Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – Feb.23, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Politics – Feb.23, 2024


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Original G February 23, 2024 - 7:02 PM - 7:02 PM

DEMs keep saying illegals do jobs Americans WON’T.
‘Slaughterhouses hired kids to clean ‘head splitters,’ ‘meat bandsaws’ and other deadly gear in graveyard shifts in Virginia and Iowa, leaving one 14-year-old mangled, Labor Dept says’
‘The number of kids working in breach of labor rules spiked 37% this year, with tens of thousands feared to be toiling at hazardous sites, as bosses use young migrants to plug the labor gap, officials say’
“… fined $15,138 for each illegal child hire in US ”
To me persons involved who knew of underage workers should be incarcerated for 18 months in FEDERAL prison. Additionally for each underage worker a fine of $75,000.
That might cure the problem . . . . . but it could also reduce DEM campaign contributions.

Bill Bob February 24, 2024 - 11:16 PM - 11:16 PM

Nobody disagrees with you about punishing those who hire child laborers, but your argument intertwines two complex issues. Sadly, though, it is only republicans who have fought to erode child labor laws. Indeed not a single republican has supported any of the 5 recent bills introduced by democrats to combat child labor. Sadlier still, republicans continue to introduce bills that weaken child labor laws, such as the recent bill introduced by congressman Dusty Johnson.

Original G February 25, 2024 - 6:18 PM - 6:18 PM

Congressman Johnson’s bill is not new, introduced during 117th congress and 118th congress.
117th http://tinyurl.com/2ea66t42
118th http://tinyurl.com/2fp4za4x
If these are the bill you referred to, doesn’t seem word erosion is applicable.
Let me know if there is other bill from him.
SAFE and LEGAL employment of teens is OK, as long as they are not exposed to hazardous conditions and hours of work limitations are followed.
Don’t believe Johnson’s bill is detrimental to teens.
Fear of deportation keeps illegals in line, fear of deportation keeps them from complaining or reporting labor or Safety violations. Unfortunate human life appears so trivial to those few predators who make it their business to hire illegals. A very clear message has to be sent by serious fines, mandatory prison time and I’d add 10 years probation. Also would take 18 months for first conviction and double it (36 months incarceration) for repeat violation during 10 years of probation. Trivial fines they get now are merely a cost of doing business.
Would support a bill introduced by DEMs with penalties I’ve listed, don’t think it’ll happen.
After all DEMs are so fond of saying “it’s for the children”.
Plug “it’s for the children” pelosi or “it’s for the children” newsom into a search engine and see what pops up.

MAGA SAM February 23, 2024 - 7:05 PM - 7:05 PM


Paul February 23, 2024 - 7:22 PM - 7:22 PM

153k borrowers got theirs student loan wipe out. Thank you joe Biden. Maybe you can forgive more student loan in your next term.

Parent February 23, 2024 - 8:30 PM - 8:30 PM

You mistyped that the Dems bought 153K votes today.

Frank February 23, 2024 - 8:47 PM - 8:47 PM

We were suckers saving and then paying for our kids colege

whenwilltheylearn February 23, 2024 - 9:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Paul,if they shoot BIden up with any more steroids he’s going to keel over on camera

Original G February 23, 2024 - 9:51 PM - 9:51 PM

No wonder woke liberals can’t afford to pay off student loans.

Cautiously Informed February 24, 2024 - 7:01 AM - 7:01 AM

Teaching young adults to be irresponsible, and to be dependent on someone or something else for their welfare and needs. Some parents never teach or taught their children to be independent, to provide for themselves, and self respect.

domo February 24, 2024 - 8:14 AM - 8:14 AM

So that means I’ll get reimbursed for the thousands I paid to go to school while working 2-3 jobs , right? This is soooooo wrong

Cautiously Informed February 25, 2024 - 1:20 PM - 1:20 PM

No. It means that your tax dollars will be paying for China Joes pandering vote buying, that’s called student loan debt relief.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 28, 2024 - 4:03 PM - 4:03 PM

At the end of 2023, 43.2 million Americans have federal student loans…. but 153,000 special students got it forgiven? Wow! That seems fair…. a chip off of the mountain.

Paul February 23, 2024 - 7:28 PM - 7:28 PM

The democrats should nominate the NY attorney general James for the presidency. She has taken down the NRA and Trump so she should be good for America.

Parent February 23, 2024 - 9:24 PM - 9:24 PM

Taking down the nra is a reason sane people would not vote for her.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 23, 2024 - 10:48 PM - 10:48 PM

Nobody “took down the NRA” the corruption trial was needed to expose the hierarchy’s misappropriation of funds.
That was the reason Oliver North left the NRA, he wanted nothing to do with the malfeasance he discovered there.
Though “N.Y.’s crusading attorney general” is no hero and her failed intention was to destroy the NRA, getting rid of La Pierre and his fellow embezzlers was necessary.
Now maybe the NRA can regain respectability and those members that La Pierre lost for them.

Hanne Jeppesen February 26, 2024 - 9:22 AM - 9:22 AM

Although not a fan of the NRA I agree with your assessment. No. I’m not against gun ownership, nor am I in favor of getting rid the second amendment.

whenwilltheylearn February 23, 2024 - 9:24 PM - 9:24 PM

Guns are evil maybe.?In Switzerland there is ,5 guns per person and no gun violence.It’s not the guns,it’s the make up of the country,and the lack of mental illness and the 2 are directly related.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 26, 2024 - 8:00 PM - 8:00 PM

What? No Crips, Bloods or MS-13?

