Gomez, Oprah, and Taylor Swift.
All billionaire liberals who complain about Trump, yet are they opening their homes to any of these illegals?
I’m unemployed. I’m not privileged.
I have to compete with illegals for jobs when I shouldn’t be.
It’s unfair and America is based on LEGAL immigration.
If you’re European, you should know about Ellis Island.
They came LEGALLY!
I’ve worked with diverse people, some immigrants, and they came here the right way and they learned English.
You’re a woke liberal who needs a history lesson on America and the constitution.
We’re not on stolen land but you’re free to give up your property if you’d like.
Trump is not a criminal. The liberals went after him because they were terrified he’d win, and he did.



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It has nothing to do with their skin color and everything to do with them coming over here illegally and getting everything for free.

Taxpayers are paying for their free food and Healthcare.

You may not care, but most Americans care.

People shouldn’t have to bust their butts and they have their hard earned money going to people who are here ILLEGALLY.

This country is a melting pot but we want good and decent people coming here legally!!

Have you not read the stories of all the families who have had a son, daughter, brother, sister, etc. murdered or rap*d by an illegal?

I’d love for you to say all that to them and see what absolute torment they go through on a daily basis by them having to visit a grave instead of having their child with them.

I’m no racist. You know nothing about me. Liberals are actually the racists and they assume that only illegals pick the crops.

You calling me “privileged” is absolutely absurd. Do you know me?

You know who is “privileged”?

Selena Gomez, Oprah, and Taylor Swift.

All billionaire liberals who complain about Trump, yet are they opening their homes to any of these illegals? Are you opening your home to them?

I’m unemployed and living in chronic pain daily. I go to thrift stores. I shop at discount stores. I’ve never owned a high end, brand name item. I have no house. I’ve worked hard for what I have. I’m not privileged.

I have to compete with illegals for jobs when I shouldn’t be.

It’s unfair and America is based on LEGAL immigration.

If you’re European, you should know about Ellis Island.

They came LEGALLY!

I’ve worked with diverse people, some immigrants, and they came here the right way and they learned English.

You’re a woke liberal who needs a history lesson on America and the constitution. Illegals don’t have constitutional rights.

We’re not on stolen land but you’re free to give up your property if you’d like. Every country on Earth has been invaded by another country. Sicily has been invaded by numerous countries and yet I don’t boo hoo about it.

Trump is not a criminal. The liberals went after him because they were terrified he’d win, and he did. Everything they said about him was a lie. Liberal politicians are the criminals and everything they claimed he did, they did or are doing. That’s why Biden pardoned some of them.

America is the greatest country in the world🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


So in your world only illegals commit rape, murder?

He’s a criminal, he was convicted.


No. I didn’t say that.
If an American citizen commits a crime, we throw them in prison.
We can’t deport the person if they were born here.
But when an illegal murders, rap*s, etc., they weren’t supposed to be in this country in the first place, so they need to be deported. That crime would’ve never happened if the illegal wasn’t in our country.
Look up the stories of all the families who’ve been completely destroyed because their family or friend was murdered, rap*ed, etc. by an illegal.
Do you understand now?


Isn’t Trump’s goal to Make America Great Again? Honey, let me tell you right now this country will not be great again any time soon with so many unemployed US citizens like yourself leaching off government support like unemployment. Unfortunately, you have chronic pain but do not blame your struggles finding a job on “competing with illegals” when the major contributor is your inability to being able to perform at a job. You should reconsider speaking so foul about illegal immigrants when the taxes they pay with their ITIN go to keeping the unemployment program running and putting food on your table as well as the many other unemployed US citizens. US citizen taxpayers that came to this country legally, like myself, have to also pay so much in taxes to support the unemployed individuals like yourself. If you want to complain about illegal immigrants because “taxpayers are paying for their free food and healthcare” that is fine, but realize that you are no different.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You know nothing about me, Karen.
I’m not on unemployment at all!
I don’t mooch off of taxpayers.
And illegals don’t pay taxes.
They get paid under the table in cash and don’t have a SSN.
They pay sales tax like everyone else and that’s it.
I just can’t find a job and yes, many illegals are taking not only my job, but others’ jobs.
Construction workers, Healthcare jobs, etc. are mainly occupied by foreign workers who most often are illegal and don’t even speak English.
Illegals don’t put food on my table.
You’re mouthing off and don’t know what you’re talking about and it’s hilarious.🤣🤣🤣

You and the other crying, offended libs can open up your bank account and donate your money to the illegals in need.


