Home » Three Alleged Gang Members Charged In Killing Of 5-Year-Old Girl

Three Alleged Gang Members Charged In Killing Of 5-Year-Old Girl


Three suspected gang members have been charged in the shooting death of a 5-year-old girl along an East Bay freeway on April 8, according to the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office.

Humberto Anaya, 29, of Fremont, Kristo Ayala Valderrama, 25, of Pleasanton and Emmanuel Sarango, 27, of Fremont were arrested in Santa Cruz hours after the shooting took place along Interstate Highway 880 in Fremont.

Eliyanah Crisostomo was shot in the heart as she was riding in a vehicle with her family to a family dinner.

“There is no reason young children should die on our Bay Area freeways,” Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price said in a statement Friday. “This behavior is absolutely unacceptable. We will not stand for gun violence and these three defendants will be held accountable for their despicable actions.”


Prosecutors allege that Anaya, Ayala Valderrama and Sarango are Fremont Sureno gang members who believed they were shooting into a car of rival gang members. Five other people were in the car with Eliyanah.

Each suspect has been charged with killing Eliyanah as well as other offenses. The three were driving a red Honda Accord and are alleged to have shot at another person in Fremont about 15 minutes earlier.

In shooting Eliyanah, the suspects flashed gang symbols, prosecutors said. Fremont police believe the other shooting was also gang-related.

Anaya, Ayala Valderrama and Sarango are in custody in Santa Rita Jail in Dublin. Anaya and Ayala Valderrama are expected to enter pleas on Thursday at the East County Hall of Justice in Dublin.


Sarango is expected in court Monday to enter a plea.


Dr. Jellyfinger April 14, 2023 - 5:56 PM - 5:56 PM

Are any of the murderers in the USA legally?

Andrea Heredia April 14, 2023 - 10:22 PM - 10:22 PM

Weapons should be illegal!!

BORbeliever April 15, 2023 - 2:31 PM - 2:31 PM

Andrea, If you think that making weapons illegal will keep them away from criminals such as these gang members then I’m sorry, but you are dumber than box of rocks.

JQ April 16, 2023 - 4:37 AM - 4:37 AM

That pesky constitution always getting in the way of idiots who think guns are the problem.

Exit 12A April 14, 2023 - 7:25 PM - 7:25 PM

Humberto Anaya, 29, Emmanuel Sarango, 27, and Kristo Ayala Valderrama, 25, are being held at Santa Rita Jail in Dublin without bail.
Immigration status?

Ugh April 15, 2023 - 5:28 AM - 5:28 AM

Probably born here to illegals. That’s what happens when you let this be a sanctuary state for 30 years. They aren’t growing up to be scientists or doctors because they aren’t being born for the right reasons to begin with. Sad.

The Mamba April 14, 2023 - 8:59 PM - 8:59 PM

Don’t worry Pamela Price will get them out asap, and give them guns to protect themselves.

Ricardoh April 14, 2023 - 11:24 PM - 11:24 PM

These three are not too swift.on top of being killers. I hope they get major time.

Amateur Teacher April 15, 2023 - 3:52 AM - 3:52 AM

When will California voters realize what they keep creating every time they go to the polls. Homelessness. Failing infrastructure. Drug trafficking. Wealth disparity. Rampant crime. Illegal immigration. These are all the outcomes of liberal policies. Some are the direct cause of the policies and some are the result of negligent policies to prevent them. Why do you keep doing this? How much more has to happen for you to decide your sugar tax, gas stovetop bans, KAREN laws, etc aren’t worth it.

Schmee April 15, 2023 - 7:17 AM - 7:17 AM

I can’t imagine being such a weak human being that I would have to join a gang. All the losers who got picked on in school… I just made friends with all the biggest guys in school and you have nothing to fear after that. It’s all about gaining respect not acting tough… little weak vatos

Ricardoh April 15, 2023 - 4:30 PM - 4:30 PM

When we moved to los Angeles from Novato I went to Jr High named Virgil JHS. A more mixed race place you would ever find. The first day I met a kid from Wisconsin who had just moved to a not so good neighborhood in LA. A normal kid. With in a month he had gotten beaten so many times he joined a gang for protection. Total attitude change after that.

Dr. Jellyfinger April 17, 2023 - 8:11 AM - 8:11 AM

Gee Schmee
When I was in school all the biggest guys WERE the bullies. Sucking up? hmmm…. never thought of even trying that… I was stupid enough to fight back and get beaten up pretty bad. We didn’t have any gangs to join back then either.

Cautiously Informed April 15, 2023 - 7:45 AM - 7:45 AM

Will DA Price, the friend, supporter and enabler of dangerous criminals go easy on them, like she has with gang member murderers in the past?

Domo April 15, 2023 - 8:14 AM - 8:14 AM

… let the jail door slam behind them and lose the key

MoJo April 15, 2023 - 9:34 AM - 9:34 AM

Prosecutors allege that Anaya, Ayala Valderrama and Sarango are Fremont Sureno gang members who believed they were shooting into a car of rival gang members and yet bought and paid for liberal woke Pamela Price did not charge them with any special circumstances or gang or gun sentencing enhancements ? Price and Becton are cut from the same cloth .I hope the voters of Alameda and Contra Costa County wake up and eventually vote these clowns out of office.

American Citizen April 15, 2023 - 10:47 AM - 10:47 AM

Maybe if we didn’t treat our justice system as catch and release, this might not happen. Bring back old west Justice

Oh, please April 15, 2023 - 11:54 AM - 11:54 AM

And they all sound like totally legal citizens…

OverWhelmed April 15, 2023 - 2:38 PM - 2:38 PM

First, this was a deliberate act on behalf of the shooters part. They pulled the trigger. Second, this is not a firearm offense. Third, they will get off on probation because they are latino and our district attorney will not prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.


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