Fake. Less chance of fire with the fake one. And it can be used up to 5 years.
Jeff (the other one)
December 23, 2024 - 12:59 PM 12:59 PM
Well, I prefer a real tree but have not had a real tree in 25+ years. I had a hard time spending good money on a plant I know will only be good for a month or 2 at best. I also fail to see the logic of having a tree grow for 5-15 years just to get cut down for a month period. I prefer the real tree because the smell of those trees is excellent, and they look fantastic, but, because of what I said above, I use the fake.
December 23, 2024 - 1:40 PM 1:40 PM
love the smell
last year with teenager at home
December 23, 2024 - 2:02 PM 2:02 PM
Prefer real but have not had a tree in the house for 8+ years due to pet(s) or not in town.
Abbie R.
December 23, 2024 - 2:04 PM 2:04 PM
A real tree that has been sprayed with fire resistant chemicals and then sprayed with flocking and then dusted with particles of mica for sparkles. An old time favorite!
December 23, 2024 - 2:19 PM 2:19 PM
December 23, 2024 - 3:03 PM 3:03 PM
Real tree – no question
December 23, 2024 - 3:37 PM 3:37 PM
Don’t have either nowadays, used to be l7ve since I was a kid then 10 years ago went fake.then a few years ago went none. If you have kids either will work for decorating batteries nowadays are ridiculous and cost live or fake so with that in line you’re better off to spend the same amount of money to get a fake and use a year after year.
Hammer head
December 23, 2024 - 4:54 PM 4:54 PM
None for the last few years….. My cat started chewing the lights. (he was fine) I thought it was a joke until I saw him in the tree….
Real. All my life.
Fake. Less chance of fire with the fake one. And it can be used up to 5 years.
Well, I prefer a real tree but have not had a real tree in 25+ years. I had a hard time spending good money on a plant I know will only be good for a month or 2 at best. I also fail to see the logic of having a tree grow for 5-15 years just to get cut down for a month period. I prefer the real tree because the smell of those trees is excellent, and they look fantastic, but, because of what I said above, I use the fake.
love the smell
last year with teenager at home
Prefer real but have not had a tree in the house for 8+ years due to pet(s) or not in town.
A real tree that has been sprayed with fire resistant chemicals and then sprayed with flocking and then dusted with particles of mica for sparkles. An old time favorite!
Real tree – no question
Don’t have either nowadays, used to be l7ve since I was a kid then 10 years ago went fake.then a few years ago went none. If you have kids either will work for decorating batteries nowadays are ridiculous and cost live or fake so with that in line you’re better off to spend the same amount of money to get a fake and use a year after year.
None for the last few years….. My cat started chewing the lights. (he was fine) I thought it was a joke until I saw him in the tree….