Original G February 26, 2024 - 9:35 PM - 9:35 PM

So they don’t have woke, gender confused democrats

Roz February 24, 2024 - 3:42 AM - 3:42 AM

Paul ~
There can/might be repercussions for A/G James and Judge Engoron actions with Trump.
I will be looking forward to Trump’s re-election.
The NRA will survive.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 24, 2024 - 11:09 AM - 11:09 AM

I agree with you Roz!
There should be repercussions for activist judges and partisan government officials misusing their positions and the law for political reasons, just as there was a price to pay for NRA executives who misused their positions for personal gain.
As for the NRA, I was always a member until Oliver North left… I intend to join again and give the association a 2nd chance.
I will keep an eye on the new leadership to see if they stay true to the cause.

Fed Up February 26, 2024 - 10:00 AM - 10:00 AM


Dr. Jellyfinger March 1, 2024 - 2:08 PM - 2:08 PM

Sarcasm? No, not at all.
But if another whistleblower tells us that top dogs at NRA are blowing our money on private jets and $$$$$$$ resort parties again, this guy is dropping out and won’t ever go back.

MikeT February 23, 2024 - 8:00 PM - 8:00 PM

I was watching the news this morning, and was struck by these two women that were being interviewed who live in Chicago. They were saying how angry and disappointed they are about the immigrant invasion (their words) into their city, and how the city was using all its resources on the immigrants, and pretty much shoving its own citizens under the bus. Both of these women said they are finished with the Democrat party that have allowed this to happen, and are voting Republican in the next elections, both local and national. I wonder how long it will take California to come to same conclusion

your neighbor the immigrant February 23, 2024 - 10:09 PM - 10:09 PM

Illegals are 1 of the many problems this “Great America” got. But you need to open your eyes and realize that there is a lot of work to do in order for this society to survive. The violence, overall crime, drugs, shootings, homeless, etc. We are going downhill. The Goverment whether is dem or rep or whatever you decide to vote, needs to get hands on and act up on it. They keep lying to us with false promises, all of them have and will continue to do so, until we stand as a Nation.

Roz February 24, 2024 - 3:48 AM - 3:48 AM

Miket ~
You say, …how long it will take California to come to same conclusion?
A few of my Democrat friends are on team Trump now. 🙂

Bob February 24, 2024 - 11:33 AM - 11:33 AM

And you’ll still see the same screeching heads on TV saying “replacement theory” is just a right-wing extremist invention

Sancho Panza February 24, 2024 - 5:13 PM - 5:13 PM

I agree, Bob..not only replacement theory but we also have the Kalergi Plan in play that has been implemented in 2015 in Germany. “In his book Praktischer Idealismus, Kalergi explains that the citizens of the future“United States of Europe” will not be the people of the Old Continent, but a new mixed breed, the products of thorough and widespread miscegenation. He states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and other non-White races, to create a multiracial population, with no clear sense of tradition or identity and therefore easily controlled by the ruling elite.

Kalergi proclaims the need to abolish the right of nations to self-determination and outlines the break-up of nation states through the use of ethnic separatist movements and the destruction of the nations themselves through mass migration. In order for Europe to be easily controlled by the future elite, Kalergi proposes the creation of a homogeneous mixed breed population, and as to who should be the new elite?” We will soon find out–this is the clear objective of our open borders.

Sick of it February 23, 2024 - 8:01 PM - 8:01 PM

I am so sick of the democrats TV campaign ads. Not once do they ever seem to say anything of value as to what they really stand for or will do for us. Shiff is the absolute worse of them. Complete horrible politician and human

Cautiously Informed February 24, 2024 - 7:04 AM - 7:04 AM

They have nothing of value to offer, unless one is a criminal, a illegal alien or welfare lifer.

The Wizard February 24, 2024 - 7:14 AM - 7:14 AM

And a liar.

Bob February 24, 2024 - 11:36 AM - 11:36 AM

The guy who says hes fighting “extremists” for his baby daughter’s abortion rights is my favorite.

These people live in a death cult

whenwilltheylearn February 23, 2024 - 9:03 PM - 9:03 PM

Shes as good for America as Hunter Biden.
Tell us in what way the NRA was taken down

whenwilltheylearn February 24, 2024 - 8:11 PM - 8:11 PM

Leftist still dont realize the NRA is as popular with most gun owners as the DMV is with most drivers.They dont want any part of it and just want to live their lives and don’t need an organization to do what they do.

Snickerdad February 23, 2024 - 10:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Well every other commercial on t v tonight is for Adam Schiff, this man has spent the last 10 years in the House of Rep. and what has he done. Now he wants us to send him to the Senate is he can do nothing there too.
It’s passed time to clean house.
I’m voting for Steve Garvey, he not a politician and no he’s not to conservative for California.

Bobfished February 24, 2024 - 9:21 AM - 9:21 AM

Still waiting for Adam Schiff to produce the absolute proof that he said he had that Trump colluded with Russia. I guess he is a liar! Sat there on national tv saying it over and over!

FPN February 26, 2024 - 11:54 AM - 11:54 AM

Adam Schiff has a foundation called the Liddle Kidz Foundation. There is a woman who is being used as a the front woman for the foundation. The foundation gives out certificates and a weekend of classes to learn how to massage little kids. I kid you not. Look it up. Red flags anyone? It’s creepy and wierd. Go down the Google rabbit hole and be prepared to be shocked.

THE BLACK KNIGHT February 24, 2024 - 12:46 AM - 12:46 AM

Is there a Claycordian here who lives in Concord City Council District 4 and is interested in running against Mayor Edi Birsan for a seat on the Concord City Council? Candidates need to be found or recruited to run against Mayor Birsan so we can be free of him. He doesn’t need to be reelected to a forth term on the Concord City Council.

