Home » COVID-19 Daily Update From The Contra Costa County Health Dept.

COVID-19 Daily Update From The Contra Costa County Health Dept.

Cases By Location
Deaths By Location
Recent Death Dates

Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Saturday Jan.16, 2021.

All information is from the Contra Costa County Health Dept.:

  • Total cases (since March) – 51,573
  • Recovered cases – 42,978
  • Deaths – 446
  • Total active confirmed cases – 8,149
  • One person under 30 years old has died (19-30 age range)
  • 214 deaths in Contra Costa County nursing homes.
  • There are currently 57 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 274
  • Occupied ICU beds – 138 (57 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 34 (11.8%) (Bay Area region is at 3.4%, according to the State of CA)
  • Available ventilators – 168



Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Friday Jan.15, 2021.

All information is from the Contra Costa County Health Dept.:

  • Total cases (since March) – 50,627
  • Recovered cases – 42,666
  • Deaths – 430
  • Total active confirmed cases – 7,531
  • One person under 30 years old has died (19-30 age range)
  • 208 deaths in Contra Costa County nursing homes.
  • There are currently 61 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 257
  • Occupied ICU beds – 138 (62 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 34 (11.8%) (Bay Area region is at 4.1%, according to the State of CA)
  • Available ventilators – 157


chuckie the troll January 16, 2021 - 3:02 PM - 3:02 PM

So, 11.8 = 4.1 ?

This is why I never supported “common-core” math and other fake-education methods. I’m guessing that state statisticians benefited from social promotion policies practiced in most school districts?

trebor January 16, 2021 - 3:34 PM - 3:34 PM

The 11.8% is for Contra Costa County, while the 4.1% is for the entire Bay Area. Before you attack the state’s math standards, double check what you read please. Have a nice day.

CalOldBlue January 16, 2021 - 4:05 PM - 4:05 PM

11.8% is for Contra Costa only, 4.1% is for the entire Bay Area. Totally different populations.

Care to comment on the fact we have 16 more deaths in Contra Costa from yesterday, only 6 of which are in nursing homes? Almost 4% of all deaths in Contra Costa County happened yesterday.

Or that the number hospitalized went up by 17 in one day?

Or that active confirmed cases went up by 618 in one day?

Or don’t those numbers matter?

Mitch January 17, 2021 - 12:17 AM - 12:17 AM

How many of those additional 10 deaths were in a nursing home before dying in the hospital, and being tracked to it?

Lauren January 16, 2021 - 10:20 PM - 10:20 PM

16 deaths in one day?!?!?

WC Resident January 17, 2021 - 8:11 AM - 8:11 AM

No, that’s 16 deaths reported in one day. Apparently the deaths need to be certified which delays reporting.

Here the dates of death for the 16 additional deaths reported yesterday. The Cy column is community and LT is Long Term Cara Facility (LTCF).

Date Cy LT Total
12/16/2020 1 1
12/19/2020 1 1
12/20/2020 1 1
12/22/2020 1 1
12/23/2020 1 1
12/25/2020 1 1
12/27/2020 1 1
12/31/2020 1 1
01/02/2021 2 1 3
01/03/2021 1 1
01/04/2021 1 1
01/05/2021 1 1
01/06/2021 1 1
01/07/2021 1 1
Total 11 5 16 Additional deaths reported on 01/16/2021

Also, for 01/01/2021 one death was shifted the community to LTCF columns.

Here are the total deaths per day so far for December and January. These numbers are not complete or final.

Date Cy LT Total
12/01/2020 0 1 1
12/02/2020 1 2 3
12/03/2020 1 2 3
12/04/2020 1 0 1
12/05/2020 4 0 4
12/06/2020 0 1 1
12/07/2020 0 0 0
12/08/2020 2 1 3
12/09/2020 2 3 5
12/10/2020 3 4 7
12/11/2020 0 1 1
12/12/2020 0 2 2
12/13/2020 1 0 1
12/14/2020 2 1 3
12/15/2020 1 2 3
12/16/2020 4 4 8
12/17/2020 2 4 6
12/18/2020 4 1 5
12/19/2020 1 1 2
12/20/2020 6 5 11
12/21/2020 5 3 8
12/22/2020 6 2 8
12/23/2020 4 4 8
12/24/2020 7 4 11
12/25/2020 4 2 6
12/26/2020 3 4 7
12/27/2020 0 3 3
12/28/2020 2 0 2
12/29/2020 2 1 3
12/30/2020 4 4 8
12/31/2020 3 3 6
Total 75 65 140 Total deaths reported for December 2020

