Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – June 9, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Politics – June 9, 2023


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Original G June 9, 2023 - 5:56 PM - 5:56 PM

DEMs center piece of their abilities to govern and problem solve is SF.
‘San Francisco Homeowners Lose $260 Billion In Value ‘
‘THIRTY San Francisco hotels could stop paying loan payments as city struggles with spiking crime, rampant homelessness and brazen drug use’
‘San Francisco’s ‘Doom Loop’ Has Accelerated’
member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors 1997 – 2004
SF mayor 2004 – 2011
SF 1997 – 2011
state 2011 – 2023
Lieutenant Governor of California 2011 – 2019
Governor of California 2019 – present
With all those years of experience, committing knee jerk Photo OPs, you’d think he might have a clue on how to solve CA’s problems . . . . .
SF and CA are experiments upon citizens by DEMs, fueled by your tax dollars.
They almost never take any responsibility for failures, but stand ever ready to throw more of your dollars at their mistakes in an attempt to fix them. Usually results in additional problems.
ONLY way to correct problems they created is to vote them out of office.

Darwin June 9, 2023 - 9:29 PM - 9:29 PM

Great post. It just shows how brainwashed the Democratic Party is. They would vote for a non-binary lesbian black me-too purple hair ant-white racist hamster as long as it was democrat. I call it the Pennsylvania effect (look at what happened there) Your post proves my point. You can’t fix stupid.

Danged ineffectual June 12, 2023 - 4:06 PM - 4:06 PM

Why is San Francisco considered the “center piece” of anything? Let alone for “the DEMS”?
What is the counterpart? Or, what would be the R’s centerpiece?

Angry American June 9, 2023 - 6:01 PM - 6:01 PM

Banana republic!
Why do they call it a banana republic?
A banana republic is a politically unstable country. A banana republic has social classes that are divided by wealth. “there is more to this but this part fits”

We are close to this as we are so power hungry we persecute our political rivals because we are afraid of them.
The fall of Rome. The attempt of “Damnatio memoriae” for orange man “45” is despicable.

The Fearless Spectator June 9, 2023 - 8:22 PM - 8:22 PM

It’s rather interesting so many people can be so deathly afraid of one man.
We saw this in the early 1960s with physical assassination. Now, media assassination appears to be the go to method of dealing with political adversaries.
If there is a hell, it’ll be overbooked like a Newsom homeless hotel.

Angry American June 10, 2023 - 11:24 AM - 11:24 AM

people throw rocks at things that shine.

Danged ineffectual June 12, 2023 - 4:18 PM - 4:18 PM

Well, the term ‘Banana Republic’ came about because at the time, the particular country at question (Guatemala), had an economy mainly held up through foreign capital.

The risk being that the foreign capital could leave at any time. Which makes things unstable. We have instability, but it is not based on how much other countries spend here.

Also, you do understand that many, many countries have “social classes devided by wealth.” In fact, it’s the wealth that defines many social classes, or the lack thereof.

Your worry about “political rivals being persecuted, but we’re you chanting “lock her up”? Or doubting someone’s birth certificate?

Do you understand the difference between persecute and prosecute?

Worth adding, no one is seeking to erase Trump from memory.

Angry American June 10, 2023 - 11:33 AM - 11:33 AM
Original G June 9, 2023 - 6:18 PM - 6:18 PM

While you were not paying attention,
“A recently amended California bill would classify not affirming a child’s gender identity by one or both parents as “child abuse.” AB 957 was introduced into the California legislature by Assemblymember Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City) and state Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco).”
‘CA Senate Honoring The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in LGBTQ Recognition Ceremony’

Badge1104 June 9, 2023 - 6:59 PM - 6:59 PM

Most everything that weiner signs his name to is a crazy gay type bill

The Fearless Spectator June 9, 2023 - 8:32 PM - 8:32 PM

Weiner does seem to have a rather persistent focus on removing parental rights regarding minor children. That in itself should be disconcerting.

Jeff (the other one) June 9, 2023 - 9:08 PM - 9:08 PM

can’t get much lower than weiner. despicable insult of a human being. the rot of san francisco is a perfect example of his ideology.

