Home » Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Dec.29, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Dec.29, 2023


Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.

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Cowellian December 29, 2023 - 7:06 PM - 7:06 PM

Cowellian’s first!
This has been some kind of week, Monday felt like Sunday, and today felt like Saturday. I checked, and there wasn’t a new Whatever last night.
Anyway, y’all have a safe and happy New Year!

Roz December 29, 2023 - 8:14 PM - 8:14 PM

I started getting my days mixed up on Wednesday & Thursday this week.
Hubby is on 2 week stay-cation and is throwing me off.
He is retiring May 2024, … This change should be interesting! :), .. LOL!

Cowellian December 30, 2023 - 12:13 PM - 12:13 PM

I am a fan of retirement! Right after retiring, we moved cross-country, so it was very easy to reset my sleep clock. The days of waking up at zero-dark thirty are well behind me, but I’m usually up by the crack-of-nine.

Jeff (the other one) December 29, 2023 - 7:24 PM - 7:24 PM

Already miss Christmas. Not even close to ready to get back to the swing of things.

Dorothy December 29, 2023 - 8:34 PM - 8:34 PM

Book report: Glory Road, Robert A. Heinlein, 1963. Is it sci-fi? Maybe fantasy? How about both tied together on any page of this fun story. Multiple universes tied to science so advanced it might as well be magic and could very will be magic. Our hero answers an ad in a paper that, among other things, requires a man be 23 to 25, 6 feet tall, and promises high pay, glorious adventure, and great danger. Apply in person. Our hero does and it’s game on. Fun book for late teen or early adult males.

Ancient Mariner December 29, 2023 - 10:03 PM - 10:03 PM

Big Heinlein fan here, but I do not know this one.
Thanks for the review, Dorothy!

Itsme December 29, 2023 - 10:10 PM - 10:10 PM

Yosemite…. Tahoe…. Or Lassen?

Ancient Mariner December 29, 2023 - 11:23 PM - 11:23 PM

Yosemite, of course.
Hetch Hetchy would have been better, but they drowned it.

Original G December 30, 2023 - 1:15 AM - 1:15 AM

Yosemite and Tahoe in late 1950s – early 1960s.
Anyone remember La Baer Inn with glass case and Polar Bear on Tahoe Blvd ?

S December 30, 2023 - 6:20 AM - 6:20 AM

Lassen in the Summer

Private Snafu December 30, 2023 - 10:54 AM - 10:54 AM

Yosemite in the fall, winter or spring. Avoid the summer, too crowded.

Hanne Jeppesen December 30, 2023 - 1:44 PM - 1:44 PM

Haven’t been to Lassen, but it’s on my list. Yosemite is one of my all time favorite places in the world. Have been there about 15 times, often Memorial day with the Scandinavian Club, when my daughter was growing up she would often come along and we would hike half way to Half Dome, up the Mist Trail. One year we hiked to the top of Yosemite Falls. I have been to Tahoe more times than I can remember used to go a few times a year. Scandinavian Club own a cabin close to Tahoe City. When I first went up there, when I was married, my exhusband’s boss own a townhouse in Incline Village, and when he wasn’t using it, he let his employees, friends etc stay there for free. I have been to Tahoe, in the winter, in the summer and in the fall, it is always spectacular. Love both Tahoe and Yosemite, but I probably would have to say Yosemite is my favorite. Although it is a close call.

Sandy G December 30, 2023 - 5:16 PM - 5:16 PM


Atticus Thra December 31, 2023 - 8:14 PM - 8:14 PM

Tahoe. But only from ignorance of the other two.

S December 30, 2023 - 6:16 AM - 6:16 AM

HAPPY NEW YEAR Special Edition
Pick One:
A) Black-Eyed Peas & Collards
B) Menudo
C) No ‘C’ this week
D) Seafood Gumbo
E) Enter your New Year’s Good Luck Meal of Choice:

Captain Bebops December 30, 2023 - 9:45 AM - 9:45 AM


Dawg December 30, 2023 - 12:29 PM - 12:29 PM

Since I don’t have a New Year good luck meal of choice, I’ll have to go with D.