MAGA SAM February 24, 2024 - 10:16 AM - 10:16 AM

Preferably they understand the UN sustainable development goals that our city has agreed to. This is key to everything the City of Concord does. They are not an independent city. They are controlled by UN money. Ask Valerie Barone about it. You know the city councils boss. You have an illusion of local government.

FPN February 26, 2024 - 11:57 AM - 11:57 AM

The UN is responciable for all the illegals coming into our Country. They no longer benefit the United States.

THE BLACK KNIGHT February 26, 2024 - 8:03 PM - 8:03 PM

The United Nation’s is nothing but an expensive, corrupt, and worthless organization that hasn’t lived up to its mandate and should be disbanded!!!

Dr. Jellyfinger February 27, 2024 - 7:34 AM - 7:34 AM

The UN is very active in Mexico giving advice, maps & safe haven to help the migrants to get to the USA.
When we have the UN who needs enemies?

THE BLACK KNIGHT February 26, 2024 - 8:58 PM - 8:58 PM

What illusion do I have of local government?
The UN doesn’t have the money to fund and control the thousands of cities on the planet that have agreed to try and meet any sort of sustainability goals. The City of Concord has never been an “Independent City,” not even during the 80 years Concord was around as a town or city prior to the existence of the United Nations. How about you just tell us what Concord City Manager Valerie Barone knows and has told you about the City of Concord being controlled by UN money.
I fully agree that the Concord City Council too often listens to and goes along with Concord City Manager Valerie Barone, Concord City Attorney Susanne Brown, and City of Concord Staff, but the Concord City Council is the “boss” of just one City of Concord employee, and that person is Concord City Manager Valerie Barone. Although, I don’t believe the Concord City Council possesses the will to stand up to her.
You just posted a few days ago on another thread, “Yeah I know Edi, I’ve dealt with him on numerous occasions, he’s a character.” Why have you dealt with Councilmember and current Mayor Edi Birsan on numerous occasions when you just posted that City Manager Valerie Barone is the “boss” of the Concord City Council. Why waste your time with Edi Birsan, just go straight to the “boss,” Valerie Barone.

Mike McDermott February 25, 2024 - 5:14 PM - 5:14 PM

TBK, be careful what you wish for. District 5 traded a centrist democrat for a progressive and now we have Oakland-style rent control. Was that on your radar screen?

Not saying Edi is centrist. He is definitely on the progressive spectrum and all-in for this rent control fiasco, but there are activists in Concord even further to the left.

Let’s be careful out there!

THE BLACK KNIGHT February 26, 2024 - 1:04 PM - 1:04 PM

Former Councilmember Tim McGallian got himself ousted from the Concord City Council because of his embrace of Concord First Partners and the Seeno’s, as well as his poor treatment of Concord residents. He was also a horrible candidate and councilmember. He was only on the Concord City Council because he was APPOINTED to the vacant seat of the lying, cheating, crooked, corrupt, preacher, Tim Grayson, when voters promoted him to the California State Assembly in 2016, and when he ran UNOPPOSED for the seat in 2018. The two times Tim McGallian ran against other candidates, he lost! He lost to Edi Birsan in 2012 and he lost to Laura Nakamura in 2022. While Laura Nakamura hasn’t been the greatest addition to the Concord City Council, I have to say that in the majority of cases she’s voted absolutely no differently than former Councilmember Tim McGallian. The only person you have to blame for the ouster of Councilmember Tim McGallian, is Tim McGallian! You did walk neighborhoods with then Councilmember Tim McGallian campaigning for him in his 2022 reelection effort, so, has he learned that the majority of Concord voters don’t like and don’t trust developers and has he learned to treat Concord residents, citizens, and voters with respect?
I understand there’s currently consideration of an effort underway by a group of Concord voters to gather the necessary signatures to put a citywide measure on the ballot to repeal Concord’s “Rent Stabilization and Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance.” Concord voters have options to repeal ordinances the Concord City Council has voted for, if they dislike those ordinances.

Mike McDermott February 26, 2024 - 10:18 PM - 10:18 PM

TBK, Tim McGallian served as mayor during the pandemic. I saw him work very hard for our city and help those in need during those times. You call his record ‘horrible”, but the only policy disagreement you can point to is his Seeno vote.

Unlike his successor, Tim consistently defended our police department during the “defund the police” silliness. He also prioritized work on our crumbling roads. He was one of our better councilmembers, although I was not happy with his support for recreational cannabis store fronts.

My point remains be careful what you wish for…the alternative to a council incumbent could be better or could be worse.

THE BLACK KNIGHT February 27, 2024 - 12:05 PM - 12:05 PM

I called former Councilmember Tim McGallian a “HORRIBLE CANDIDATE and COUNCILMEMBER.” I never went into “his policies.” The guy has been unable to win an election when he actually has to run against someone else. He was the first sitting Concord City Councilmember to lose reelection since Councilmembers Lloyd Mashore, Byron Campbell, and Nancy Gore were all ousted in 1993. I’m not including former Councilmember Ron Leone’s 2018 loss because of the special circumstances which resulted in his loss, being forced into district elections and his initial decision to not run for reelection so he wasn’t gerrymandered into a “safe district” like the other councilmembers were. Much like Mayor Edi Birsan, former Councilmember Tim McGallian chose to not treat the public with respect and decency, which contributed to his election loss. It’s not like he lost by a close margin, it was a decisive loss. My comment about his support for Concord First Partners and the Seeno’s was how that support hurt his reelection efforts.
That’s funny, you want to give former Councilmember Tim McGallian credit because he “consistently defended our police department during the “defund the police” silliness.” The only thing McGallian did was defend the support and election donations he received from the Concord POA and the Concord POA PAC. A reduction in the budget of the OVER-FUNDED Concord Police Department was never going to happen. How many times exactly has Councilmember Laura Nakamura voted against anything having to do with the Concord Police Department?
You must have a pretty close relationship with Tim McGallian to have been able to see how he “served as mayor during the pandemic. I saw him work very hard for our city and help those in need during those times.”