Captain Bebops June 10, 2023 - 10:23 AM - 10:23 AM

I am wondering if all this LGBTQ attention is a trap to expose them. Some may beginning to wonder that themselves.

Robles June 9, 2023 - 6:31 PM - 6:31 PM

Twice impeached twice indicted, bet trump wishes he had never run for office, he could have stayed in NY and continued to con contractors and suppliers oh what could have been.
One day before his birthday he will face a judge, Happy Birthday don the con!!!

Paul June 9, 2023 - 7:09 PM - 7:09 PM

I heard that trump is asking if having bones spur could help him out of jail. Lol

The Fearless Spectator June 9, 2023 - 8:11 PM - 8:11 PM

Nah, he could just take a page out of the Democrat playbook and claim to identify as female and house with the ladies. It’s called “working the system”.

Paul June 10, 2023 - 8:59 AM - 8:59 AM

Trump was a democrat; plus he always work the system so there ain’t nothing wrong. I’m glad that criminal turned Republican because he fits right in. On the other hand, I am glad we have rep mark desaulnier, a great statesman, to join the democrats party.

Danged ineffectual June 10, 2023 - 1:58 PM - 1:58 PM

@fearless as long as they serve the time I don’t see what the problem would be.

Sick of it June 9, 2023 - 8:08 PM - 8:08 PM

He still did a lot better than the clown who is sitting in the Oval Office right now destroying America while still taking his cut

Cyn June 9, 2023 - 8:34 PM - 8:34 PM

I’ll take that bet.

Doh June 9, 2023 - 10:01 PM - 10:01 PM

Too bad Trump wasn’t as protective of classified documents as he was with his tax returns.

Danged ineffectual June 10, 2023 - 1:59 PM - 1:59 PM

@doh. Spot on!
But that also means he knew he wasn’t going to get a penny for those returns. Lol!

The Fearless Spectator June 10, 2023 - 7:43 PM - 7:43 PM

Trump would have been better off working small countries for a few million here and there. Funnel it through bogus LLCs, and viola, the family and grandchildren will never have to have a real job. Ain’t Biden’s America great……….
Biden’s seventh grandchild (The one he denies) is better off for not having received that dirty Biden family legacy money.
And as for Hunter, he never met a crack pipe or w**** he didn’t like. What an embarrassment.

larry June 11, 2023 - 12:38 PM - 12:38 PM

Yeah, what was he thinking? He should have stored all classified documents on the seat of his corvette.

Doh June 9, 2023 - 10:13 PM - 10:13 PM

In 2016 Trump signed a bill to increase the penalties for mishandling classified documents to punish Hillary. Hello karma

THE BLACK KNIGHT June 14, 2023 - 7:15 PM - 7:15 PM

Donald Trump wasn’t the president in 2016, so I don’t know what you think he signed.

SAM June 10, 2023 - 4:24 AM - 4:24 AM

Who is jack smith? Watch what happens username “diablooutlook”. Real convincing there bot. Maybe next time try a name like dave or robert.

Cautiously Informed June 10, 2023 - 8:06 AM - 8:06 AM

Thanks for bringing up the glaring pin-point example of how corrupt and politicized the Democrat controlled justice department is, and another example of how the Democrat government attempts to deflect attention away from their fecklessness and their corruption.

Doh June 11, 2023 - 12:25 PM - 12:25 PM

Trump was caught with classified documents a few times and lied to his attorneys about returning all of them. The DOJ was doing their job. So the GOP retaliates by increasing their years long investigation of Hunter Biden to try to create a scandal. So far nothing has been found.

Cautiously Informed June 11, 2023 - 1:50 PM - 1:50 PM

The DOJ, news media reports and the Bidens.
Yes, indeed – all truly legit, honest, trustworthy, law abiding and believable.

Doh June 11, 2023 - 2:55 PM - 2:55 PM

Trump’s former attorney general Bill Barr calls his second indictment “very damning.” Barr said. “He had no right to maintain them and retain them.”

Under Obama Norman Eisen served as White House ethics czar and ambassador “I wrote the declassification rules, and they leave Trump largely defenseless.” Trump had left those rules in place.

