The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
As of right now, only men over 18 are required by law to register for the Military Draft.
QUESTION: Should women be required to register for the Military Draft?
Talk about it.
Sure. Why not?
Equality… equal exposure to government mandates.
Protect woman in the constitution and you all good right? Waiting..
Well if it is only men, then in these days of all the alphabet people, there is a good way to skip out. Need to make it all persuasions.
I don’t believe any American should be required to register for military draft.
Dear nieve dreamers: a country always has to be prepared to defend itself. If we do not, the West half of our Country will belong to China and the East half to Russia. How do you think your liberal freedoms, self-expression, diversity, inclusion , etc etc will be fair then? ( not well if at all )
They are too by Tik Tok & government misinformation to make that connection
Actually Russia is closer to us than China.
It’s a very good thing that you weren’t running things when Hitler was around.
Maybe you should take a trip to the Holocaust Museum. https://www.ushmm.org/
Better yet, travel to Dachau or Auschwitz and marvel at the giant ovens where they incinerate millions.
No. Get rid of the military draft. It should be all voluntary.
Yes – and reinstate the draft …even if in low numbers but first to see the impact – raise the pay significantly – make it a true living wage!
There is no draft at the moment and there should not be one again. If they re-institute the draft then it is for just another way of control. War is the product of an adolescent mind.
No women should not have to register, “have we lost our minds as men?” If we can look beyond the stupidity of the loud people out there (alphabet group and others) banging their drum we should still see that the sun still rises and sets on them. If they want to join then that’s great and I wish them all the luck but it is our job to protect.
the FOG zone….. ( FOG= F&*king old guy)
Nowadays women want to be treated just like men in all respect’sThey want to play sports with men use the men’s locker room and restroom .So sure let’s make it really equal.Off to war you go ladies.
The United States has enough brave and qualified women, and some of them have made excellent fighter pilots. But for women, it should be left the way it is, on a volunteer basis. The US has a weak military, I just read today that there are less than 500,000 active duty troops in the Army. That’s one million less than they had during the Vietnam War, and seven million less than they had during WWII. I believe the reason for such a low number is because of the Army’s new politically correct, WOKE policy, and it’s turning people off. They don’t want to be a part of it. What our country and military should do is restore pride and patriotism. It can start at the top with the President, who has been criticizing half the country for being a Republican, or as Biden likes to say, “MAGA Republicans.” I don’t even know what he means by that remark, since MAGA means make America great again, why would he be against that? He needs to start by treating all Americans politely, fairly and equally, no matter which political party they belong to. People will feel a sense of patriotism and belonging when they are treated with respect by our politicians. The Army is not a social experiment, its purpose is to ensure the safety of the United States, to deploy, fight and win our nation’s wars.
This is all true, but it misses what time it is. The uniparty/permanent security state has deemed populism a national security threat, and is mobilizing to go to war with it. They consider a weakened military an acceptable price to pay to make sure scary MAGA insurrectionists aren’t lurking in the ranks. Just like purging troops who refused the jab was a useful proxy for getting rid of likely Trump supporters/people that wouldn’t “just follow orders.”
Or if you are less dark and conspiratorial than I, perhaps they were truly shaken by J6, and were actually worried the military might be a threat to civilian control. I don’t buy it though, since they are advancing DEI and gender ideology all at the same time, and that is far more subversive to national security interests. See the airforce guy that just kiled himself in front of the Israeli embassy for evidence.
How about draft only woke liberals for DEM’ military, they will feel right at home with all their pronouns and bathroom accommodations.
No one should be required for selective service however in the Woke world that we currently reside in if Males are required to register then so to should females, transgenders and non Binary should as well
There has not been a draft since 1973. Since then, all military service has been voluntary. But all 18 yr old males are required to register in case they ever reinstate the draft.
It should be required that everyone must register for the draft. Men, women, and Corporal Klingers. This will create a list of eligible citizens that are available in case things get really bad and a draft becomes a necessity.
Side note: I think a 2 yr stint in the military should be mandatory. One learns valuable life lessons (discipline, responsibility, work ethic, a trade, critical thinking, etc) during military service. You are forced to grow up, but in a good way and that gained maturity carries over into the (usually) eventual civilian life.
NO! Absolutely not.
Plenty of women will volunteer and should only be assigned to non combat roles.
We should ban all women from the military. Then men as well.
The Founders never intended that we have a standing army. A functioning 2nd Amendment would allow for adequate self-defense against enemies, foreign and domestic.
Pretty pathetic people. I could understand letting women fight if there were barbarians at the gates. But these days the wars are corporate. Contractors like Lockheed are the real winners. And in many cases their weaponry is sold to both sides.
Also if the US requires women to fight its wars (BTW when was the last time an actual war was declared) won’t its opponents require the same thing? The next step would be to lower the enlistment age. What else would you do with a teenager that’s had both parents killed in action?
Protect the family unit. Keep women out of the military.
How exactly is a functioning 2nd Amendment going to stop a nation state that deploys Armor, Artillery, Fighter jets, bombers, attack helicopters and convention, airborne and airmobile Infantry along with all the logistical support for said invasion?
By the way, shouldn’t woman have a choice in the matter?
None of the things you mentioned are sufficient for an occupying power to win a war. The US has some of the finest weaponry in the world and we couldn’t win against the sandal wearing stoners in Afghanistan. Same thing in Vietnam.
Secondly, the 2nd Amendment is the right to self defense against enemies foreign and domestic. As such it does not preclude citizens from having artillery, jets, etc.
