The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: Year after year, California is struck by wildfires. Lives are lost, and property is destroyed. Do you think the leaders of California will do something more to help prevent/extinguish wildfires now that a very wealthy part of California was hit, or do you think things will just stay the same?
Talk about it….
With what money? This state is broke and deep in deep debt. The elite want the state to be empty except for their luxury Caligula utopias. It’s time to get rid of the government spendthrifts but I think the state has been damaged beyond repair. And I don’t think artificial cirrus cloud creation is going to help any regardless of what a few loony toons geoscientists have to say as more sane scientists disagree. That results in even colder weather (which is the science of “clouds silvering”) driving up your energy bills much to the delight of our corrupt power company and their stockholders.
California has leaders? We have opportunists who are in it for the money themselves. It’s well past time to get rid of Newsom and his crime associates. Make California sane again (as if it even remotely possible)!
Oh…. but how can this be? Gavin Newsom keeps saying that California is a world power and that we’re right up there with Germany economically. Ist das nitch true?
CA might be the 5th largest economy but its infrastructure is completely third world. Look at our highways and bridges, and apparently our water management. Where does the money go? (Rhetorical question. I know.)
The current CA leadership is inept and incapable of developing a plan of action and executing said plan of action. All you have to do is look at the Train to nowhere that has cost now many $$$ so far and is a total mess? I could give you more examples One thing of note is that 90% of the millionaires in the USA are self made. Which means that the people affected in these burnt out areas of wealth in So. Cal. are people who generated their own wealth, it wasn’t handed to them. These people are do-ers, high achievers. In some way shape or form these do-ers will spearhead something in the elections to get a better class of politician elected who CAN implement better plans for the future. That’s what I see happening. The bulk of what I see on the TikTok/Instagram/Facebook feeds from these people is that they want change. Maybe it’ll finally happen? CA desperately needs an overhaul at the top and a re-examination of where ALL of the money is allocated. Just my two cents.
Everything will stay the same to satisfy the status quo. If we really want to prevent wild fire and promote the earth, ask the Native American for theirs expertise on good fire management.
I’d bet that they knew not to build big homes made out of combustible materials in super risky fire areas.
Ask native americans?? Really? You can’t be serious. As if they know anything that we don’t. I take that back, I don’t know how to make turquoise jewelry. Come on paul, must you be such a suck up? It’s nauseating. Anyone born here is a “native”
Injuns out west have always been into controlled burns to eliminate excessive fuel and clear land for safety & agriculture around their homes… until settlers showed up & made them stop.
I’m no expert but I really doubt the Forest Service needs their advice on how to conduct a controlled burn.
CA recently voted to pass Prop 4 which is working toward mitigation. Proposition 4
California Voter Information Guide (.gov)
https://voterguide.sos.ca.gov › propositions › 4
The wealthy that were hit the hardest are ticked off at Newsom, but people have short memories. After the dust has settled and their homes are rebuilt, they will forget about
it and return to their Hollywood lifestyles. From what I have observed, a lot of celebrities
live in their own little world and haven’t a clue what life outside of Hollywood is like. They
either forgot what it was like before they became a star, or they were born into a famous
family, and that’s the only life they know. I saw Jeff Bridges doing an interview, and he said
he doesn’t understand why Trump wants to deport illegals, and he didn’t see anything
wrong with our economy. Mr. Bridges is a perfect example of being born into in a famous
family, growing up in a wealthy neighborhood, and remaining sheltered from the real world.
The wealthy don’t want to see illegals deported because their household help are probably
in the country illegally, and they don’t see anything wrong with the economy because they
pay the help to do the shopping.
So no, I don’t think anything will change, they will continue to vote for the same officials that
are responsible for creating so many of the state’s problems.
Gosh, could LA fires affect campaign contributions to democrats ? ? ?
Remains to be determined which deluded woke people, will be thrown under the bus. Rest assured His Imperial Majesty, Emperor newsom will blame everyone but himself.
October 2019
‘ ‘I Own This’:
Gov. Newsom On California’s Wildfire Emergency,
PG&E Power Shutoffs And More’
‘Gavin Newsom cut fire budget by $100m last year
while giving more water to tiny tribal fish’
‘Gov. Newsom Misled Public about Wildfire Prevention Efforts‘
Estimated there are 129 million dead trees in CA.
‘A nearly two-decade effort by Californians to cut their emissions of planet-warming carbon dioxide may have been erased by a single, devastating year of wildfires, according to UCLA and University of Chicago researchers.’
Let’s wait and see what insurance companies do.
i am afraid that many , if they stay in California will
charge more for less and less coverage.
State Farm told me that they would not be able to
cover me for another house. Never mind that
it would be my brothers house, we’ve had them
for our insurance for 23+ years and we do NOT
live in a WUI area.
This is going to be ugly
Get ready to live in the streets with the homeless. Go take lessons from them. Maybe you’ll have some ideas to make such a lifestyle easier. Then stress you out to drive to your grave faster. That’s in general what the elite wants anyway, population reduction. They don’t want to live beside us. 🙁
I’m thrilled that the People are finally (I hope) seeing it. But ALL THAT MATTERS among Bureaucrats is DEI, Quotas and that you are getting the Pronouns correct!! For example: Were the handicapped represented adequately as fire victims? How about the firefighters…….was there a correct ratio of “genders” (I thought gender was a construct??) representing?
Oust Newsom and things will change. He already ruined San Francisco as we knew it.
Nothing will happen under Newscum’s reign unless it happens to him … then you would see action – maybe
In aswer to the question, I do think things will stay the same. There are far bigger nefarious forces at work, and it ain’t gonna get better any time soon.
Not likely. First off, the fires will occur, that is just the cycle. Part of the reason they are difficult to contain is due to location. Second, the majority in this state will continue to vote in these incompetents.
The conditions of our forests will be the status que under Newsom and company until they can be replaced by competent leaders. I’m sure they will blame climate change and other sources for the destruction in L.A. Fires have been bad in those regions for decades due to poor land management and the forever dangerous Santa Ana winds. This recent disaster did not have to be this severe. It appears Newsom has failed yet again to protect California from harm. Any future political aspirations for him have vanished along with the thousands of homes and hillsides still smoldering. Prayers for all the victims in this horrible catastrophe…