Date Cy LT Total
01/01/2021 3 2 5
01/02/2021 3 5 8
01/03/2021 2 2 4
01/04/2021 2 1 3
01/05/2021 2 0 2
01/06/2021 0 1 1
01/07/2021 1 0 1
01/08/2021 0 0 0
01/09/2021 2 0 2
01/10/2021 0 0 0
01/11/2021 0 0 0
01/12/2021 0 0 0
01/13/2021 0 0 0
01/14/2021 0 0 0
01/15/2021 0 0 0
Total 15 11 26 Total deaths reported for January 2021

Total 90 76 166 Total deaths reported for December and January

WC Resident January 17, 2021 - 8:14 AM - 8:14 AM

Oops – here’s a repost with the columns aligned better. Hopefully Claycord will delete the previous post.

No, that’s 16 deaths reported in one day. Apparently the deaths need to be certified which delays reporting.

Here the dates of death for the 16 additional deaths reported yesterday. The Cy column is community and LT is Long Term Cara Facility (LTCF).

Date       Cy  LT  Total
12/16/2020  1        1 
12/19/2020  1        1 
12/20/2020  1        1 
12/22/2020  1        1 
12/23/2020  1        1 
12/25/2020  1        1 
12/27/2020      1    1 
12/31/2020      1    1 
01/02/2021  2   1    3 
01/03/2021      1    1 
01/04/2021  1        1
01/05/2021  1        1
01/06/2021      1    1
01/07/2021  1        1
Total      11   5   16  Additional deaths reported on 01/16/2021

Also, for 01/01/2021 one death was shifted the community to LTCF columns.

Here are the total deaths per day so far for December and January. These numbers are not complete or final.

Date       Cy  LT  Total
12/01/2020  0   1    1
12/02/2020  1   2    3
12/03/2020  1   2    3
12/04/2020  1   0    1
12/05/2020  4   0    4
12/06/2020  0   1    1
12/07/2020  0   0    0
12/08/2020  2   1    3
12/09/2020  2   3    5
12/10/2020  3   4    7
12/11/2020  0   1    1
12/12/2020  0   2    2
12/13/2020  1   0    1
12/14/2020  2   1    3
12/15/2020  1   2    3
12/16/2020  4   4    8
12/17/2020  2   4    6
12/18/2020  4   1    5
12/19/2020  1   1    2
12/20/2020  6   5   11
12/21/2020  5   3    8
12/22/2020  6   2    8
12/23/2020  4   4    8
12/24/2020  7   4   11
12/25/2020  4   2    6
12/26/2020  3   4    7
12/27/2020  0   3    3
12/28/2020  2   0    2
12/29/2020  2   1    3
12/30/2020  4   4    8
12/31/2020  3   3    6
Total      75  65  140  Total deaths reported for December 2020

Date       Cy  LT  Total
01/01/2021  3   2    5
01/02/2021  3   5    8
01/03/2021  2   2    4
01/04/2021  2   1    3
01/05/2021  2   0    2
01/06/2021  0   1    1
01/07/2021  1   0    1
01/08/2021  0   0    0
01/09/2021  2   0    2
01/10/2021  0   0    0
01/11/2021  0   0    0
01/12/2021  0   0    0
01/13/2021  0   0    0
01/14/2021  0   0    0
01/15/2021  0   0    0
Total      15  11   26  Total deaths reported for January 2021

Total      90  76  166  Total deaths reported for December and January

Rae Dio January 17, 2021 - 12:40 AM - 12:40 AM

Can we address the fact that Newsom abruptly lifted the SIP on the Sacramento Region! With the fuzzy math (ahem, political pressure) suddenly that region is ok without the 3 week waiting period. This has to be looked in to further.
Nevertheless, my sweetie and I took advantage of the situation and went to a restaurant in Yolo County today and had an amazing time at an outdoor restaurant.

The Bay Area is playing the fool and our liberal local government are being played as puppets by our state government.

PS: check out how suddenly So Cal (who supposedly is lining up refrigerator trucks full of bodies) has approved King of Hammers in 2 weeks.

WC Resident January 17, 2021 - 7:49 PM - 7:49 PM

It’s like those “gun free zone” signs. Sacramento has been declared a “virus free zone” and so it’s open for business.

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