Captain Bebops June 10, 2023 - 10:27 AM - 10:27 AM

He should have run for governor first then he would have wanted nothing to do with politics. He learned the hard way. Not that anything much may come of this. I think this is a distraction, a “look over here, not at what we’re doing over by Ukraine”. I just remember the look on Trump’s face after that initial meeting with Obama. It’s like he had been told the truth about Santa Claus.

Badge1104 June 9, 2023 - 7:02 PM - 7:02 PM

I find it so interesting that the democrats are outraged of the possibility that Chinese tourists touring Miralago may have seen some of the supposed classified papers that Donald Trump had there. They don’t seem to have any issue that Congressman Eric Swalwell was sleeping with a communist spy, and Senator Dianne Feinstein had a communist spy as her chauffeur for 15 years. Talk about selective outrage and hypocrisy! Then there were the classified papers in Bidens garage….

Ricardoh June 9, 2023 - 7:47 PM - 7:47 PM

Or that Joe Biden kept secret papers in a building in Chinatown or that he kept them in a College “Welcome to Biden Room” that was supported and paid for and visited by the Communist Chinese Government. Wait a minute I just saw a truck load of Bananas going down the street.

SAM June 9, 2023 - 7:29 PM - 7:29 PM

The more indictments Trump gets, the more it becomes obvious the communists, using a lame criminal old man have mobilized the full force of the united states government against their political enemies. Every person I speak to wants Trump back. This economy sucks bad, the rainbow revolution is dumb, everyone is so tired of America sucking and just want their country back.


Chuq June 9, 2023 - 11:37 PM - 11:37 PM

Joe Biden did not indict Donald Trump.

The Democratic Party did not indict Donald Trump.

No politician indicted Donald Trump.

A grand jury of regular everyday citizens who reviewed the evidence indicted Donald Trump.

Cautiously Informed June 10, 2023 - 12:55 PM - 12:55 PM

And who runs it and where does the prosecution evidence and charges come from that’s presented to a grand jury for review?
It’s not as simple, straightforward and unbiased, as you imply.

happypappy June 11, 2023 - 12:52 PM - 12:52 PM


It’s blatantly clear that chuq has no understanding of how a grand jury functions. Too bad because that information is everywhere if one takes a little initiative. He/her/they/them/it could have avoided the embarrassment of appearing foolish.

Cautiously Informed June 11, 2023 - 2:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Yes, I agree. It’s crystal clear that there are some that post here that believe everything they are told to believe by the news media(or wherever they get their information).

JoePepsi June 12, 2023 - 9:21 AM - 9:21 AM

Biased? What about the seven attempts by Trey Gowdy of a Republican led Benghazi investigation? That was very biased. And yet, the big bag of “nothing” that resulted was a huge waste of money and time. And then a republican leaning Director of the FBI investigates 30,000 emails that, in the end, are not worthy of hauling into court. And lets not forget … it was a grand jury in Ruby Red Florida that reviewed the Mar-a-Lago papers and all the communication of the ex-president and his folks that brought us to the indictment.
I want to be a Conservative and Republican, but we got rid ourselves of this nefarious individual who is leading far too many good citizens toward chaos and anarchy. I fervently pray for our country to come together, and our opposing parties to exchange opposite ideas in a more respectful manner.

Cyn June 12, 2023 - 11:25 AM - 11:25 AM

Benghazi to you was a big bag of nothing? People were killed, but what difference does it make, right? And since when is defying subpoenas and destroying evidence NOT worthy of hauling into court? Your post is ridiculous. Hillary, is that you?

Glen223 June 12, 2023 - 10:47 AM - 10:47 AM

Upchuq – you might wanna educate yourself on the empaneling of a federal grand jury and how evidence is acquired and presented.

You obviously have zero clue of how that works.

Learn to think for yourself.

Danged ineffectual June 12, 2023 - 4:29 PM - 4:29 PM

I like how all the people who said that @upchuq doesn’t understand what a grand jury is, federal or state. Yet have nothing of substance to rebut, let alone attempt to explain what one is.

