Home » Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Feb.2, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Feb.2, 2024


Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.

This is a post with no subject, you can talk about whatever you want. If breaking news happens (such as a shooting, earthquake, etc.), or you hear about something newsworthy, feel free to post it here.

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S February 2, 2024 - 7:03 PM - 7:03 PM

Pick One:
A) Cajun Shrimp & Grits
B) Creole Shrimp & Grits
C) Yuck

Atticus Thraxx February 2, 2024 - 7:25 PM - 7:25 PM

Definitely A) But only cause I ain’t never had Creole.

Captain Bebops February 2, 2024 - 7:27 PM - 7:27 PM

AB — both I like but have had Creole more than Cajun.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 2, 2024 - 7:38 PM - 7:38 PM

I prefer Cajun (A) Creole uses more tomato and Okra in their dishes …… I hate Okra, slimy green stuff. Both have similar styles but I lean more towards Cajun.

Ancient Mariner February 2, 2024 - 8:06 PM - 8:06 PM

No disgusting sea insects for me!

Hanne Jeppesen February 2, 2024 - 11:01 PM - 11:01 PM

Even though I lived in New Orleans for one a half year, I have never had grits. I have had many different kinds of shrimp, and like them all. The worst thing about New Orleans was the weather hot and humid 9 months of the year. Also a bit of a cultural chock, moved there from New York City, couldn’t wait to get back to NYC.
Best thing about New Orleans, the food and restaurants. I moved there with my boyfriend (now ex husband) he was in the wine business and had an expense account.One famous restaurant (Brennans) know for their brunch had the best gin fizzes. Sorry off subject a bit, go ahead and give me thumbs down. However, it is talk about whatever!

Dr. Jellyfinger February 3, 2024 - 9:47 AM - 9:47 AM

You know Hanne, once you reach a total of 500 thumbs down you are automatically banned from Claycord.
At least I think I read that somewhere…or maybe it was just a dream, but if it isn’t a rule it should be and thumbs up’s ought to be subtracted from thumbs downs to arrive at your final score.
Why do you think we would give you a thumbs down anyway?
Was it for living in sin with your boyfriend in N.O. or for getting blasted on gin fizzes at Brennan’s? and who are we to judge you anyway?
I’ve got a couple of doozies in my past too.

Hanne Jeppesen February 3, 2024 - 11:51 AM - 11:51 AM

I figured thumbs down would be because I was off subject somewhat. Some thumbs down is puzzling because I get them, and others too even when my comments are not controversial, such as describing something in nature, or preferring one flavor ice cream over another.

Yes, those gin fizzes were something as was Brennan’s. They didn’t take reservations so there were always (at least on week ends) a wait. They had a charming courtyard, and so of course while you waited you killed the time with fizzes. Brennan’s was known for eggs husard, which is like an eggs benedict with creamed spinach added. For dessert there were banana’s foster’s, which is kind of like banana split, but with a rum sauce, and the waited would ignite the rum sauce at your table so it warm. Like I said the food was the best about New Orleans. Perhaps I’m getting thumbs down because some are jealous of me having had that experience.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 3, 2024 - 1:50 PM - 1:50 PM

You can’t be off subject in the “Whatever” column!
The only exceptions are no “Politics” because there is a whole column devoted to all that garbage… and of course no naughty language or racism.
I was intrigued actually and will try Brennan’s next time I’m in New Orleans. I mean, take a look at this menu!

S February 4, 2024 - 8:13 AM - 8:13 AM

Dr. J…
Brennan’s is very good, it is a pricey treat, but you won’t mind.
So many good places…. there is only one I would not recommend- and would actually say to avoid: the Cornet.
For us, the place to go (many times) is Deja Ve
Never a bad meal; they do a good job with Jambalaya.
Tourists do hit it, but it is more of a Local’s place.