MAGA SAM February 24, 2024 - 8:09 AM - 8:09 AM

Homeschooling is not an experiment. People have been homeschooled for thousands of years. Government run schooling is the experiment, and that
experiment is in trouble. Government run indoctrination day camps.

I'm New Here February 24, 2024 - 12:54 PM - 12:54 PM

Hi MAGA Sam. Home schooling, public schools, private schools, and charter schools are all potentially good options. It really depends on the teacher, more than anything else. I’m betting that most of the folks on Claycord went to public schools (as did I) and there is certainly no uniform indoctrination that I can see. I see folks with political views ranging all over the place.

For better or worse, my parents were probably the biggest influence on my political views. But they were also actively involved with my education: my Dad taught me to read (and be a sceptic); my Mom helped me learn how to spell. I was tutored in areas of math where I needed improvement. By the time I reached junior high, I was able to actively resist being “propagandized” by left- or right- leaning teachers or professors.

MAGA SAM February 24, 2024 - 2:11 PM - 2:11 PM

“I was able to actively resist being “propagandized” by left- or right- leaning teachers or professors.”
Not everyone has that support. I like many around here were surrounded by berkeley/leftist/liberal/immigrant/victim politics in school. I saw so much of it I started seeing right through it.
Shouldn’t have to protect yourself from teachers. You made my point for me. Thank you come again.

Jeff (the other one) February 26, 2024 - 8:07 AM - 8:07 AM

I went to a public school up until college. Looking back now, I can see all the leftist ideology a few of my teachers held and taught. My math and science classes were not yet inundated with what is now considered woke, I suppose if we looked at the stone tablets our lectures were drafted on, we could see that. I compared what we were taught to what my children were taught (that we worked hard to undo), and it is not just public, the private school teachers also had this leftist ideology. The science teacher in particular was rather unscientific. It is unfortunate how these minds are being instructed these days.

domo February 24, 2024 - 8:17 AM - 8:17 AM

So who can we vote for that has a reasonable chance to win the White House – that is logical, has common sense, and looking out for the country in general and not illegal immigrants?

domo February 25, 2024 - 8:03 AM - 8:03 AM

…sad… but this is what I was expecting unfortunately … I couldn’t come up with a name either… we are so screwed 🙁

Captain Bebops February 24, 2024 - 9:20 AM - 9:20 AM

Most of any mail I get these days is campaign ads. Mitchoff must have a big money behind her. What a waste of paper and ink.

Glen223 February 25, 2024 - 3:09 PM - 3:09 PM

And a big waste of oxygen…

Jeff (the other one) February 26, 2024 - 8:11 AM - 8:11 AM

just heard one of her commercials, where she say she has a long history of doing this and doing that, and not to vote for the career politician she is running against. I haven’t compared years of (dis) or (self) service comparing mitchoff to mindy (?), but seems counter intuitive to think a non-career politician would have a long history in politics. Regardless, she will not get my vote, without even having done my detailed research of candidates.

MAGA SAM February 24, 2024 - 10:08 AM - 10:08 AM

Why do we pay taxes when it all goes to illegals and our overall destruction? This is a hijacked government. I’m pretty sure treason should still be a crime.
Why is googles AI programmed to be racist against white people? Why does microsoft advertise that they pay white people les money? Why are black “scholars allowed to call for the genocide of white people. Why has everything become all about erasing white people? Does anyone know the definition of genocide?
From the UN
The definition contained in Article II of the Convention describes genocide as a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part. It does not include political groups or so called “cultural genocide”.
A form of genocide is being committed against whites at this very moment. Promoted by the United States government and the biggest and the smallest corporations. DEI is structural genocide.
Why is this happening and being allowed to happen? We all stood together against this type of discrimination in the past. Why are non white people silent about it now? Sad.

Captain Bebops February 24, 2024 - 1:58 PM - 1:58 PM

Because the advocates of it are idiots. The execs think that going along with the trend will bring in more profits. Remember it’s all about greed and profits. Division among races will end badly. Instead of color the focus should be on different cultures, all of whom bring benefits to the table. Then the problem would be over. But of course “divide and conquer” would no longer work. 😉

Original G February 24, 2024 - 10:10 AM - 10:10 AM

Dumbing down America since 1979
The cure, “H.R.899 – To terminate the Department of Education”
If bill fails this congress it should be reintroduced until it passes.
How many teachers today could pass 1912 Eighth-Grade Exam ? ? ?

MAGA SAM February 24, 2024 - 10:37 AM - 10:37 AM

It is easier to recover from a Nuclear bomb, than it is to recover from 5 decades of Democrat Socialist Policies. Just ask Japan.

