Home » MADD California And ABC Team Up through California Office Of Traffic Safety Grant

MADD California And ABC Team Up through California Office Of Traffic Safety Grant


The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) has announced it will administer a $378,000 grant involving Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) California.

The grant will boost community outreach efforts by MADD to help reduce impaired driving and lower the number of Californians killed or injured in DUI crashes.

The grant was awarded to ABC by the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) through the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA). Through this grant, ABC and MADD California will partner together to reduce impaired driving in California. Additionally, MADD will educate the public about impaired driving in the effort to reduce driving deaths and injuries.

“MADD California is happy to work in collaboration with ABC and OTS to help end impaired driving, prevent underage drinking, and educate California communities about the perils of drunk and drugged driving says Patricia Rillera, MADD California State Executive Director.  We appreciate the confidence ABC and OTS bestows upon MADD California to carry out its vision.”


MADD California brings awareness to students and DUI offenders about the consequences and impact of impaired driving through collaboration with educational leaders and institutions, public forums for students, and parents. MADD California also facilitates volunteer speakers who share their personal stories to a variety of audiences. They also use other tools to enhance educational efforts such as distributing educational materials to the community at public venues, and providing information to the public.

“ABC is committed to this educational effort by MADD to make the highways, roads, and streets safer in California,’ said ABC Director Jacob Appelsmith.

MADD California works closely with safety groups whose mission can assist in the battle to eliminate impaired driving.


RANDOM TASK November 7, 2019 - 12:07 PM - 12:07 PM

So they stated they will end dui with 378k grant
By handing out pamphlets and working with several other entities entitled to money because they too hand out pamphlets.

What next a grant to end homeless plight by handing out pamphlets and saying it will end with 500k

A fluff and fake ploy to award money for votes plain and simple

Do I think madd is a good thing sure
But taking money and saying they will end something by handing out pamphlets and having a speaker is ridiculous

This whole fluff of education and prevent under age drinking is a joke
A fluff job for money oh and of course their time
You see every board or program or acronyms or politician does not do anything without getting paid

So fluff With catch phrases and political jargon to reap money and accomplish nothing is why this state flounders like a beached wale

Everyone watches a few struggle to help all the while politicians are firing up the banter to end beaching with more money in special interests while actually doing nothing

belfioregir November 7, 2019 - 5:45 PM - 5:45 PM

Well good! I hope they have Chp around 11;30 pm as I’m on my home from work then and Always see drunk drivers swirving all over the freeway and no chp ever!

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