If you see smoke in the area of the Park & Shop shopping center on Willow Pass Rd. in Concord, it’s because a homeless person set the contents of a dumpster on fire. Police and the Firefighters are both on scene. Both are talking to the suspect.
UPDATE: The suspect has been arrested on arson charges, and the fire has been extinguished.
Glad the person was caught and arrested – but what will Becton do? probably not much …… how many hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money is spent each year on this cxxp that goes on all the time with little to no consequence? 🙁
What did they tell him? Bad dog no treats for you?
homeless have nothing better to do except start fires.
or they use drugs and lay around trash cans all day.
Speculating that the perp is not of right mind, should be off the streets getting treatment.
Exactly it is a homeless/illegal haven down the street under the overpass past the 242 on ramp on Concord Avenue. I work right off Concord Avenue & take walks around the area daily. There are always fires burning out in the open space every day with working age men throwing trash everywhere, stealing from local businesses & harassing local workers. It is beyond disgusting what our elected leadership has let this city become. I have lived here for 56 years & it is nothing remotely like the place I remember growing up or raised my family in.
There needs to be an area that is designated just for the homeless. If they are on the streets after a certain time – they would be picked up and brought to that area. The services that they are provided could be centralized, less spread out problems for police/fire and tax paying citizens. In the long run it should save some of our taxpayer dollars.
Staying warm in the cold? or maybe get that stinky thing away from my nest….. (sarcasm) I think being homeless “and the homeless problem” sucks and I don’t know any solution but it doesn’t mean you have to be an a$$hole.
Park & Shop has been a dumpster fire for years.
It just hasn’t been the same since House of Pies closed.
…and Smorgy Boys.