Roz December 30, 2023 - 1:14 PM - 1:14 PM

E) Homemade Lasagna, … Hubby’s pic.

nytemuvr December 30, 2023 - 4:59 PM - 4:59 PM

@S…..A) Black-Eyed Peas & Collards minus the greens. Slow cooked with hocks and shanks. Homemade corn bread to accompany the peas and I’m set for the year.

nytemuvr December 30, 2023 - 6:56 PM - 6:56 PM

Not to forget, pork tamales on New Year’s Eve night while watching a Dead New Year’s Eve concert on YouTube. This year…1982, from the old Oakland Auditorium, with Etta James and Tower of Power horn section.

Shulla December 30, 2023 - 7:46 PM - 7:46 PM

A. Yum, yum. The best for the new year.

S December 31, 2023 - 8:04 AM - 8:04 AM

But it’s all good…..
And to start the mood for today’s preppin’ and slow simmerin’…
Breakfast: Ham Steak & Grits with Red Eye Gravy and a couple over easy.

nytemuvr December 31, 2023 - 11:50 AM - 11:50 AM

@S…. brunch/lunch…pork tamale here. Peas have been soaking all night, turning on the old reliable Rival crockpot to simmer for a good 5 or 6 hours. They’ll be perfect after sitting another 4 or 5 hours with buttermilk cornbread.

Atticus Thraxx December 31, 2023 - 8:16 PM - 8:16 PM

C. No C this week made me laugh.😆

Dr. Jellyfinger December 30, 2023 - 9:29 AM - 9:29 AM

Lassen & Yosemite aren’t known for their pretty showgirls, gambling & boozing it up…. so that kind of narrows it down for me.

Hanne Jeppesen December 30, 2023 - 1:49 PM - 1:49 PM

You can bring wine to Yosemite, when I went with the Scandinavian Club, we brought wine, I guess you could bring alcohol of your choice. Sunday night we would have a BBQ, it was across the bridge from when they had the wood cabins, we would bring wine, and several people would bring musical instruments, guitar, harmonica.
Scandinavians will always find a way to have a good time, which includes good food, good music and something alcoholic.
We usually went on Memorial Day so it was a 3 day weekend.

Hanne Jeppesen December 30, 2023 - 1:53 PM - 1:53 PM

Tommy Smothers passed away a few days ago. I use to love the Smothers Brothers show. Years ago there were a documentary on A&E, how they were cancelled because they got to controversial and political.

P.S. Sometime in the early 2000 I was in Yosemite, (read my earlier posts) and was at the General Store in the morning, and all of sudden I recognize Tommy Smothers. I didn’t have the nerve to walk up to him and tell him how much I liked his show. Didn’t know if he would appreciate it, or just wanted to be left alone on a week away like the rest of us.

Original G December 30, 2023 - 4:59 PM - 4:59 PM

Test your recognition, what is this thing ?
Pictures of unidentified items

S December 31, 2023 - 12:35 PM - 12:35 PM

Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II stepping down….
Seems like a nice lady…
Hanne, what say you?

Hanne Jeppesen January 1, 2024 - 4:44 PM - 4:44 PM

Yes, quite a surprise. Some years ago she said she would not step down. I always felt she would follow Elizabeth ll example. However, her son and familie are very popular, as is the Queen, she pretty down to earth, very intelligent though. Speak 3 languages in addition to Danish, English, French and Swedish, her mother was a Swedish princess, granddaughter of Queen Victoria.

Tim December 31, 2023 - 3:12 PM - 3:12 PM

Starting Jan 01, undocumented immigrants will qualify for Medi-Cal in California which is now 68 billion dollars in the red. Just another magnet to encourage more illegal crossings. The border situation is out of control.

MovingOutOfCA January 1, 2024 - 11:24 AM - 11:24 AM

They are “illegal’s”! I am so tired of the PC conformist language that gets us to these situations. These people should NOT be in our country and NOT be receiving FREE healthcare when our own citizens are struggling to afford healthcare. They estimate that 700,000 are going to be eligible today. I’m sure that is on the low side, and in no time it will be ONE MILLION! Why are these people getting free healthcare? Send them home.