SAM June 13, 2023 - 6:37 PM - 6:37 PM

If poor chuckie doesn’t know what he’s talking about, maybe he should not open his mouth. But look at you go.

SAM June 9, 2023 - 8:02 PM - 8:02 PM

Cracker barrel is nothing, who cares. Rainbow chairs are the new pet rock, someone’s gonna make their million. It’s all a huge money grab. Literally nobody cares about people cutting off their junk…until they do it to kids. What kind of crazy dimension is this anyway? It feels like an alternate reality. Starting to rethink my view on simulation theory.

Paul June 10, 2023 - 6:58 AM - 6:58 AM


Look, they use kids to spread the message of love! Also downtown Clayton is now colorful because it raises the progressive pride flag.

The Fearless Spectator June 10, 2023 - 7:47 PM - 7:47 PM

“Use” is the operative word.

Pat June 9, 2023 - 10:08 PM - 10:08 PM

Lock him up! Throw away the key.

SAM June 10, 2023 - 4:27 AM - 4:27 AM

Lol that will never happen. TDS is fun to watch, but ultimately very sad. 7 years of hopes and dreams, what a wasted life…have a boosta on me fella

Cautiously Informed June 10, 2023 - 8:10 AM - 8:10 AM

Yes! Lock China Joe up(and his traitor son, too!)

The Wizard June 10, 2023 - 8:26 AM - 8:26 AM

I agree, Biden needs to do time.

Bayslashers June 10, 2023 - 2:24 AM - 2:24 AM

Its Friday night and time for CLOWN WORLD HEADLINES…lets see who auditioned for the Insane Clown Posse this week…

THE REGIME STRIKES BACK: On Same Day Document Is Released that Shows Joe Biden Taking $5 Million Bribe from Ukraine – Biden DOJ Announces Trump’s Federal Indictment on Junk Charges

New York Times Finally Acknowledges Nazis Fighting For Ukraine – Then Attempts to Justify With Their “Complicated History”

Stanford University and UMass Researchers Uncover Disturbing Pedophile Network on Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram

REPORT: Nike To Feature Child Sex-Change Surgeon As Pride Month Speaker

Oregon State U. Drag Show with Kids in Attendance Featured ‘T**ty Weight Lifting’

Tempe Holds First Annual All Ages Drag Show – LGBTQ Rapper Sings About Gay/Anal Sex and Converting Straight Men

Six Flags to Host ‘All-Ages’ Drag Shows at Parks All Over the Country Throughout June

Iconic Children’s Show Shoving ‘Pride Month’ Down Kids’ Throats: ‘Happy Pride! Elmo Loves You’

Transgender Inmate in Minnesota to be Transferred to Women’s Prison, Get Surgery, and Awarded $495,000 in Discrimination Lawsuit Settlement

While Parents Pummel Activists Outside, Teacher Inside School Board Meeting Claims 3-Year-Olds Know They’re Trans

CA Senate Honors Drag Nun and Gay Porno Producer ‘Sister Roma’ With a Standing Ovation

MEDIA IS SILENT After 34-Yr-Old Trans Man Is Charged With Stabbing His Recently Retired Father to Death

Human Rights Campaign Declares A National State Of Emergency For LGBTQ People: Claims Homophobia Causing Gays To ‘Flee Their Homes’

State University Packs the Pants of ‘Pride’ Students With Prosthetic Penises

Visa Raised Money For Far-Left Group Pushing Gender Experimentation On Children

FBI Catches Far-Left, Trump-Hating, Girl’s Gymnastics Photographer With Reportedly Over 500 Images of Child Porn

SICK! Radical Democrat Katie Hobbs Allows Pornography to be Filmed in Arizona’s K-12 Public School Classrooms

Air Force Using Taxpayer Dollars to Fly Service Members to Pride Events

Democrat Calls Muslims Opposed to Transgender Curriculum ‘White Supremacists’

Dem Congressman Brings A Massive Poster Of ‘The One And Only Queen Of Drag’ To The House Floor

Backlash As Air Force Tweets Image Of Solider SALUTING LGBTQ+ Flag

University Set to Host Summer ‘Pride Camp’ for Minors

Biological Male Runs Away From Home at 21, Ends up Miss San Francisco and Maybe Miss California

