Home » UPDATE: PHPD: Man Who Allegedly Shot Wife Fires Shots At Police

UPDATE: PHPD: Man Who Allegedly Shot Wife Fires Shots At Police


photo credit – Emilio Castanon

A man who authorities are seeking to arrest in Pleasant Hill opened fire at armored police vehicles from his residence where he has been holed up since Thursday night, police said early Saturday morning.

According to a press release issued by the Pleasant Hill Police Department at 5 a.m., Chunliam Saechao, 40, fired several shots using rifle and shotgun as efforts to take custody of him continued overnight at the 200 block of Cleopatra Drive.

There were no reported injuries from the shooting.


Police said the Central County SWAT team and crisis negotiators, who have been dispatched since late Friday night, had attempted to speak with Sacheao to have him surrender.

Past midnight, the police said a felony warrant for his arrest was obtained by law enforcers after he was determined to be a danger to the public.

Saechao is accused of shooting his wife last Thursday as she tried to enter their residence. The wife suffered injuries and has been released from the hospital.

Police said that during a pause in their activity against Saechao from early Friday morning, he posted messages on social media indicating he might be suicidal.


In its latest advisory, police said the shelter-in-place order for the Sherman Acres neighborhood remains in effect.

Both directions of Monument Boulevard, from Contra Costa Boulevard to Mohr Lane, are also still closed.

But eastbound traffic on Monument to Burskirk is already open, as well as the northbound and southbound of Interstate Highway 680 offramps to Monument Boulevard although with limited access, police said.

UPDATE: The suspect has been taken into custody.


Two Wheeler December 9, 2023 - 7:50 AM - 7:50 AM

I have seen PD walk away from people only threatening to harm themselves, but I’ve never heard of them walking away from a felony shooting suspect. Let alone one holed up in a home that’s a danger to the entire neighborhood. I hope PHPD command can give us their thought process.

S December 9, 2023 - 7:58 AM - 7:58 AM

Wait…. What???????
I thought he was no longer a threat????????
So said PHPD…..
Lucy…. you have some ‘splainin to do……………….

Dr. Jellyfinger December 9, 2023 - 8:39 AM - 8:39 AM

This guy wants “Suicide By Cop” I say give it to him.
Enough is enough.

CJRN December 9, 2023 - 8:42 AM - 8:42 AM

I would like to hear PHPD’s rationale for leaving this person in his home after shooting his wife. There has to be more to this story (I hope)

Oh, please December 9, 2023 - 1:04 PM - 1:04 PM

I would like to hear why they said no injuries when the wife was clearly shot and went to the hospital!

SuprisedSally December 9, 2023 - 3:27 PM - 3:27 PM

Did I read this correctly? County SWAT decides to leave, take a break, return at 2 if needed. Then FBI steps in and squashes it with a well written closure statement.??

Don’t trust them December 9, 2023 - 8:43 AM - 8:43 AM

Guess he was a threat after all …. Maybe police didn’t pick that clue up when he shot his wife and they walked away? If that was anyone else this whole thing would have been over. If someone even threatened to shoot his wife, they wouldn’t be able to stay there…. This guy actually did and they walked away! What kind of dirt does this retired detective have on you? Shame on you PHPD and your biased policing.

WC Resident December 9, 2023 - 9:03 AM - 9:03 AM

The guy is now in custody. I assume they sent a social worker with a box of donuts to the front door.

Hope Johnson December 9, 2023 - 9:13 AM - 9:13 AM

According to news reports, suspect isn’t just ”a man” but a retired police detective. Could be an interesting part of the story.

Well Folks December 9, 2023 - 9:31 AM - 9:31 AM

PHPD better pray a stray shot doesn’t hit a neighbor. I know if I lived in that neighborhood I would be gathering neighbors to find a lawyer and file a class action suit against PHPD for public endangerment leaving this RETIRED COP in his house with his guns after he shot his wife.
The only good that is coming out of this is now the public gets to see how the “blue code” really works. Yep cops take care of their own at the cost of others

Lazy K December 9, 2023 - 9:50 AM - 9:50 AM

26+ years in EMS and I have never seen or heard of a person just being deemed not a threat after not only firing a weapon but shooting his wife.
We would have been arrested and at least placed on a 5150 hold.
He was given a do over and now he has fired at PD.

Well Folks December 9, 2023 - 10:51 AM - 10:51 AM

BINGO! You get the prize

Exit 12A December 9, 2023 - 9:50 AM - 9:50 AM

This situation is the strangest ever. Is PHPD simply extending a courtesy to the suspect since he’s a retired LEO?
In any other situation, tear gas and/or a bearcat would have already been deployed.
After this is over, PHPD needs explain in detail their strategy.

Well Folks December 9, 2023 - 10:49 AM - 10:49 AM

Every statement you made is correct.

GregB December 9, 2023 - 10:22 AM - 10:22 AM

What next? Hoodies, masks, and sideshows from retired cops?

Ricardoh December 9, 2023 - 10:50 AM - 10:50 AM

This is on strange caper.

SuprisedSally December 9, 2023 - 3:41 PM - 3:41 PM

Did I read this correctly? County SWAT decides to leave, take a break, return at 2 if needed. Then FBI steps in and squashes it with a well written closure statement.??

Two Wheeler December 9, 2023 - 10:30 PM - 10:30 PM

@suprisedsally. No, the swat teams normally rotate out. BUT PHPD did leave the scene as ordered by their boss.

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