Atticus Thraxx February 3, 2024 - 5:38 PM - 5:38 PM

500? No way that could be true Jelly, I’d have been long gone. 😎

Hanne Jeppesen February 3, 2024 - 11:45 PM - 11:45 PM

Dr. J, Please let us know about your New Orleans dining experience when you go! How often do you visit NO? I gather you have been there before. I never went back, my boyfriend was transferred back to NYC as I wrote, we lived there for one and a half year. Then he was transferred to Milwaukee, however before I moved to Milwaukee, we got married in Denmark. were in Milwaukee for 4 months, don’t have a lot good to say about Milwaukee, my ex was from Madison Wisconsin, went to the university there, I liked Madison. After Milwaukee San Francisco, have been here every since.

Hanne Jeppesen February 3, 2024 - 11:56 PM - 11:56 PM

Dr. J, I remember several good restaurants from New Orleans, just can’t remember the name. Not all were expensive, some family style, very reasonable, and Victoria Station (this was in the early seventies). One other restaurant stood out, it was called something plantation, and it was actually a former plantation, it was a bit outside of New Orleans, the food was great the ambiance, all Southern charm.

Hanne Jeppesen February 4, 2024 - 10:35 PM - 10:35 PM

Seems too me I should write about food more often I have never gotten so many thumbs up for one comment.

S February 4, 2024 - 7:47 AM - 7:47 AM

Oh, Hanne, Hanne, Hanne…
If you “…lived in New Orleans for one a half year, I have never had grits…”
Then you didn’t “Live” in New Orleans….
But it’s not too late for you…
Buy some Grits; not instant or quick kind, but real Grits…..
That’s ” Livin’ ” !
🙂 🙂 🙂

Hanne Jeppesen February 4, 2024 - 10:38 PM - 10:38 PM

They just never appealed to me. However, I did try the special blend coffee (has chicory in it) New Orleans is famous for and the beignets, which New Orleans is also famous for, they were delicious, just as good as anything from a Danish bakery.

S February 4, 2024 - 7:53 AM - 7:53 AM

and it happened last night……
Leftovers too……..

Cowellian February 2, 2024 - 7:13 PM - 7:13 PM

Cowellian’s first

Concordejet February 2, 2024 - 7:22 PM - 7:22 PM


Why do ducks have feathers?
To cover their butt quacks!

Dr. Jellyfinger February 2, 2024 - 7:39 PM - 7:39 PM

Waterfowl have the cleanest butts on Earth… watch them land on the water sometime.

Atticus Thraxx February 2, 2024 - 8:12 PM - 8:12 PM

A bunch of advice you didn’t ask for and probably don’t need:

4. When you have a choice, choose optimistic and happy.

12. .308 is loaded at higher pressures, so the lower pressure 7.62 NATO is safe to shoot in a .308 rifle, but not the other way around. It’s the opposite with the 5.56 NATO round, the 5.56 is loaded at higher pressure than the . 223. Doesn’t seem like important information now, but…
3. No one on their death bed ever wished they’d spent more time angry about politics. I can’t prove that, but believe it in my bones.
17. If I knew then what I know now, I’d have been a huge pain in the ass. I admit it.
44. Wash your hand before you eat. Seriously.
6. Male or female, you should be able to do your age in pushups. And if you can’t, male or female, there is no harm in trying to get there. I mean talk to your doctor and whatnot.
7. I want to buy expensive silk sheets, but I don’t want to be a guy with expensive silk sheets. Know what I mean? Probably require excessive lotioning products and weird smelling candles.
The square root of zero. Never marry a red head. Especially if you’re a redhead.
9. US Customs in Guam will go through all your s**t and help themselves to whatever they want and there’s apparently nothing you can do about it. Don’t give them anything but dirty drawers.
34. Replace lettuce in everything you use if for with spinach. And ‘eff kale.
35. Do not ask a CHP officer about the backacne from steroids. They’re understandably sensitive. And usually crazy strong for the first 60-180 seconds.
1. AWD is better than RWD. Never though I’d say that.
13. I haven’t had red meat since Christmas. Wasn’t my idea, but my doctor is adamant. Feels good. May not apply to everyone.
14. Despise hippies. And yes, that’s advice. Not your kinda crunchy self possessed Californian, but true smelly, whiney hippies.
77. Pay off your debt. And if you got some extra, maybe someone else’s too. But don’t be an idiot about that last part.
56. Spend as little of your time as possible thinking about the fact that you and everyone you love will die some day. And even less time talking about it. Especially at parties.
17. Sex is silly and there’s really no way to perform it with dignity. Be cool with that. I mean who the hell are you?
18. The next world war will be our last. If I’m wrong, come tell me about it.
101. Own a really good vise strapped to something that won’t move.
212. Enjoy the work.
22. If you can’t fart in your own bed, where can you fart? Don’t budge on that.
201. Forgive yourself. All your frailties, fears, prejudices, unkind words and acts…it’s ok. You’re just a bloody human and were never given an instruction manual. But if there’s room for improvement, don’t deny yourself that either.