Idaho Teen Banned From Walking at Graduation, Loses Job for Saying There Are Only Two Genders

Radical Leftist Katie Hobbs Allows Males to Intrude on Young Girls in Arizona’s K-12 Public School Restrooms, Showers, Locker Rooms – Veto’s Bill Calling it a “Discriminatory Act Against LGBTQ+ Youth”

Unbelievable! Salute to the LBGTQ?? San Francisco Police Record Viral Video Saluting the Pride Flag

Minnesota to Provide Free College Tuition, Driver’s License, Health Care to Illegal Immigrants Using Taxpayers Money

WashPost Op-Ed: ‘Let’s Celebrate’ as Migrants Replace Americans

You Can’t Make This Up: Ungrateful Migrants Stage Protest at Budget Hotel in London – Demand Private Room, Better Wifi, and More Financial Assistance

Newsom’s Vineyard: California Investigates Illegal Immigrants’ Arrival by Plane, With Paperwork Allegedly From Florida

Gavin Newsom Threatens to Charge Ron DeSantis with ‘Kidnapping’ Migrants

Biden State Dept. to Spend $12 Million Teaching Climate Change, Gender Studies in Iraq

REVEALED: Woke Target Funding Anti-White, Marxist Organization that Wants to Destroy America’s Military and Give Away Mount Rushmore and Other Public Lands to “Truly Dismantle White Supremacy”

NYC Vending Machines Offer Free Crack Pipes and Narcan

UPDATE: NYC Vending Machine Offering Free Drug Paraphernalia and Narcan, Emptied Within 24 Hours

Seattle City Council Rejects Bill that Allows City Attorney to Prosecute Drug Possession and Public Drug Use

California Senate Passes Bill Preventing Employees from Confronting Shoplifters

OpenTheBooks: Over $1.3 Billion of U.S. Tax Dollars Sent to China and Russia Since 2017

Kanekoa Releases The Konnech Files: FBI Shielded Two Firms Tied to Chinese Communist Regime That Holds US Voter Data in Mainland China

OF COURSE: Ousted Far-Left Radical San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin Hired by UC-Berkeley Law School

Ireland Plans to Slaughter 200,000 Farting Cows to Save Planet from ‘Global Warming’

Radical Climate Activist Group Engaged in Tire Slashing Expands to 18 Countries, Including the US

Woman Allegedly Shoplifts While Her Car Bursts into Flames With 2 Young Children Inside

Swiss Capital Votes for Legal Cocaine

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Brags About Imposing Woke ESG System on Corporate America: ‘You Have to Force Behaviors’

Woke Fascists Censor Best Picture Winner ‘The French Connection’

SPLC Targets Moms for Liberty, Designating Them ‘Anti-Government Extremists’

Social Credit: DHS Wanted to Assign ‘Risk Scores’ to American Internet Users

Karine Jean-Pierre Says Grocery Prices Have Skyrocketed Under Biden Because of “Avian Flu” and “Poor Weather”

Twitter Mass Deletes Videos of Syrian Asylum Seeker Who Stabbed Children in France

Gang Members Accused of Murdering SF Bay Area Toddler Jasper Wu No Longer Face Severe Punishment Thanks to Local DA

‘No Scientific Evidence’: Hawley Rips Judicial Nominee For Arguing Religious Americans More Likely To Spread COVID

Contra Costa D.A. Drops Charges Against Men Accused Of Mutilating And Burning Woman’s Body Due To Investigators’ Role In Racist Text Message Scandal

Here We Go… NASA Warns of Internet Apocalypse that Will Disable Internet for Months

Georgia’s WEF Puppet Governor Brian Kemp Rolls Out Digital IDs for All Citizens

Woke Marvel Eliminates The Punisher Due To “Problematic” Conservative Fan Base

New York Times Conservative Discovers That Charter Schools Without CRT and Porn Is a Danger to the Country

Call of Duty’ Cancels Gamer Who Dared to Say ‘Leave Little Children Alone’

Thats it from the circus this week… I hope you have an extraordinary weekend Claycord and beyond!

weppin June 10, 2023 - 3:47 AM - 3:47 AM

Looks like the Trump indictments will boost his polling numbers. The weaponization of the justice dept. by Biden against his main rival is alarming, even for the independents who don’t care for Trump. Election interference at it’s finest.

frank June 10, 2023 - 6:49 AM - 6:49 AM

Should anyone seek to defend Trump , they should read the indictment. Make up your own mind. Don’t let Trump, Tucker or Rachael do it for you.

