Home » Woman Shares Her Story About Being Assaulted In Downtown Walnut Creek Over The Weekend

Woman Shares Her Story About Being Assaulted In Downtown Walnut Creek Over The Weekend


A Claycordian is sharing her story about being assaulted in downtown Walnut Creek over the weekend.

Here’s what she said:

“Hi there – I’d like to share an incident that happened to me over the Labor Day weekend. On Sunday at approximately 4:30pm my family and I parked at the Lesher Center parking structure and were walking to a nearby restaurant for dinner. On our walk a man I did not know veered towards me and instinctively I turned my body away from him, at the same time I felt a punch land on my left side of my face. This was completely unprovoked and uncalled for. I yelled he just punched me as loud as I could. My husband and the father in the family nearby confronted the assailant and the assailant turned and opened his arms wide and said “what what” he then took off running from the scene. My husband pursued the assailant on foot where the assailant tried knocking on doors, windows and even tried to open a door; before waiting on someone’s patio furniture until the police showed up. Police apprehended and arrested this individual thanks to witnesses, my husband never losing sight of the assailant and my statement. I share this traumatic event because this is a public safety concern. I was not alone and with my family on a busy sidewalk, in broad daylight and aware of my surroundings. Violent crime has gone up in Walnut Creek and I’m asking for a zero tolerance policy for violence against women.”

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Ought to be DEMANDING a zero tolerance policy.

That’s on Walnut Creek.


Walnut Creek in particular gets a lot of violence, usually resulting in a theft of jewelery/Rolex.
The fact that this was obviously a hatred oriented crime, it shows how many sickos there are
in the region.If a 49er can be shot in daylight, it’s everywhere.
Was this racially motivated?


I would have kicked him in the junk and said “That, That.” The n againl, i would be arrested becuase the system protects criminals.


Wow..that was crazy..and scary. Glad she is alright and that the man was apprehended.


WHAT does a criminal have to fear in CoCo county?
District Attorney’s office is an insult to both Justice and society.
What else has emboldened criminals ? ? ? ?
<b>If there is no threat of substantial incarceration,
there is no deterrence to criminal behavior</b>


So sorry this happened! It doesn’t surprise me though, as Walnut Creek has become pretty tolerant of wacky Street characters and homeless. We only go to Walnut Creek at 3rd as much as we used to. Walnut Creek used to be made up of people mainly in their 40s 50s and 60s. They were pretty classy too . Now it seems to be a place for the 20 somethings.. we don’t like the change and mainly stay away now.


She did everything right, bless her. Wasn’t alone, was aware of her surroundings, was lucid and reported the facts. She was very fortunate to have family that chased this individual down until Police arrived.


Bravo to your husband and the other guy, but you left out some important details, we need a description. Approx age, White. Black, Hispanic, or other? Well-dressed, dressed like a bum, or what? Clean-shaven, beard. What hair color? Short hair, long hair?


Dude would be in ICU right now trying that with my loved one.


100% Bob! Good on the husband for standing up “A Man” but I would like to believe (and I am reasonably certain) I would not have had the frame of mind to avoid injury prior to the WPD arriving. crime and punishment.

I am so sorry for your experience; however, I’m not clear on why there should be a different policy for us just because we are women. I vote for zero tolerance of ANY violence.


How about zero toerance policy against anyone.


I hope he was arrested and DA Becton is holding him on a 4150 for 72 hrs at a minimum until hearing …. probably another druggie … unfortunately this has become all too often in WC but really everywhere … there has to be serious consequences for actions like this but with Calif’s lack of leadership it’s not happening …. it’s what voters wanted in keeping Newscum, Bonta, & Becton


Interesting to me how these street people who commit the random punches and assaults are mentally ill, unstable, etc, and yet somehow, often instinctively know to choose a woman or a man smaller than them as their victim. Like, they are rarely so out of their mind that they would run up and punch a 6’5″ man. I am sorry for this victim, and glad it was not worse. There are way too many unstable/scary street people in these areas now.


It seems more like this was done by someone not from Walnut Creek and not a local or street person,he chose her out of hatred for what he sees and judges.What she looked like in his eyes made her want to harm her.




Odds are she voted this in and will probably continue to vote it in.


As a legal CCW carrier in the city, if he had done that to my wife, he would have regretted it instantly.



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