BTW – Shouldn’t the people have a choice as to what wars that America fights? Our troops are constantly used to fight in wars that were never declared, nor voted on. Often these wars benefit other countries or corporate interests.
The only reason why the US did not “win” in either Viet Nam or AFG is because they refuse to fight total war as defined by Niccolo Machiavelli. You either have to amalgamate their population into your society or you commit genocide and repopulate the captured land with your own people.
What fantasy land are you living in where US Citizens can own much less afford to operate and train with artillery, Armor, fighter jets or attack helicopters?
You live in a Constitutional Republic. You elect people to decide if and when the Military goes to fight. If you don’t like the choices your elective representatives make, chose better next time.
So you’re proposing that if the US were to withdraw our troops from foreign countries, we’d be threatened by genocide and repopulation?
An overextended occupying army being defeated by self-determined, decentralized natives is a very old story. Tactics and weapons change but this pattern repeats over and over.
Private citizens already own military equipment. Musk has rockets, flamethrowers, etc. Starlink was being used to guide missiles in Ukraine. It wouldn’t be necessary for your average Joe to own these things. Only that they have the right to be able to own these things. With almost 16 million licensed hunters in the US last year, we have enough raw power to repel any invaders.
Really, we can just elect leaders that won’t go to war? Who would those leaders be? Not Biden, Obama, Bush. You understand the concept of Uni-party don’t you? Trump was the most peaceful recent president we’ve had and he lost re-election after massive voter fraud and is currently facing lawfare by a corrupted judicial system.
Where would the Command and Control come from? In other words, who would be in charge of your 2nd Amendment warriors to have a coordinated battle plan? Where would the logistic of refitting and resupply of your 2nd Amendment warriors come from? How are you going to communicate with your 2nd Amendment warriors with no power, internet or cellular service? How are you going to feed your 2nd Amendment army? Who is responsible for casevac and medevac of the wounded? Who is responsible for interment of the dead? Who would responsible for training of your 2nd Amendment warriors into a cohesive fighting unit? What do you do with prisoners and their wounded?
What you would have is fiefdoms ruled by Lord of the Flies War Lords followed by people like Paul who would be pushing others like himself other out of the way to be the first to join the New Vichy US Government.
Don’t they first have to figure out what a woman is ? ? ?
Pronouns and hacking off body parts . . . . . . .
I have served alongside many draftees. They did the job asked by their country, and they served with honor. Nevertheless, I still believe that an all-volunteer military is preferable.
However, there may come a time when we need a large number of men in a hurry, and for that reason, I also support having a peacetime draft process in place. And it should apply to all males. After all, wearing a dress didn’t work for Klinger either.
1. We should be Prepared, Peaceful, and Safe.
2. We should Draft All Able-Bodied Men and Women.
3. An Invested Citizenry Takes Care & Pride In Their Country!
Way not? It is suppose to be a “fact” that the female of a species is usually deadlier than the male.
When woman have equal rights under the constitution sure woman have the obligation to protect
Women do have equal rights under the constitution.
If they want equal rights, then yes.
Of course yes if we lost. The other option is to seek asylum in other countries. I think either option would be an easy transition given that I have not recited the pledge of allegiance since 1994!
My mind says yes, but my heart says no. Let’s hope we never need to seriously consider that, both my parts agree on that. 🇺🇸
If they want to vote they should have some skin in the game. Also if they don’t want to vote, then no.
Cry all you want, women run on emotions, vote on emotions. Have nothing to loose by voting for war mongers who appeal to their emotions. Don’t care how many disagree. Women get to sway elections and people like nancy pelosi and joe biden get elected. They don’t have to be concerned with the results. Unlike men who can be forced to go to war, are burdened with supporting a family while being taxed to death. It’s true, that’s it and that’s all.
What an ignorant statement to make about woman. Maybe, you’re referring to a group of men, who are allowed to show their emotions with bigotry and misconception of woman? Woman have raised the greatest people throughout history without praise and being acknowledged. Women are stronger than you know and can withstand the storms of life and embrace the little things that make them determined to survive. Have you ever worked a 12 hour day, while raising a family and running a household, with 4 hours of sleep and getting paid peanuts? Women in WWII protected the home front by flying planes and being test pilots to free up the men fighting oversees. (WASP). These brave American woman were never acknowledged by the military until the late 1970’s. Why don’t you tell Sue Atkins from Below Zero in the Arctic that she is emotional. I doubt you would because she could skin you like a bear.
Lol all these great achievements you claim for women are simply things men do everyday. Protected the home front by test flying planes? Oh man where do I begin…first off they wouldn’t have any valuable input as they wouldn’t know what they were trying to test. If your argument is women aren’t emotion driven, it’s a failure every time. Just look at your post. Now go contribute if you want to vote on where my tax dollars go. I do love the part where women have raised the greatest people throughout history, well duh, and somehow it feels wrong to you that they aren’t praised? You’ve proven my point for me. Thank you, come again
Of course not. This is America.
Well I think EVERYONE should register and there should be ZERO exception for the wealthy. Kennedy brothers served during WWII so why can’t the little rich brats serve now. Either EVERYONE registers or nobody should be required to register
No. It should be voluntary. Draft only men when necessary. The military was incentivized 1/2 century ago
and there should be a way not to have a formal draft in peacetime. We are the superior fighting force in the
world and can be globally present anywhere quickly.(ask the Iranians).
The main thing is not to get woke in the military and get bogged down with BS.