Original G February 24, 2024 - 10:48 AM - 10:48 AM

Importing DEATH,
another biden harris, DEM’s gift to AMERICA,
‘Illegal migrant from Venezuela is arrested for murder of UGA nursing student Laken Riley: Was released from CBP custody because of overcrowding’

JWB February 24, 2024 - 1:15 PM - 1:15 PM

But he was from Venezuela. Did you forget?
“With the clock winding down on his term, U.S. President Donald Trump shielded tens of thousands of Venezuelan migrants from deportation Tuesday night, rewarding Venezuelan exiles who have been among his most loyal supporters and who fear losing the same privileged access to the White House during the Biden administration.”

whenwilltheylearn February 24, 2024 - 8:04 PM - 8:04 PM

As usual per left,2 wrongs make a right.

THE BLACK KNIGHT February 26, 2024 - 7:47 PM - 7:47 PM

After being sworn-in, did President Biden reverse former President Trump’s order allowing the 145,000 Venezuelan’s to remain in the U.S. for an additional 18-months before facing deportation? If President Biden left the order in place, did he extend the deportation order after the 18-months or did he order the deportation of the 145,000 Venezuelan’s?

Dr. Jellyfinger February 27, 2024 - 7:42 AM - 7:42 AM

“Ibarra, 26, is originally from Venezuela and crossed into El Paso, Texas, in September 2022”
I’m pretty sure Trump had absolutely nothing to do with this guy being here.
Why do you bring these things up?
Is everything in the past, present & future Trump’s responsibility in your left wing world?

whenwilltheylearn February 27, 2024 - 10:53 PM - 10:53 PM

define landslide,then minus mail bags being transfered at night around and other tomfoolery
he lost by a few thousand votes in certain states,a planned loss by vote counters

Dr. Jellyfinger February 28, 2024 - 6:11 AM - 6:11 AM

You have no idea what I believe.
You respond to everyone with the same old Lucy Van Pelt .05¢ psychoanalysis “You must believe this and you must be that” and then the scrambled logic follow up, being careful all the while to avoid answering for the BS you were just called out on. It’s always the same.

Paul February 24, 2024 - 11:25 AM - 11:25 AM

Please vote Yes on Justice For Renters Act in this coming November election. CA needs a overhaul in rent control to keep affordable housing for all!

Parent February 24, 2024 - 3:11 PM - 3:11 PM

Paul Paul Paul

As a landlord, I will vote no. We do not to overhaul our landlords ability to rent their property at a rate the market is willing to pay … we need renters who will take care of the property. Who will be held accountable for their actions, their bills and not expect Dictator Newscum and people like you to utilize government money to cover their losses.

If you can’t afford it, MOVE OUT!

Bobfished February 24, 2024 - 3:41 PM - 3:41 PM

Im starting to realize there are actually people that would vote for Gavin Newsom for president even after seeing what he did to San Francisco and now California!

The Fearless Spectator February 24, 2024 - 6:09 PM - 6:09 PM

Biden took a shot at Newsom the other day congratulating him on the high speed rail project. At first he appeared serious about it but then suggested some people riding it might not return to California!
Even dementia guys have moments of clarity……..

THE BLACK KNIGHT February 26, 2024 - 7:34 PM - 7:34 PM

To be fair, President Biden wasn’t speaking of California’s state owned, state run, government funded California High-Speed Rail Project that’s supposed to take riders from Sacramento/San Francisco to Los Angeles/San Diego when finished, with a total of about 15-20 stops in-between, he was speaking of the privately owned, privately run, and partially government funded Brightline West High-Speed Rail Project from Rancho Cucamonga, California to Las Vegas, Nevada.

MAGA SAM February 24, 2024 - 7:22 PM - 7:22 PM

Of course there are. The don’t call them useful idiots for nothing. Gavin would do better than biden against Trump. Why? Because people are dumb and he has a used car salesman smile and hair, and he talks all the leftist buzzwords.
Side note, Vice News just went out of business. I’ll add another notch to our belt. Leftist propaganda media is crumbling. The PANIC is real.

domo February 25, 2024 - 8:11 AM - 8:11 AM

… I don’t trust Newscum as far as I could throw him – just one example, his campaign promise to kill high speed rail to no where to save Calif taxpayers over $100B … want more?

MAGA SAM February 25, 2024 - 9:45 AM - 9:45 AM

I actually want them to swap gavin in. He will be destroyed on the world stage standing up for his record on SF and CA. He’s a chump in every way.

The Fearless Spectator February 25, 2024 - 6:21 PM - 6:21 PM

Newsom would be simple to campaign against: For every campaign rally, place hundreds of blue tarps at the edge of the stage. “If you still plan to vote for Gavin Newsom, please take a complementary blue tarp with you on your way out. You are going to need it”.

jjshawk February 26, 2024 - 8:41 PM - 8:41 PM

I hope not. The media, will “polish a turd”, scrub his California record (yes, you Newson), and he may get the votes, based on “looks” alone, and the average American is dumb enough to fall for it.

Bobfished February 25, 2024 - 10:05 AM - 10:05 AM

And he wants to continue the Biden disaster.
Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet The Press” that President Joe Biden’s presidency has been a “masterclass” in how to run the United States.

Cautiously Informed February 25, 2024 - 1:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Those same people voted for Joe Biden. Look at his record and what he’s done for the country.
In both cases those people are being duped by self serving politician actors who are pathological liars(or they just to see the country destroyed).

No Excuses February 24, 2024 - 4:13 PM - 4:13 PM

Major news outlets: Trump Wins South Carolina….

whenwilltheylearn February 24, 2024 - 8:03 PM - 8:03 PM

Nikki Haley is nothing more than a modern day Ross Pero.She is also a democrat plant.She’s getting paid big money on the side to not quit.
Would you quit a high paying job?

