Home » REMINDER: Concord Council, Planning Commission to Discuss Rezoning Properties Under The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Program On Tuesday Jan.7

REMINDER: Concord Council, Planning Commission to Discuss Rezoning Properties Under The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Program On Tuesday Jan.7


In April 2024 as part of Concord’s state-approved Housing Element, the City began a project to consider rezoning properties under the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) program. Since then, City staff have held seven community meetings and surveyed community members to learn more about the locations being considered for rezoning.

On Tuesday, January 7, the City Council and Concord Planning Commission will hold a joint meeting to receive an update and review sites being considered for changes in allowable land uses to enable the development of residential housing at greater densities than what is currently allowed.

The Council encourages public comment at this meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, January 7 at 6 p.m. at Centre Concord, 5298 Clayton Rd. The overlay zoning will not affect any of the land uses currently permitted on the properties under review.


As required by the State of California, the AFFH program is part of Concord’s Housing Element and commits the City to overlay zoning at least 20 acres in higher resource neighborhoods to allow higher density multifamily development (up to 60 units to the acre).

To view properties under consideration and learn more, please visit the AFFH web page.

The complete staff report and Council agenda for this meeting will be posted to the City’s Agendas web page no later than Friday, January 3.

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State approved BS is what it is!


The AFFH was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson, although it was President Barack Obama who imposed the current rules, which President Donald Trump reversed, and President Joe Biden reimposed, so future President Donald Trump will very likely again reverse these rules. Some states, counties, and cities have adopted the AFFH rules for themselves. The state of California is mandating the rezoning, likely because of the AFFH rules imposed by President Joe Biden.


That, and the State has no intention of doing anything about the street camping or ridiculous cost of housing and State politicians are looking to blame someone else for the worsening of both.


What is the goal of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing? Just to add density? Why is ‘fair’ in the name? What makes what they are doing fair? What is fair housing? Why don’t they call it “Increasing Housing Density Program” IHDP. Or “Increasing Density to Increase Property Tax Collection” IDIPTC. Stop with the BS feel good names that don’t mean anything. Just say what your trying to achieve.


It’s houses for illegal aliens, of course, doh !


The purpose is to lower the average income level in east, southeast, and south Concord, so that there will no longer be different average income levels across a city, but equal income levels across a city.
This is a rezoning of commercial/retail properties, if the City of Concord doesn’t designate these properties for high-density housing project rezoning, then they have to designate existing residential housing and/or Concord’s parks for high-density housing project rezoning in east, southeast, and south Concord. This also doesn’t mean anything will be built be on these properties, it is up to the existing and future owners of these properties if they want to redevelop their properties.
The best way to avoid the redevelopment of these properties is to support local retail and restaurants, if these properties become or remain vacant, then the property owners are more than likely to redevelop their properties or sell their properties for redevelopment.


Gee, why on earth is the Concord Naval Weapons Area not considered in this?


Because they Naval weapons station is a toxic waste dump and nothing will ever be built there..EVER.


True for the Tidal area, but not as much inland. They should build a new super modern refinery on the tidal area.


The Tule elk seemed to fare pretty well.


The State of California has informed the City of Concord that the former CNWS property can not be considered, likely because the property isn’t ready for development and because the part of the former CNWS which will receive almost all of the high-density housing projects is in North Concord and Concord City Council District 2, which would defeat the purpose of the AFFH rules for redevelopment currently being considered, because these East, Southeast, and South Concord properties are under consideration to lower the average income level in East, Southeast, and South Concord, so that the average income level across Concord will be equal.

Partly because the Concord Naval Weapons Station project doesn’t have any zoning currently approved or passed since the specific plan is in process. Can’t rezone it when it is in draft form.

Read the very racist language in the report

“Rezone properties in higher-income, predominantly white areas of Concord by
December 2024 to provide capacity for at least 1,000 new units of lower-income
housing. This program is intended to meet new state requirements for Affirmatively
Furthering Fair Housing.”

“Spend at least 20% of the Cannabis Community Benefit Fund on qualifying projects in
the City’s low-resource areas, with priority given to areas of high racial/ethnic diversity
and poverty. Qualifying projects will include workforce development, small business
assistance, improving quality of life and economic opportunity, and public
improvements, and will be informed by a community outreach process to be conducted
by July 2024.

“Allow multi-family housing projects “by right” (without a public hearing or appeal
process) in all commercial and mixed-use zoning districts, provided that all objective
design standards are met.”


Of course it is. Keep voting Dem, suckers.


Here comes the eminent domain to kick you out the house you’ve paid for to put up a multistory “dormitory” (watch some European TV to see what I mean).


Captain Bebops,
The City of Concord opted not to consider residential and park properties for rezoning, they’re currently only considering commercial/retail properties.

Supposedly the “warehouses” behind Pete’s at
Trest/Oak Grove has been taken off the table.
Good. No one should lose their business.
no one should be forced to move on their dime .


This is only a rezoning, nobody is losing their business or being forced to move their business, unless the owners of the properties choose to redevelop their properties. Rezoning doesn’t mean immediate or future construction of high-density housing projects.




What this really tells you is how communitarian the Concord politicos have become. The announcement is packed with communitarian buzzwords. The superficial are running your city, folks.


Call it what it is. Eminent Domain. The lawsuits must be stacking up really high. They settle pennies on the dollar for the lucky. The rest are never truly compensated. My advice. Get competent representation because they could care less about a plebe.


If they want to get rid of some of these slum lord tenements, by all means. Human beings can only take so much of these incompetent interpretations of moral and civil codes.


If illegals were all deported,
would their still be a housing shortage ? ? ?


Of course it would be better if they are all gone, and it will thus also make all prices come down across the board also as there will be excess inventory. It would be a win for the working class and a detriment to the corporations.


How do we spearhead and bring back the racist years of the good ol days.


There will always be a housing shortage. The housing being built will get a few people from current living arrangements within city limits to move in. Otherwise, it’s mostly people from out of the area moving into the area to be closer to work or family or moving out of another low income city in a less desirable area to this future less desirable area but better than their current one.


There is no housing shortage. This is a lie. There is a shortage of jobs that kept up with inflation. There is plenty of physical dwellings. All this to pretend inflation by the FED and government hasn’t destroyed our way of life. Sprinkle in millions of illegals who’s living standards are low and expectations out life are lower, boom. It’s too bad for young Americans, nobody cares about you.

It seems these people exist to put their thumb on the scale.



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