Just because I’m out of a job doesn’t mean I don’t work hard or haven’t worked hard.
I’m a college graduate as well.
You know absolutely nothing about me or my disability so stop your BS. You look like a 🤡
I don’t freeload off of Americans like illegals.
I was born here. I’m an American citizen.
I don’t drink. I don’t do drugs. I’m a law abiding citizen.
Go kick rocks.


Well, virtually nobody is advocating deportation of anyone based on skin color, but rather illegal residency in the US. The unspoken social contract dictates that we’ll have criminals of all sorts in this country and we need a justice system to deal with them. However, said contract does NOT include anyone who is living illegally in the US.


Lady… I won’t argue that we were hard on the “Natives” when we came here. But we were no harder on them than they had been on themselves. They were in social upheaval for thousands of years—in constant battle to take over the settlements and making extinct whole bands of those “Natives” who came before them…. You need to read some history!
The “Natives” back then? Well they didn’t have the Wheel…until we brought it. They didn’t have horses to ride…they had eaten them into extinction… sweet apples, peaches and other tree fruits… wow! I could go on…. . Your argument is old, weak and tiresome.
English, Spanish, French, Irish, Italian, Dutch, etc ,……. have been here and done a pretty good job of agreeing to follow the laws of the land and getting along with each other now for almost 600 years.

I truly am saddened that some of the Native tribes are still, after all this time so bitter. Much like (some) descendants of slaves who are constantly being goaded into hatred. I wish they didn’t have people (perhaps people like you) constantly picking at their scabs and encouraging them to continue their suffering and sadness and hatred for so long.
You should try to get over it…get rid of that guilt somebody wiped all over you… try to help make it better for all of us. and enjoy.


Our Ancestors were once in the SAME EXACT POSITON that a lot of these people are in.”
Really? What sovereign country’s laws were broken when Western European ancestors arrived and settled here? Please expound.


No laws were broken. There was no country. Please read your history books.


Do try to keep up. I made that point in opposition to Lady’s point that current illegals are the exact same as European settlors. So thank you for angrily agreeing with me. Perhaps read my comment more carefully?

Laws were different then,and people were smarter,unlike you.
I tried to tell a cop that the speed limit on Clayton rd in 1983 was 55 miles an hour and it worked fine.
He didnt care about old laws,only todays.


Since you believe the land that makes up the United States is “stolen,” then why would you continue to live on “stolen land”? Why have you not returned to Europe, where your ancestors came from?
The land that makes up the United States was WON and/or PURCHASED, not STOLEN!!!


There was no country to steal. The Europeans made this a country.


What are you doing to help give the country back to the Native Americans?


There’s a current convicted criminal at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in DC stealing as well and you seems okay with that…


Trump is still your daddy.


He’s not a criminal and is 100% innocent.
MLK went to jail and was innocent.
The liberals went after him because they were scared out of their boots that he’d win and he did.
If he’s such a criminal then why did he win in an absolute landslide victory?
Apparently, 70+ million Americans don’t think he’s a criminal cause we voted for him.
Get over it. You lost. Cope.
We dealt with Applesauce brain for 4 years and he has a long list of real criminal activity along with his family.
If you don’t like President Trump, you could always leave and go to another country. We won’t miss you.
Cry harder, 🤡.


Please explain to us the exact law he broke and exactly how the violation(s) became felonies. While you’re at it, please let us know what other people have been prosecuted under this law in like fashion.
This should be stunning.


That has nothing to do with Illegal border crossers… You need to deal with that fact.. You are avoiding the actual issues, and are overwhelmed with your “Agenda”..


