Home » Beyond Claycord (Downtown SF) – BART Braces For Potential Station Entrance Closures Downtown

Beyond Claycord (Downtown SF) – BART Braces For Potential Station Entrance Closures Downtown

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As strong winds and drenching rainfall is expected to hit San Francisco through Thursday, BART crews are standing by in the event of a flood, a BART official said Wednesday morning.

Downtown San Francisco stations are most likely to face entrance closures, as there have been issues with flooding in the past, though staff and equipment are at the ready, BART spokeswoman Alicia Trost said.

BART crews will utilize equipment like sandbags, pumps, special vacuum trucks, tarps and Zamboni machines in case of a flood, Trost said. Crews have already checked sump pumps and cleared storm drains.

BART will also be running trains at slower speeds during the storm, and riders should expect delays of up to 20 minutes.


1 comment

bob January 4, 2023 - 11:55 AM - 11:55 AM

Good thing BART does NOT have to deal with Snow…

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