Dorothy February 2, 2024 - 9:32 PM - 9:32 PM

Book report: Citizen of the Galaxy, Robert A Heinlein, 1957. Start at slave auction of young boy, maybe between 7 and 9. Give a few years and he becomes a teen age space Trader. From there into a United Confederation on the home planet Earth. Lots going on in between. This is both a fun read but with the seriousness of slavery. I do feel the end needs to be expanded. Enjoy anyhow.

Ancient Mariner February 2, 2024 - 9:41 PM - 9:41 PM

Atticus, I must respond to your No. 22 about what you can do in your own bed.
Many years ago, my South African classmate recited a bit of verse. I suspect it was originally from England and had died out there decades earlier, while being preserved in SA. He brought it back to England and now I’m sharing it with everybody. It goes like this:

“A fart, a fart is good for the heart,
It makes you feel at ease.
It warms the bed on a winter’s night,
And drives away the fleas.”

your neighbor the immigrant February 2, 2024 - 10:56 PM - 10:56 PM

How about those new compost bins the size of the blue recycle bin we are all supposed to get. Have you got one yet? Share your experience. I heard it comes with lots of rules, one of them is that we can’t use compostable bags to put out compostable food🤔

TTD February 3, 2024 - 6:56 AM - 6:56 AM

The garbage companies do indeed say don’t use compostable bags in these bins; however, pizza boxes etc can go in the bins. How does this make sense?

Mika February 3, 2024 - 3:23 PM - 3:23 PM

And the compostible bin gets maggots from all the rotting foodstuffs we’re supposed to put in it. Gross I’m sure it also attracts rats.

MMN February 9, 2024 - 12:16 PM - 12:16 PM

Because those are two different materials that react in two different ways. It’s pretty simple science. Just because something is advertised as “compostable” doesn’t mean it is truly compost-friendly. Just like “flushable” wipes aren’t actually something we should be flushing. You can look up the science on the internet!

Dorothy February 3, 2024 - 9:10 AM - 9:10 AM

I have one. First day after I used it I had ants! My solution, if anyone needs it, was to empty it out, wash it good, and then spray Lysol inside including the paper lining and the lid. That has kept the ants out ever since. Funny thing is that after all the years you were not suppose to put pizza boxes in the regular recycle bin you can now put them in blue one. Ever try to put an extra large pizza box in a box that size? What I really don’t like is that we are suppose to empty the darn things in the yard waste can.

nytemuvr February 3, 2024 - 5:22 PM - 5:22 PM

What I wonder is doesn’t most homes have garbage disposals? Why would you want to go back and save your food garbage then put it in the “organics” can like pre-disposal days.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 4, 2024 - 6:05 PM - 6:05 PM

I have a rule….. no solids down the drain – zero – none allowed – and no garbage disposal.