“Landslide victory”??? What planet are you on bozo. 49.8% to 48.3% is hardly a landslide. But go ahead, keep deluding yourself, you’re so far gone there’s no hope.


You are right. It wasn’t a landslide victory – it’s a massive avalanche squashing victory.
Check the electoral college votes. They are all over the internet, even on this planet.


You are looking at a group of people protesting, how do come to the conclusion they are illegal? What proof do you have? It stands to reason that anyone illegal would lay low and not draw attention to themselves as thing are right now, As for stealing jobs, if you are illegal, it is not that easy to find a decent job. I have worked retail for small and big companies, I was a staffing coordinator for a home care agency, I have an insurance license. I had to prove that I was legal, that means either a citizen, a green card or work permit. When I did staffing for the home care agency we checked that everyone was legal to work in this country before we send them out on jobs. It seems to me plenty of American citizens murder, steal and sell drugs. We would not all of sudden become a country free of crime if all illegals were deported. I have never heard of illegal’s getting a free car, unless someone they work for give them one. When I was an au pair with a green card (I was legal from moment I landed in New York) my au pair family let me drive their car, to pick up the kids from school, run errands, but they also let me drive it on my days off. I imagine in Westport Ct. at that time there were some au pair, that was not legal or overstayed their visa, but most of the families let their au pairs drive the cars. In fact when I was going to come over here I was going to come on a visitors visa, I had a letter from the family saying I would be a member of the family, meaning I was not supposed to earn money etc. However, the American Embassy in Copenhagen did not buy that, and gave me the papers to apply for a green card, which I did, it delayed by departure by several months, and I was very disappointed, but it turned out to be a good thing. Within a year after I arrived the law was change,d and it became much harder to get a green card.


Hanne Jeppesen,
Correct, if all illegal aliens were deported, we wouldn’t suddenly become a nation free of crime, but we would suddenly become a nation free of crime committed by individuals who have no business being here.


Yes, I realize that, and I have no problem deporting criminals.


Hanne Jeppesen,
What’s your definition of a “criminal” illegal alien?


Amazing how not one protester is waving the American flag shows were their loyalty is.


Time to bring some busses, load them up and send them the hell home.


It’d be easy because they’re all in one spot.
ICE needs to take a look.


The Wizard & CountryGal,
It’s not that simple. The individuals protesting aren’t under any obligation to identify to any ICE agent or to inform any ICE agent of their immigration status.




Not one protestor waving an American flag.


Deport illegals. Call ICE


Asians also ?


Yes, and Canadians, and Western Europeans, and those from the Middle East – anyone residing here illegally. Perhaps the problem you’re having is that for now ICE is committed to capturing and deporting those who have committed crimes here after already violating Federal law by their unauthorized presence in our country. Be honest – where do you think the highest percentage of illegal residents come from? Is it Asian countries, North American countries and European countries? Or is it the countries in Central and South America?


Africans, Asians, Austrailians, Europeans, Hispanics, Middle Easterners, and any and all others.


How do you say good luck with that in Spanish? What part of illegal don’t they understand?


@ KD – ¡Buena suerte con eso


We here, who immigrated legally from all around the globe, are “Americans”. We have ONE flag. If you want any kind of sympathy from us who took the legal path to becoming citizens, I’d suggest start waving the flag of where you are, not where you bailed on and gave up on, leaving your family, friends, and country behind. It’s embarrassing that you were so lazy as to fight your own government, that you chose instead another whole country and government to fight. Truly sad.

America did it with the Great Britain on July 4th, 1776, so you can too if you have a spine. So, don’t ask for sympathy. You gave up on your country, it’s people, your family. You are nothing more than traitors to your countrymen you left behind.


Don’t break the law by first, breaking into the Country, and then committing more crimes while they are here, and they have nothing to worry about.



Easy pickings!


I just wonder why they aren’t protesting in Mexico that shuttled them through and wouldn’t let them stay? Oh that’s right, they would have been arrested in Mexico ….