Tim January 1, 2024 - 6:30 PM - 6:30 PM

You can thank your “progressive” government. Where is the money coming from to pay for free health care for immigrants? If I was 20 years younger, I’d be out of this goofy state. Southern Calif medical facilities are overwhelmed with the illegal problem.

Atticus Thraxx December 31, 2023 - 8:34 PM - 8:34 PM

Claycord old timers can you add to this list?
Radar !
Councilman Davis
Champaign Kitty
Sinn Feiner
Mountain Man
Flecking Irish Mouse
Gogo Gomez
The Original Celtic Mouse
Shasta Daisy
Pleasant Jenny
MC Rider
And probably my favorite…Connie Dobbs.

Cowellian January 1, 2024 - 7:42 AM - 7:42 AM

That’s a great list, Atticus, and you have certainly stirred some memories. Connie Dobbs was a kick! I think we all took Radar’s passing pretty hard. And I believe that we were a better-behaved mob when Shasta Daisy was a regular.

Atticus Thraxx January 1, 2024 - 7:15 PM - 7:15 PM

Radar kinda was Claycord for a few years to me. God got him a worthy soul there, a little early for us all though. And yeah Shasta Daisy, you kinda didn’t want her disappointed in you. But that might’ve been my own baggage. 🫣
I missed Ancient Mariner, nytemver, Jelly, Urban Spaceman, Mika, and Scoots. And Smokey. I better stop.

Dr. Jellyfinger January 1, 2024 - 8:54 AM - 8:54 AM

Adiós Pantalones
Random Task

Atticus Thraxx January 1, 2024 - 7:49 PM - 7:49 PM

Random Task…I remember. All lower case, cryptic posts. Starfish tugs at my memory too. Goodbye pants I don’t remember. 🤷🏻‍♀️

KAD January 4, 2024 - 6:46 PM - 6:46 PM

We lost Antler in Oct. RIP.

Atticus Thraxx January 5, 2024 - 5:44 PM - 5:44 PM

Damn. I really dug her, class all the way. And one helluva writer. Damn.

Ancient Mariner December 31, 2023 - 10:09 PM - 10:09 PM

Reading down and was wondering if you would include Connie – glad you did!

Atticus Thraxx January 1, 2024 - 7:20 PM - 7:20 PM

With insight as sharp and pointed as her prose. Fortunately I seemed to amuse her, fool that I am, so was spared the worst of what I witnessed others endure. Often to my great pleasure.
And I missed listening you, a heinous oversight and I feel shame. 👊

Dr. Jellyfinger December 31, 2023 - 10:19 PM - 10:19 PM

Howsabout Laura Zah ? (La Raza)
The tough Latina nurse I was so fond of…. gone for good.

I hope I can stay awake until midnight… it always sounds like WWIII out here on New Years Eve and I’d hate to fall asleep & miss it.

Atticus Thraxx January 1, 2024 - 7:16 PM - 7:16 PM

😆 You’re a silly person and that’s why I still love you Jelly.

Dr. Jellyfinger January 1, 2024 - 8:04 PM - 8:04 PM

I was watching “Band of Brothers” before I went out to listen to the barrel bombs and gunshots ….. so they weren’t very impressive.
Next year I’ll watch a quiet movie.
You know I can hardly remember A.P. but I always liked that handle alot.

Dr. Jellyfinger January 2, 2024 - 11:23 AM - 11:23 AM

I forgot Sgt. Turdy

The Fearless Spectator January 2, 2024 - 9:36 PM - 9:36 PM

Five WCPD vehicles on Citrus Circle this afternoon. They cuffed what appeared to be a woman of non-color. Whoever it was or whatever they did, LE seemed quite careful.

Atticus Thraxx January 3, 2024 - 7:20 PM - 7:20 PM

“ A woman of non-color” was enjoyable to read. 👊

Original G January 3, 2024 - 3:21 PM - 3:21 PM

Anyone get email ? ?

Xfinity Data Security Incident
“…names, contact information, last four digits of social security numbers, dates of birth and/or secret questions and answers.”

Dr. Jellyfinger January 3, 2024 - 4:05 PM - 4:05 PM

Yep…. they f’ed up alright.

The Old Goat January 3, 2024 - 4:33 PM - 4:33 PM

More than likely a SCAM, but if in doubt, call Xfinity direct.

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