Well Folks February 3, 2024 - 8:50 AM - 8:50 AM

Beautiful brisk sunny day for the monthly wine walk. I will be putting wrist bands on the masses for a couple of hours this afternoon. Last month during the blizzard there were 147 brave or perhaps insane souls who participated.
And later this evening heading up to Virginia City to get our “shimmy” on at the Ponderosa Saloon as a good dance band is playing. Got to do everything today as snowmagedon is hitting tomorrow

FYI February 3, 2024 - 10:06 AM - 10:06 AM

Anyone else feel like they were struck over their head with a 2×4 after they opened their latest PG&E bill? I can’t believe how much more our bill is now. We have not even been running our heater (in an effort to keep the bill down) and it’s out of control. To think that they want to add an additional increase is absolutely horrifying!

your neighbor the immigrant February 3, 2024 - 4:25 PM - 4:25 PM

$195 newest bill, November was $105. Same usage. Unbelievable.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 6, 2024 - 6:55 AM - 6:55 AM

No, I feel more like Bobby Trippe on a Cahulawassee canoe ride.

nytemuvr February 7, 2024 - 2:44 PM - 2:44 PM

@DR. JELLYFINGER….Poor Ned Beatty, every time I saw him in a movie or TV show I thought about him in the scene you refer to.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 7, 2024 - 3:05 PM - 3:05 PM

Yeah, he regretted that too.
Kinda got typecast as the “Squeal like a pig” guy….. and here I am bringing it up again! Sorry Bobby…. err I mean Ned!

Kentucky Derby February 4, 2024 - 8:42 AM - 8:42 AM

Our bill last month went down $34. We don’t run the heater (well insulated home). Your PG&E bill is like your weight. You are what you use, and you are what you eat. It’s not what you want to hear, but it’s the truth.

Captain Bebops February 4, 2024 - 9:54 AM - 9:54 AM

Does that reflect the 25% increase that was announced? This is not a good time to do such a thing. I won’t be able to see my bill for a couple days but they sent an email and pulled the due date in two days. Why do they do that? In hope we will forget to pay the bill and charge us a late fee? Such a crooked company! 😡

domo February 3, 2024 - 3:26 PM - 3:26 PM

Carnegie OHV Park – for those of you that are interested or use the Carnegie off road park – I received an email soliciting comments / feedback on their report. I provided much feedback via email to the prescribed email address and it was deleted without being read! Another case where they are just trying to show they are doting their I’s and crossing their T’s to satisfy a public notification requirement…… same as when the state, etc. were asking for input regarding the proposal to expand the park across the street (which was denied) 🙁 Carnegie SVRA General Plan Update
Notice of Availability

Draft Environmental Impact Report
for the Proposed Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area General Plan Update
State Clearinghouse # 2022030810
Public Comment Period: January 16 to March 1, 2024

Tim February 3, 2024 - 5:33 PM - 5:33 PM

AB 205 is a trailer bill quickly signed off by Newsom that would allow PG&E to set utility rates based on income level. PG&E would have access to your income tax records! What could possibly go wrong?
Those who voted for this bill are now having buyers remorse. Was passed along party lines without debate. Surprise. Who and what you vote for has real consequences.
There is now an effort to hopefully overturn this poorly written bill.