Where all the patriotic immigrants? Not one holding an American flag it’s disgusting. Coming to our country illegally is a federal crime look it up liberals.


Not even a California flag.
What about “I love Newsom”?


Now really! 😂😁 That’s just asking too much…even for them.


Support the country you live in or go live in the country you support.


Go ICE, where do i sign up to help. They can take there flags with them.


I’m American, so Let me help you in here:
Until women can get equal pay for equal work
This is not my America
Until same gender loving people can be who they are
This is not my America
Until black people can come home
From a police stop without being shot in the head
This is not my America
Until poor whites can get a shot at being successful
This is not my America
Until Latinos and Latinas don’t have to run from walls
This is not my America
But I tell you today that the devil is a liar
Because it’s gon’ be my America before it’s all over…


Nice job! You landed on nearly every debunked talking point of hateful progressives, starting with the fictional “pay gap”. You need to expand your sources of information. Hint: women who perform equal work, work equal hours, take equal time off work, and make equal efforts to advance in their careers make as much money, and in some fields more, than men.


Sounds to me like you hate America.
“ThIs iS NoT mY AmEriCa”. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤡

You could always pack your bags and go to another country.
There’s hundreds to choose from.
May I suggest Cuba where they have bread lines and people are starving?
Or maybe China….oh wait. Their population is 100% Chinese and they don’t allow immigrants.
What about Venezuela? There’s an evil dictator there.
Saudi Arabia is another option. Oh wait, women aren’t allowed to drive or leave the house without the permission of their husband or brother.
Don’t complain about this country until you do some research on other ones and how the people are treated.
You should count your blessings that you have free speech and are protected under our constitution.
Nobody is stopping you from leaving.


Love it! Maybe more people will knee during the national anthem to respectfully protest.


Take a knee in front of me during the National Anthem and I will happily explain why you kneel for the cross and stand for the flag.

You do not have to agree with the National Anthem but you will respect it or you can leave. If I don’t like restaurant, I don’t keep patronizing the place – so why do you stay if you don’t like America so much?


I am there in spirit!

We are a nation made up of immigrants. To act like only people south of the border are immigrants is RACIST.
To also act like only Latin immigrants are the only demographic producing criminals is absurd.
There are criminals EVERYWHERE. Time and resources are being wasted on honest innocent people who are just trying to have a better life for their families. LIKE MOST OF OUR ANCESTORS DID, But that doesn’t matter right, because they’re white?

Nobody except for Native Americans originate here. Not Trump, not them, not me and the majority of our population does NOT originate from this country.

Trump and the MAGA supporters are hiding behind this to cover their ANCIENT and OUTDATED racially biased beliefs.


They are welcome to come here, apply for citizenship, go through the process and stay here legally. If they don’t do it that way, then they are lawbreaking criminals – regardless of what your emotion based, sentimental victim based adolescent level reasoning is.
p.s. All of my ancestors came to this country through legal immigration process.


If that’s the case why aren’t they targeting other illegal immigrants from other countries?

This is racially charged.


Lady, your racist schtick is getting old.


How do know that they aren’t?


From what countries have illegal aliens been targeted for deportation in the last 15 days?


What you really mean(or understand) is that you are basing who’s getting deported according to what you see on TV.

You may have missed the fact that this story is One of Many… This one is specifically about Mexicans protesting and blocking commerce and emergencies…in our town, on American soil….with Mexican FLAGS.

You seem to be stuck in a brown-ish skin rut.
Do you try to keep up?
There are people from over 120 nations “breaking and entering” our Country, by the THOUSANDS, every day and from every border, North and South. From the land and from the waters.
Americans come in all colors, and we are proud of it. We pretty much no longer care what color a person’s skin is…. until that person goes ‘diggin’ up bones’ and uses Skin Color as a weapon against us.

My last post is ment for Lady.

Mine too… most came as indentured servants who then spent 7-10 years of working for just room and food to pay off the cost of their travel. (Some were treated well, while some were literally ‘white’ slaves) And once free…the went off to build their future, fight our wars, because THIS was finally their home.