Dr. Jellyfinger February 26, 2024 - 7:57 AM - 7:57 AM

Absolutely right ! Except Ross’s last name was Perot.
Reid Hoffman (who is a big Democrat donor and operative) has donated $250,000 to Haley’s campaign to hurt Trump’s campaign as much as she can.
This rat ###k also funded much of E. Jean Carroll’s court case against Trump.
He is trying to manipulate votes with these slimy election year operations.
This stuff is SOP for the Democrats…. but we’re supposed to believe they would not dare commit voter fraud? LoL!

JWB February 26, 2024 - 8:30 AM - 8:30 AM

So now let’s do who is funding the RFK jr. campaign?
Is this stuff SOP for the GOP? … and would that in your view show that the GOP is committing voter fraud?

Dr. Jellyfinger February 26, 2024 - 7:43 PM - 7:43 PM

Well geez JWB…. the link you posted shows us a story that claims the donors actually DO support RFK Jr. since many of his positions do mirror many GOP positions as well.
“The donations underscore that while Kennedy enjoys the surname of Democratic royalty, his message is also resonating with Republicans”
While Reid Hoffman (Haley’s Dem Donor) openly admits his donations are meant to cause Trump harm and that he will be “enthusiastically voting for Biden”
So the answer to your questions is obviously “NO”.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 27, 2024 - 5:18 PM - 5:18 PM

Well…. if he doesn’t have any chance, I guess Democrats can stop wetting their pants about it and relax.
Why doesn’t the Blue Team just drop all the timely nuisance court cases (aka campaign interference) & let Trump run a campaign since he has no chance?
Dem’s are cheating right out in the open this time around!
I gotta say I’m surprised.
I wonder if American voters will be so dim that they won’t recognize that & frown upon it…. the people that are honest and have self respect that is.

Hanne Jeppesen February 26, 2024 - 9:30 AM - 9:30 AM

I think calling Nicky Haley a Democrat plant is quite a strech, when you look at her postions. Some democrats might have contributed to her campaign, thinking she would preferable to Trump, but she is no democrat.

MAGA SAM February 24, 2024 - 9:58 PM - 9:58 PM

Oh man, nikki haley…Staying in the game to prevent Trump from getting the presidential briefings as the nominee to protect joe biden tells you everything. She’s a plant, supported by democrats and the deep state. They are so worried about Trump finding out what’s really going on in that white house. It should be illegal what she’s doing. No hope to win anything. Staying in to deliberately protect the information from TRUMP. The people’s choice.

Roz February 25, 2024 - 9:42 AM - 9:42 AM

Could not AGREE with you More!!
Haley’s ways are a bit too dirty for my likings.

MAGA SAM February 25, 2024 - 10:38 AM - 10:38 AM

Thank you
It’s all about keeping the daily presidential briefings from Trump. They are terrified of him seeing what’s happening.

JWB February 25, 2024 - 2:56 PM - 2:56 PM

Yawn ….
Candidates do not get the DPB. Once a candidate has been made the presumptive nominee after the convention they get offered a security briefing by US Intelligence, but not the daily briefs.
Only once a president-elect will receive the daily briefings after the election.

MAGA SAM February 25, 2024 - 7:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Can we just ban fluoride already? It’s proven to lower IQs.

Original G February 24, 2024 - 11:40 PM - 11:40 PM

September 2023
‘Shocking video shows hundreds of migrants being let go from buses to roam the streets of Democratic-run San Diego as Gavin Newsom’s California is overrun by border crisis’
October 2023
‘Border Patrol RELEASES 13,000 migrants onto San Diego streets in a month due to overflowing shelters – as 500 arrive in the city every day’
November 2023
‘Over THREE HUNDRED migrants move into San Diego airport after border city was hit by influx of crossers’
18 February 2024
‘San Diego migrant center CLOSES its doors after six months as its $6million budget reaches the breaking point after services were stretched to the limit as arrivals break records as migrants flood into US amid lax border policies’
24 February 2024
‘You’re on your own: Shocking moment CBP releases hundreds of migrants into San Diego after border city ran out of cash to care for them’
While Border Patrol processes illegals and plays travel agents, there are what are called got aways.
“Over 600,000 people illegally made their way into the United States without being apprehended by border agents during the 2023 fiscal year, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas revealed…”
‘…San Diego Border Patrol Agents Arrested Afghan National on the FBI’s Terror Watchlist After Crossing the Border Illegally’
Of those 600,000 gotaways, if just one percent are terrorists wanting to do harm to AMERICA.
That’s 6,000 terrorists that biden harris regime have no idea where they are.
How many 9/11 type attacks are being planned by terrorists already in our country ? ? ?
DEMs care about gaining a majority in congress and retaining power.
Wish they cared as much about Safety of our country.

Frank February 25, 2024 - 6:23 AM - 6:23 AM

Ive been seeing and receiving all kinds of democrat ads. Lots of talk about women’s rights in the Congo , farm workers pay etc.

Not one word about crime .

Why is that?

MAGA SAM February 25, 2024 - 9:38 AM - 9:38 AM

Because there is no crime. Illegal immigration is right wing talking point and not real like crime. There are no problems other than Trump supporters. Per democrats, Trump is the reason San francisco has streets of boarded up businesses. Everything you notice or don’t notice is Trumps fault. Democrats only want to create good union jobs and build houses.

Larry U. February 25, 2024 - 6:44 AM - 6:44 AM

If I ever wake up in this country under the rule of Kari Lake and Donald Trump I will head to the cabin my friend owns up near Hoopa. Who is looking to turn our country over to the worst people our country can provide? If you are supporting a failing con artist like Trump I feel bad for you. But get it together for the good of the country for God’s sake.