Ricardoh June 10, 2023 - 1:45 PM - 1:45 PM

Frank who wrote up the indictment? Most people know what is going on. It is just another Democrat unfair partisan trip.

The Fearless Spectator June 10, 2023 - 6:44 PM - 6:44 PM

Page three of 49 pretty much guarantees a court dismissal.
That said, we are dealing with more of a kangaroo style court here, so legal theory grounded in law and precedent likely won’t apply.

larry June 11, 2023 - 12:33 PM - 12:33 PM

Anyone who seeks to defend Biden and his ilk, should not be allowed to breed or vote.

Glen223 June 12, 2023 - 10:42 AM - 10:42 AM

Keep on sucking up to Biden and the rest of the democrats.

You might wanna remove that brown stain from your lips.

SAM June 10, 2023 - 8:41 AM - 8:41 AM

The comments that appear when the communist deep state launches their latest and greatest HOAX attack at my president is proof enough that some people will fall for anything. The russian collusion HOAX, the COVID HOAX, the salt shaker HOAX, the two scoop HOAX. The left loves FAKE NEWS HOAXES. They cling to every drama filled word that falls from rachel maddows face. Every TDS fueled conspiracy theory dream people losing power can muster, and every emotionally charged HOAX to propagate their mental illnesses. I truly feel bad for the victims of this propaganda war against Americas best interests. But please keep wearing your masks so the rest of us can easily identify you as a living casualty and treat you as invisible. I hope they indict Trump a million more times, there’s no amount of HOAXES that will prevent me from voting to MAGA.

Danged ineffectual June 12, 2023 - 4:36 PM - 4:36 PM

Are you ok the Sam? You seem rather shook. You’ve made a lot more random posts on this week’s political forum then usual, and they are even more disconnected and frantic than usual.
This whole thing must be so difficult, watching “your president” go through the most measured and slow moving witch hunt ever perpetrated. You are going to be ok buddy.

SAM June 12, 2023 - 6:17 PM - 6:17 PM

It actually is difficult watching what you lunatic brain dead zombies are doing to this country. Did you think it wasn’t? We literally watched all these HOAXES play out in real time and you think you’re funny? Thats good. Enjoy it while it lasts.

SAM June 10, 2023 - 8:52 AM - 8:52 AM

biden has been wrong on every issue. From demanding businesses fire unvaccinated workers, to cramming transgender down parents throats, to the economy, to the ukraines, to the border, your boy is a pathetic corrupt loser of a man who has no idea where he is half the time let alone how to walk without stumbling over. Woke pansies wanted a weak president, now look at your rainbow military. Our country is being setup to collapse and some nonbinary gender studies eunuch think it’s great because…muh patriarchy…muh diversity. Watching it all fall, and you suckers cheering your own downfall trying to take everyone with you. Lame

Original G June 10, 2023 - 9:08 AM - 9:08 AM

Really don’t see what all the fuss is about with male to female transition surgery.

Original G June 10, 2023 - 11:40 AM - 11:40 AM

While you were not paying attention,
“Senate Bill 50, authored by Senator Steven Bradford (D-Gardena), would prohibit a law enforcement officer from stopping or detaining the operator of a motor vehicle or bicycle for a low-level infraction unless a separate, independent basis for a stop exists. The bill would authorize a law enforcement officer who does not have grounds to stop a vehicle or bicycle, but can determine the identity of the owner, to send a citation or warning letter to the owner.”