Looks like more people are responding with thumbs down to your comment.


FACT: “In 2022, migrants in the United States sent almost $800 billion in remittances to other countries. The United States is the world’s top remittance-sending country.” (wiki)

These migrants are not here to become Citizens. They are here for the minimum wages, subsidized housing and free health care… They frequently live 3 or four families in a 3-4 bedroom house…they send 2/3 of their pay out of the country to the homes they own and families they left there.
You are simply wrong, and very misinformed.


Your comment is bigoted and racist itself.


We are a nation of settlers. We settled what was a lawless nation. We are not a nation of immagrants. Nice try but if you deported all the illegals, Citizens would still be here.


Go ahead, stand in the rain.
While you’re there try thinking up some good reasons why anyone should be able to ignore the laws of our nation and cross into our country without permission then use our government provided services that WE the legal citizens are forced to provide by paying outrageous taxes.


Like the criminals in US White House ?


The criminal is not in the white house, he pardoned his family of crimes and left.




There is a fine up to $10,000 for hiring illegal aliens (US Code 1324a). Seems it is seldom enforced.
I don’t mind if people want to immigrate (most of us have immigrants in our ancestry) but geez do it legally! There is obviously a scheme going here and these immigrants are maybe not aware.


The photos remind me of a comment I left on Claycord back on Election Day. My polling place is close enough to my house that it’s a nice walk, weather permitting. On my way there and back (by different routes) I observed houses with political signage. It was remarkable to me that ALL of the houses with Trump/Vance signage also prominently displayed the US flag, while NONE of the houses with Harris/Wald signage flew the US flag. Admittedly this was a small sample size, and I’m sure the differences would narrow with a larger sample, but it was a remarkable observation none the less.


No shortage of hateful idiots on this thread. Do you all grow and pick your own food, clean your own homes, mow your own lawn? Read the history of this state and you tell me who is legal. Good lord crack a book. Having said that, I am 7th generation Californian, my great great grandfather was the second senator of California, Thomas Baird. I am also a dependent of Pueblo Nation. What about y’all?


Wow. Sounds pretty racist…..

So you’re saying that only illegals pick our crops, mow lawns, and clean houses?!🤣🤦🏻‍♀️
They’re not all illegal and some are here on work visas.

Most of us commenting here have family who were/are immigrants. And guess what? They did it LEGALLY. Europeans came through Ellis Island. Look up the brutal process they went through to get here.


You can always do all that but you won’t because you are entitled lady who wants Mexicans to pick your fruits and mow your lawns. How racist.


Nobody cares Michelle ..,


“Who will pick our cott…. er… Who will pick our crops?


My family will and have picked crops and we are legal citizens.

Arrogance guides you, name-calling defines you.
My oldest that I can track was a Huguenot, arrived here in 1675, indentured to a Governor for 8 years. His house (not the governor’s) is the oldest still standing in New Jersey. On the other side… we can’t seem to track them back far enough, but a mountain and native caverns are named for them..and even the state archives don’t have the history from that far back. More than one Historical marker bridges and towns bear our names. We earned it all.


Michelle Brown,
Bigoted much? You come off as pretty hateful yourself.
Thomas Baird was not California’s second Senator, as California didn’t have a Senator Thomas Baird. California did have a Senator Thomas R. Bard, who was California’s 16th Class 1 Senator.


What about me Michelle?
OK I’ll tell you, I had two grandparents who came to the USA “Legally” from Mexico early in the 20th century.
My grandfather served in the US Army.
They became US Citizens & were honest, hardworking taxpayers and raised 8 children without any need for charity or government assistance.
If they were alive today they’d spit on the lawbreakers who trespassed here to take advantage of the free ride.
Most of them are only here now to make some US dollars & send as much of it as they can back to Mexico where they will make a nice profit thanks to the rate of exchange.
They aren’t here to become Americans…. Their motivation is MONEY.