MAGA SAM February 25, 2024 - 9:43 AM - 9:43 AM

Nope. We’re MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN by deporting millions of leaches and stopping wars. Cleaning up society and stopping socialism. Criminals will go back to prison and illegals will go back to their countries. The chaos your type has unleashed on Americans is over. Cry more about it. The louder you cry the more people see what you really stand for.

your neighbor the immigrant February 25, 2024 - 8:14 PM - 8:14 PM

In your Dreams. How come trump did not do that on his one and only term?

whenwilltheylearn February 25, 2024 - 11:58 PM - 11:58 PM

Its all he did while fending off which hunts and always winning.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 27, 2024 - 7:57 AM - 7:57 AM

@ Larry
Did your friend extend an invitation to his cabin or are you just going by the old
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” rule?

Bobfished February 25, 2024 - 10:03 AM - 10:03 AM

Sounds like you might support this con artist!
Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet The Press” that President Joe Biden’s presidency has been a “masterclass” in how to run the United States.
Approval rating: 38%

whenwilltheylearn February 25, 2024 - 11:03 PM - 11:03 PM

they never ever let it get below 38 (let them tell it),but it’s more like 15 percent.

Bobfished February 25, 2024 - 10:37 PM - 10:37 PM

For the sake of our country!!!!
Pima County, Arizona, and the city of Tucson are scrambling as Biden’s border crisis continues to wreak havoc on American border states.

larry February 26, 2024 - 8:58 AM - 8:58 AM

The worst people our Country can provide is a good description of the current administration.

Original G February 29, 2024 - 7:32 PM - 7:32 PM

“We have the best government that money can buy.”
—Mark Twain

Old-school guy February 25, 2024 - 7:07 AM - 7:07 AM

Read in the New York Post many of Soros-backed politicians and DAs are losing their jobs either by recall or not being re-elected. Looks like people are realizing liberal justice policies hurt the law abiding citizens (as do most liberal policies). Let’s hope the trend continues in these upcoming elections.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 25, 2024 - 8:53 AM - 8:53 AM

Bill Cosby is back in their good graces!

MAGA SAM February 25, 2024 - 7:03 PM - 7:03 PM

This is who democrats gave our money to.
Thanks guys. There’s no war in ukraine, just money laundering.

whenwilltheylearn February 25, 2024 - 11:56 PM - 11:56 PM

When i watched your link i almost heaved….

Original G February 25, 2024 - 8:36 PM - 8:36 PM

But remember what DEMs say, “it’s for the children”
‘Report: HHS improperly vetted US sponsors for unaccompanied children’
… “The 62-page report by the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services found serious “gaps in sponsor screening and follow up,” which the watchdog agency said “raise safety concerns for unaccompanied children.” ” …
“The watchdog government agency cited instances in which HHS failed to show that basic safety checks were conducted on sponsors, such as verifying their address or running criminal background checks, before releasing minors to sponsors.”
‘Grassley Alerts DHS, FBI to Evidence of Human Trafficking; Calls for Immediate Action to Locate & Rescue Migrant Children’
“Federal records reveal disturbing failure to prevent exploitation of unaccompanied minors by sponsors”
‘… Grand Jury Releases Shocking Report’
“· During a 10-month period in 2021, ORR lost contact with nearly 20,000 UAC;
· A report showed HHS and the U.S. Department of Justice received thousands of allegations of sexual abuse;
· Testimony of UAC revealed that a minor was ‘pimped out’ by their ‘aunt’ (whom they did not know prior to arriving in the U.S.), some UAC ran away from sponsors for being sold for sex, and ORR placed a teenage girl in the house of unknown men with no private bedroom;
· ORR discouraged close checking of addresses of sponsors and some sponsors utilized addresses in Jacksonville including a strip club, empty lots surrounded by stacked shipping containers or open fields;
· During the Biden administration, case managers are only performing home studies in approximately 4.5% placements and discretionary home studies in less than one percent of cases.
· One case manager reported having to release a teenage girl to a male sponsor with multiple other unknown males living in the same residence—all unidentified.”
What is it about, DEMs and kids ? ? ?

JWB February 26, 2024 - 11:03 AM - 11:03 AM

When you say: “Criminals will go back to prison and illegals will go back to their countries.” Do you want to deport all illegal immigrants or would there be some exceptions?

Since You Asked February 26, 2024 - 2:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Yes! Deport all illegal aliens.

Max February 26, 2024 - 6:17 PM - 6:17 PM

JWB, What do you consider the “grey zone” between ILLEGAL and LEGAL immigration? I’ve had 2 daughters-in-law who were legal immigrants and became US citizens. I am not against immigration, but illegal immigration is breaking our laws. . Laws are made for the good of everyone. Illegal immigration is ruing our country. And breaking our laws. Any “Grey zones” need to come in legally, like others have is the past.

MAGA SAM February 26, 2024 - 8:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Anyone who came here illegally. Anyone who came here under fraudulent circumstances seeking asylum. Asylum seekers go to the next country, not travel 5000 miles to claim asylum in America. And not everyone in south America has justification to claim asylum. It’s being exploited and taken advantage of. Shut it all down, send them home. Close the border tight until our economy is under control and we determine what we may need for labor. That’s it and that’s all. There’s no grey area about it.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 28, 2024 - 7:17 AM - 7:17 AM

From the Left’s beloved Snopes:
Musk spent more than ten years in the United States prior to becoming a citizen in 2002, it appears that he did so legally through various visa programs.


