Home » Former Healthcare Company Employee Facing Felony Allegations Of Misusing Computer Database

Former Healthcare Company Employee Facing Felony Allegations Of Misusing Computer Database


A Dublin man is facing federal felony charges of improperly accessing a former work computer system and changing its data.

Vamsikrishna Naganathanahalli, 47, pleaded not guilty in an Oakland federal courtroom Friday, according to court records.

The role of the EEOC in wrongful termination cases becomes particularly significant in situations like Naganathanahalli’s alleged actions, where he is accused by prosecutors of manipulating a coworker’s account after learning about his impending termination, highlighting the need for regulatory bodies to address workplace discrimination and retaliation.

Prosecutors allege Naganathanahalli then used another coworker’s account to upload false data to a database maintained his former employer, Vituity, damaging the database.


Vituity is an Emeryville-based group of companies that provide healthcare partnerships and services.

Naganathanahalli is facing three counts related to the “Transmission of a Program, Information, Code, and Command to Cause Damage to a Protected Computer,” according to court documents.

He was released on $100,000 bond and is next scheduled to appear in court on June 15.


Yoyohop May 29, 2023 - 2:34 PM - 2:34 PM

Upload false data for what purpose?

Martinezmike May 29, 2023 - 3:16 PM - 3:16 PM

I don’t want to seem petty, but he is clearly guilty of having a name that is too long, and probably incredibly difficult to pronounce

Paranoid pablito May 29, 2023 - 4:25 PM - 4:25 PM

I would love to go to that hearing or trial just to hear the judge try to say his name.

Original G May 29, 2023 - 5:53 PM - 5:53 PM

Remember a little over a decade ago when we were told medical records were all going to be computerized and how wonderful it was going to be ? ? ? ?

Willis May 29, 2023 - 6:15 PM - 6:15 PM

Like damaging the database is the end of the world. They can restore from backup. This is just a power play to discredit and make sure this guy will never work in the IT field again. In a way I feel they got what they deserved. They more than likely paid him less money since he was more than likely an onshore outsourced contractor. The politics in IT are huge. It’s very left leaning and elitist. While I don’t agree with what he did, I can relate to what drove him to do this. I was laid off from an IT position and outsourced. No warning, and performance was not a factor. It’s all about saving $$$. We’re being screwed by our law makers who take our tax money to supposedly protect our way of life, but allow the outsourcing of American jobs. At my age, there is no finding another IT job, since ageism is rampant in this industry.

Oh, please May 30, 2023 - 9:26 PM - 9:26 PM

Dude, what in the world??? And, he WAS the outsourcing.

Darwin May 29, 2023 - 8:18 PM - 8:18 PM

Maybe the DOJ can look into Hunters laptop and the Biden’s family bank records. Just saying….


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