Atticus Thraxx February 3, 2024 - 8:44 PM - 8:44 PM

My brutally honest 2024 Cadillac CT-5 Review:
I done and went and bought a Cadillac. Not because it’s a good idea, it’s not. But damned if I’m waiting until I’m 74 and can only drive during the day and only at 35mph to get one, like every one of my dad’s friends.
The CT-5 is a mid-sized luxury offering from GM subsidiary Cadillac . It’s competitors are the E Class, 5 Series, A-6 and whatever a Lexus ES is. Which I suspect is just a Toyota with aspirations, but I speak from ignorance.
Pretty good warranty. 4-year/40k bumper, 6-year 70k drivetrain. Roadside assistance and courtesy vehicles for 3 years. Longer if you join their club. First service visit is free, but gets ridiculous from there.
So you pick from a CT-5 Sport, CT-5-V, CT-5 Luxury, CT-5 Luxury Premium and the insane Black Wing. I’m not gonna go through all the differences because I chose the Luxury Package and that’s what I can fairly review. But that Black Wing, gotta get on a waiting list or just get lucky if a pre-order doesn’t go through. There wasn’t one at the dealership I went to though.
If I’m truthing my dream car is a Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6 Cabriolet. But as kind as fortune has been, it hasn’t been that kind. But maybe if I start playing the lottery…
But in the mean time, after test driving the Five Series and pricing them, it was a no-go. Incredible car, I could not say enough about it, but as I didn’t buy one…And besides I’m looking for a cruiser, not something that provides uncomfortable g forces. I didn’t even go test drive the E Class. Headed into my local city and dropped in first thing this morning with me checkbook at the Cadillac dealer.
And the first car I looked at was a Premium Luxury CT-4 which is a smaller version of the CT-5. No trunk room. Maybe a short rifle case would fit, but it’d have to be a short one. Nice car, just too small for my needs. Same engine, but an 8-speed and RWD. Next was a pretty CT-5 that was in the showroom. Could smell it from 15 feet away and I kinda feel in love. So they had to go get a guy who knew how to unlatch the doors to drive it out into the lot. And off I went.
Here are the cool things I dig so far about the CT-5:
Technology: Might be best in class. There is nothing you won’t know about your vehicle to the point of annoyance. MyCadillac app let’s you see everything from oil life, tire pressure to the complete diagnostic menu if you’re into that. Crazy big screen in the dash, don’t remember the measurements but it’s excessive. Lot’s of hard controls too, where the Five Series seemed to have a lot of virtual controls you need the display for.
Not sure I’m completely onboard with starting my car from my phone yet. But it is cool.And if it starts with the AC on for 10 minutes before I get in during August, I won’t be mad I bet.
Free On-Star for six months. $29.99 a month plus taxes and fees from there. But they can unlock your car for you, call for help if you’re in a bad way after an accident and track and disable your car if it’s stolen. Thems the claims anyways. Wireless phone charger and that Apple Play synchs your phone and what have you. Has the Siri and Alexa inferfaces if that’s your poison.
Packages: Mine has the Cold Weather package and the Sun and Sound Package with a sun/moon roof frankly I could do without. Says it has a 15 speaker Bose system, but I haven’t found but 8 speakers. And any volume louder than 4 hurt my ears so maybe there are 15. Maybe daylight will reveal more. Did I mention the heated steering wheel yet? Easy to make fun of, until you have it. Like holding a lover. 🙂
The interior is nice, though the Five Series was nicer. Premium leather layed against Toyota level-plastics was disappointing. Quiet though. Shut the door and you here little outside. Until you start the engine. A little loud for a luxury car if you ask me. Has some kind of coating on it supposed to protect from dings and scratches. Not an option I would have chose, but there it is. It’s also a WiFi hotspot if you have On-Star or MyCadillac.
Exterior: Mine is Summit White with black interior. Big 18″ painted chrome wheels wrapped with some nice Michelin 245/ R45s. You don’t get a spare of any kind. But I’m gonna fix that, if the trunk is too small to be useful, I can carry a full sized spare at least. And a friggen jack! Sheesh. Strap it all down somehow.
Clean lines, decent grill and a nice butt. Stance looks sharp too. Sensors out the ying-yang and I don’t know them all yet. The backup camera has better resolution than my expensive TV. Might just go backwards everywhere.
Seats are bucket with cool stitching, can’t remember how many positions they adjust to. Somewhere between plush and the hard aggressive seats of the Mercedes is best I can say. I like them. Time will tell.
Now the bad:
it weighs about 4700 lbs and it’s a 2.7L Inline Turbo and it’s kinda undewhelming in Tour mode. Sport mode maybe a little more torque in the first five gears but nothing to write home about. But like I said, I was shopping for comfort, not thrills and that’s exactly what this engine/drivetrain gives me. If you want more, there is a DOHC 6 available that’s in the 330 hp range if memory serves. I’m sitting at 237hp and that damn sure isn’t at the point of friction, but at the crank. But it’s enough for me nowadays.
The visibility could be better, small mirrors all the way around, though I could get used to the blind spot detection. That is cool.
So in summation: There’s few things more satisfying you can do with your pants on than buying a brand new Cadillac literally( I insisted) from the showroom floor, with cash. Great value, the most luxury you can buy in this class. But again, I didn’t even go look at Infiniti or Lexus so maybe there’s something there. The German stuff, just too pricey. The Italian stuff? I don’t want to put a mechanic’s kids through college.
Good: Tech, appearance, comfort, price
Bad: Performance could have been better, fit and finish with nice sticking and trim but not so nice plastics. And seriously, this should be SOP at Cadillac…the trunk must fit a standard sized rifle case or back to the drawing board.
I’ll give updated reviews as I put my time in the car. And I will be brutally honest as is my wont.
Oh smack forgot to mention if you’re a COSTCO Gold Member in good standing and can prove it…$1000 off MSRP. Needless to say I was delighted.