“The Bank of Mexico reported that Mexico received $59.518 billion in remittances between January and November 2024, a 2.9% increase to the same period of 2023
The vast majority of remittances to Mexico are sent from the United States, where millions of Mexicans live and work. In 2023, 96% of remittances to Mexico came from the United States, “the majority from California and Texas”


Dr. Jellyfinger,
It sounds like the United States government should look into banning remittances from the United States to Mexico or impose a tax/fee on remittances to Mexico as a leverage tool and/or revenue generator.


Use THAT money to pay for the wall.


🙏 💑 Thank you. THAT is the USA… regardless the starting point!


So you are looking to keep certain people here to do the jobs you don’t want to do. I am missing your point. I come from a long line of cotton and fruit pickers. My family came over on the Mayflower. My 4th great Uncle was the last Comanche Chief. What’s your point? Are you in charge? If so please help our Country by sending all the illegal criminals home.


As a mother, if the roles were reversed and my babies and I were in a country that was dangerous and posing a threat to us I would WITHOUT a single doubt do WHATEVER means necessary to get into a safe country and because of our country’s democracy, our education, open minded leaders (current and the ones before us) we are a safe haven. It’s what makes our country beautiful and full of opportunities, but clearly y’all want to turn this into some adolescent sized sandbox fight about what’s yours and who can touch it.

Just because some seek a better life does NOT make them bad people.

I’ll say it again, as a mother I would break ANY law to keep my babies safe. Danger and threats aren’t going to wait for the legal process.


Well when the first thing you do is break Federal law that is not a good start. Also if you go to another country you need to assimilate don’t expect other people to learn your language.


Let us know your address and leave your doors open. We’ll send you some guests. You can put them to work vacuuming and in return you’ll provide them with education, healthcare and groceries. Agreed?


I’ll say it again, as a mother I would break ANY law to keep my babies safe.”
And doing so would expose you to being separated from your babies and prosecuted under the law.


If you lived in a country that was dangerous, why would you then bring babies into the world, while still in that dangerous country?


the are preventing me from getting Tacos at the Jack in the Box. It would be funny if ICE hit Detroit Ave during this protest. Don’t the Concord Police often pick up people with weapons?


What a joke! If these people were serious about becoming U.S. Citizens they would show the American flag not the Mexico flag. Let me guess non of these people who have been in the US for a while have started their paper work for the Naturalization Process.
Move out of the way, let ICE do their job.


In Oxnard Sunday night protesters were waving Mexican Flags and burning American flags.


Not only are these people coming here illegally and breaking federal law but we don’t know what kind of diseases these people have whether it’s tuberculosis or something other horrible disease that they are bringing to our country. During covid you couldn’t even go to the store if you didn’t have a mask none of these people are checked to see if they have any diseases. Not to mention the drugs the fentanyl and the human trafficking.


I know what we should do. We should subsidize their rent… I’ll donate whether I like it or not!
We should give them free bus rides to town and back……….. ” ” ”
We should beautify the Blvd around the Hood Trees and flowers…. ”
Widen, R&R Rds and sidewalks in the Hood….. Make us fix our own sidewalks ” ” ”

We could just lock their asses up and ship them back to whichever hell hole they came from.




They were protesting TARIFFS! A certain person started a trade war today with our neighbor who happens to sell us a huge percentage of the things we consume. But too many people here jump straight to the conclusion ‘they are all illegal’ and should ‘go home’ shame on you! The headline is misinformed and misleading. Look at the darn photos? As to no American flags…. Is it possible that proud legal immigrants of Mexican heritage might feel some solidarity with their countrymen and might choose to exercise their 1A rights? I drove past and read the signs, most read DON’T BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU or similar. Politicians want us to be divided and angry at each other. Hate is wonderful way to stop us noticing that they are picking our pockets again! Make no mistake WE will pay the price while THEY all get richer. Cue the kool-aid sodden replies from the maga sheep…..