Seems to me February 28, 2024 - 10:46 AM - 10:46 AM

@JWB, maybe you should leave the send button alone and just scream at the screen.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 29, 2024 - 5:52 PM - 5:52 PM

I did not forget anything! I cited “their” conclusion and posted the link…. if you don’t agree, take it up with Snopes!

whenwilltheylearn February 29, 2024 - 6:36 AM - 6:36 AM

BWJ if all iilegals were like Elon Musk we would have nothing to worry about
What you are saying is just pointless
but,but,,but Musk……

FPN February 26, 2024 - 12:07 PM - 12:07 PM

Florida toothpaste I assume.

Anew February 27, 2024 - 5:23 AM - 5:23 AM

2024 Election Interference on Steroids. A long time Democrat operative, with strong ties to Biden, Jeff DiSantis, appears to have been the driving force behind the Fani Willis trial against Trump in Georgia.

ADC February 28, 2024 - 4:54 PM - 4:54 PM

I just need you to find me 11,740 votes.

Anew February 28, 2024 - 7:02 PM - 7:02 PM

Please read: “Entire Georgia Narrative Is Fraudulent, Not Just The Fabricated Trump Quotes”.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 27, 2024 - 8:14 AM - 8:14 AM

Trump was right,again!
But it took Biden’s disastrous bumbling to convince our nation Trump was right.


Original G February 27, 2024 - 4:48 PM - 4:48 PM

This is what happens in super liberal woke Seattle
video of Police pursuit of armed children

Original G February 27, 2024 - 6:40 PM - 6:40 PM

‘Eric Adams calls for an END to sanctuary cities as New York City struggles to care for close to 200,000 migrants who’ve arrived in last 18 months’
Anyone not see this coming ? ? ?
DEMs will now turn on Adams, expect charges or some embarrassing scandal.

Whoe Jim February 27, 2024 - 8:17 PM - 8:17 PM

Hello intelligent voters, whatever you do, don’t vote for a yes, on sleaze ball Gavin Newsoms proposition 1 which will cost California taxpayers billions of more dollars that will most certainly not be spent on him supposedly helping the mentally challenged. He has spent billions of our dollars before on this same false strategy to no avail. Look at his past to solve the future…

Original G February 28, 2024 - 12:39 PM - 12:39 PM

Government employees who have always voted for your sugar daddy DEMs, bend way forward.
A DEM run city has come up with a way to cut costs, they’re thinking about replacing AMERICAN workers with illegals. We have already seen how low intelligence knee jerk DEM politicians like to copycat each other, this could really catch on.
‘A spokeswoman for Denver mayor Mike Johnston told The Daily Wire that the budget crisis was caused by illegal immigrants being unable to work, causing them to be a drain on taxpayer dollars. The idea was to solve that by having them work directly for the city, she said. She said that a full-time salary funded by taxpayers was “not necessarily” more costly than social services. She said the city has considered the plan but at the moment is not pursuing it because it is high-risk, since it is likely illegal.”
An since when has some thing being stupid and-or illegal stopped DEMs from forcing the issue?
Kinda like banning natural gas in new buildings . . . . .

Original G February 28, 2024 - 7:47 PM - 7:47 PM

More imported CRIME,
‘Illegal immigrant, 19, from Honduras is accused of raping girl, 14, in Louisiana…
as outrage grows over Georgia student Laken Riley ‘murdered by undocumented border crosser’ ‘
DEMs, sycophants and their media wing of the party have begun using “isolated incident” to discount violence and death being dealt out by illegals. Get the feeling some countries emptied their prisons sending ’em here?
End goal to destabilize AMERICA ? ? ?

Dr. Jellyfinger February 29, 2024 - 5:47 PM - 5:47 PM

Newsom altered minimum wage law to exempt his big contributor pal!


Original G February 29, 2024 - 7:40 PM - 7:40 PM

“Give a donation, Get an exemption: This is what corruption in plain sight looks like”
Katy Grimes https://tinyurl.com/mr2xzzzn

Dr. Jellyfinger March 1, 2024 - 6:59 AM - 6:59 AM

“Newcomers”? are they kidding us?

Dr. Jellyfinger March 1, 2024 - 3:24 PM - 3:24 PM

No…… they weren’t kidding!


The Professor March 1, 2024 - 9:33 AM - 9:33 AM

The new $20 per hour fast food minimum wage is already tallying up victims. Chipotle and Macdonalds have already announced price increases to compensate for the rising wages. Pizza Hut has announced massive layoffs to its delivery drivers. Other companies are trying to automate their drive thrus and food ordering using self service kiosks and AI. This means fewer jobs available for the many, all so a few lucky workers get a raise and the Dems can claim a false victory.

Did anyone NOT see this coming?

Add to this mess the fact that Barbara Lee, senate candidate, has declared $20 an hour is still not enough and that $50 an hour is where the wage line should be. Why stop at $50? Let’s make it a $Billion per hour. That way we can all be as rich as Elon.

The Dem way: Create a problem where none existed. Blame the opposition for the problem. Create expensive legislation to “fix” their problem. Demonize anybody who disagrees with their plan. Skim proceeds from the legislation funds and pay off donors. Blame the other guys when the “fix” creates even bigger issues. Wash, rinse, and repeat.

Maybe the voters will wake up when their Happy Meal hits $20 and they can’t afford to eat fast food anymore.

Dr. Jellyfinger March 1, 2024 - 3:16 PM - 3:16 PM

“Yeah… OK, Dad is The Big Guy”
Hunter finally gives up the lie & admits it.



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