Ancient Mariner February 4, 2024 - 3:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Congratulations on the new car, Atticus!

Dr. Jellyfinger February 4, 2024 - 6:19 PM - 6:19 PM

I keep a small tire repair kit and a little 12 V electric air pump in the vehicles I drive. Have not changed a tire in years, no spare needed.

Original G February 6, 2024 - 4:20 PM - 4:20 PM

Have same setup all in single bag, transfer to whichever vehicle I’m driving.
Also three rechargeable flashlights with sidelight and warning strobe.

Mika February 4, 2024 - 8:19 PM - 8:19 PM

Curious why Kroger ads appear on Claycord where there are no Kroger stores here?

The Old Goat February 6, 2024 - 9:38 PM - 9:38 PM

FoodsCo, in Pittsburg, is owned by Kroger

Dr. Jellyfinger February 5, 2024 - 5:53 PM - 5:53 PM

Ever notice how a walnut kinda looks like a brain?
When you crack it open the nut meat kinda looks like a brain too!
This could be more than coincidence and I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep until I figure it out.
Wish me luck!

Dr. Jellyfinger February 7, 2024 - 3:17 PM - 3:17 PM

OK, (after I sobered up) I decided to search this subject on the internet and this is what I found:
“For people who believe in intelligent design, the reason a walnut looks like a brain is because it is a sign from our creator to eat walnuts for brain health”.
There are actually a few other reasons provided but too much to post for such a mediocre subject, but I will post a link for those of you who get curious about weird stuff like I do.


Dr. Jellyfinger February 6, 2024 - 8:23 PM - 8:23 PM

Stockton Police tow 90 cars at illegal sideshow event! Some maybe destroyed if they are determined to be a “public nuisance” !

Dr. Jellyfinger February 7, 2024 - 6:37 AM - 6:37 AM

Looks like all cars involved are of modern design, no 60’s or 70’s classic muscle cars.
Go ahead & crush ’em.

Original G February 8, 2024 - 4:03 AM - 4:03 AM

Laying out and building an electrical panel is art and needs to be pleasing to the eye.
This gentleman is skilled artist.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 9, 2024 - 7:27 AM - 7:27 AM

To the surprise of nobody nine year old Chiefs fan’s folks are suing the bejeezus out of sports news website “Deadspin” for their deceitful portrayal of the youngster as a racist.


The Fearless Spectator February 9, 2024 - 10:02 AM - 10:02 AM

This morning at the hardware store the clerk didn’t know what a grommet was.
God help us……..

Dr. Jellyfinger February 9, 2024 - 5:22 PM - 5:22 PM

Oh dats EZ!
It’s a guy who likes fancy foods.

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