Name one thing that’s part of these huge things we consume. Go ahead


Well the top 10 are…..1. Auto Parts and Equipment
2. Cars . 16 out of every 100 cars sold in the USA was produced in Mexico
3. Electronics & Appliances
4. Crude Petroleum : Roughly 210 million barrels PA
5. Medical Instruments
6. Alcohol
7. Plastics – #1 importer of them at $21 billion annually
8. Gemstones & Semi precious stones
9. Vegetables: 2/3 of entire US consumption
10: Fruit : 50% of entire US consumption
So, really not much at all…..about $480 billion in 2023.


You know your dreams are not reality, right? You might want to step away from the Kool Aid bowl.

These individuals waving Mexcian flags were not protesting Tariff’s, that is such a delusional dream.

These individuals waving Mexican flags were upset about the fact ICE is coming to deport them, and any other illegal from whatever nationality .. It is not just Mexicans. I remember reading not long ago about some being returend to Columbia – that is not Mexico. So the weak arguments being presented by the moms on this board are just that, weak.

I am a parent. I will stand by my children no matter what. However, if they break the law, they will still face consequences and in the case of illegally entering another country, they should be thrown out. The country they invaded owes them nothing, no free medical, schooling, subsidized rent … NOTHING but a trip back home. And I would stand by that country’s right to send my child back to where they came from because they BROKE the law. For you parents on here saying you support breaking the law, you are simply part of the problem.


Who’s more the fool,
Did you just happen to miss the “WE NEED REFORMS NOT DEPORTATION” signs, and other signs relating to “DEPORTATIONS”?
You’re quite the person to talk about “hate” and say “shame on you,” while you end your comment with name calling to illicit angry responses.


Maybe you should go explain that to the protesters, not only in Concord but in all the other cities where they were protesting against ICE.
BTW- Today is the “Day Without A Mexican” protest…. let’s make sure we’re all on the same page now…. try to keep all upset illegal alien protests straight.


Who’s more the fool,
It was the choice of President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo of Mexico to start the Trade War with the United States, today, which has since been temporarily paused.
It’s also a choice to be a consumer of imported products from Mexico or elsewhere. Simply don’t purchase or limit purchases of imported products from Mexico, if you want to avoid paying any possible imposed tariffs, just BOYCOTT MEXICO!


The southern tariff wars appear to be over. Mexico just bent the knee.

Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum just agreed to send 10,000 Mexican troops to the US Border to secure it from Mexico side.

In addition the US Air Force is operating a KC-135V “Rivert Joint” signals intelligence gathering platform in Mexican airspace in Baja California. If I were the cartels, I’d start worrying about when CAG & the Rangers will be fast-roping in to their haciendas to say Freedom is knocking.


I don’t care what you all do. But stay off the streets. Just because you have a opinion, doesn’t mean you have to stop our lives and traffic to say something.

If you get hit by blocking traffic on purpose. Can’t blame someone else for it


Well if Homan and ICE didn’t have plans on enforcing immigration laws in Concord, I bet they do now.

Congratulations on not only pointing yourselves out but waying a red challenge flag to law enforcement. I bet the challenge will be accepted.


The last time the Democrats got this riled up about a Republican President blocking their source of cheap labor they started a civil war. And just look at how that worked out for them.


Nothing says “let us stay in your country” like giving schools lower class sizes and flying the flag of the country you pledge allegiance to!

Mexico is a failed state barely held together with chicken wire, duct tape
and incompetent cartels.
I’d leave too, first chance.
whatever empathy we might have had seems used up.
I could point fingers but I don’t care that much anymore.
Just don’t mortgage your soul for a flag, any flag, is my advice.
Might need it one day. Want it clean as reasonably possible. 😎


American citizens born and raised here are full of opportunities to achieve anything. Yet stil jealous of foreigners that without language skills, education would reach there goals.
Don’t hate just because you’re choosing to be lame.👎


Well then you have nothing to worry about do you?

“American citizens and legal residents are full of opportunities to achieve anything.”
There, I fixed it for you.


” Yet still jealous of foreigners”
“would reach their goals” OK…. now it’s fixed.

Apparently the protesters don’t know that if immigrants apply for citizenship and become citizens, they won’t get deported.



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