“According to SB 50, low-level infractions would include:
A violation related to the registration of a vehicle or vehicle equipment
A violation related to the positioning or number of license plates when at least one plate is clearly displayed
A violation related to vehicle lighting equipment not illuminating, if the violation is limited to a single brake light, headlight, rear license plate, or running light, or a single bulb in a larger light of the same
A violation related to vehicle bumper equipment
A violation related to bicycle equipment or operation
Call or email your assembly person and ask them if this bill will get criminals off OUR streets.
Then ask them why Public Safety is not their primary focus.

SAM June 10, 2023 - 2:04 PM - 2:04 PM

I won’t ask them why “public safety” is not their primary focus. I’m don’t want lawless, clueless, freedom hating democrat assembly members making decisions about public safety. Do you know how much freedom people have lost in the name of public safety? Phone calls and letters do nothing. Just like the woke corporations don’t care about turning a profit they don’t care about getting re elected. Elections are rigged 100%. Cops and prosecutors need to follow the constitution. In fact, it would probably be good if everybody did. Making laws that contradict the constitution is against the law and should be null and void on arrival. Cops should be arrested for violating our rights. Period.

Cautiously Informed June 11, 2023 - 5:27 PM - 5:27 PM

Your ‘While you were not paying attention’ post brings up a very relevant point – The California Democrat government does not represent the will of the people. Did SB 50 go before the people, before they pushed it? Did anyone get to vote on it?
They do whatever they want. They answer to no one. They push their own agendas. Why? Because obviously they think they better, smarter and above the people they swore to represent.

Danged ineffectual June 12, 2023 - 4:41 PM - 4:41 PM

Did the people get to vote on SB – 50? No. It was tended to by the people who were voted in by the people. Also known as “Representative Democracy.” You might want to familiarize yourself with the term, it’s how our congressional bodies operate at the state and federal level.

Cautiously Informed June 13, 2023 - 12:46 PM - 12:46 PM

I’m referring to the issue, not the process.
You might want to familiarize yourself with basic English and how to think logically.
p.s. look up the word ‘representative’.

Original G June 10, 2023 - 4:00 PM - 4:00 PM

More on DEMs ability to govern and problem solve in SF.
“Soft-on-crime policies on the West Coast hub have allowed rampant lawlessness and open-air drug markets to take over the city, leading disgruntled resident Darren Mark Stallcup, 26, to admit he ‘can’t keep living this way’.
‘We are witnessing the collapse of the Paris of the West and potentially the decline of Western civilization, with San Francisco being the first domino,’ he told Fox News.
‘I am personally witnessing a fentanyl genocide, every night I’m going to sleep to the sound of sirens and waking up to people screaming for their lives.’
His remarks come as over 70,000 residents have fled San Francisco since the start of the pandemic to escape the crumbling city’s drug and crime crisis.”
Insanity is voting for DEMs and expecting them to fix mess of their creation.

SAM June 10, 2023 - 4:27 PM - 4:27 PM

Isn’t it odd that it’s only woke leftist parents ending up with trans kids? Not political like just like COVID isn’t.

Hayden Barsotti June 10, 2023 - 6:18 PM - 6:18 PM

What I find more than this jackass president is “Dr.”Jill Biden allowing Joe to constantly go out and keep lying about things that never happened, such as his son dying in Iraq, or the head on collision that killed his first wife plus all the other lies he says. . What is wrong with this lady??? Shame on her!!!

To Do List June 11, 2023 - 12:55 PM - 12:55 PM

Current Democrat ideology is sociopathic, exhibiting lack of conscience, empathy or remorse. Emotions such as outrage are manufactured for a targeted purpose such as distraction and manipulation of narratives and not because they are felt as genuine human traits. BLM narratives are an example where the skin color of a shooter will wholly determine the reaction to be manufactured in a killing.

frank June 10, 2023 - 5:49 PM - 5:49 PM

Trump just gave a speech saying Biden kept 1850 boxes of records . Trump equates that to him. The problem is they were senatorial records and not covered by any law . There were no classified documents. They were donated to a university.

Biden and Pence went through their current stuff and both found classified stuff and notified the FBI. Had Trump complied with the subpoena, nothing would have happened, but of course he ignored the subpoena and told his lawyers that he wanted them to disappear. Total arrogance.


happypappy June 11, 2023 - 1:24 PM - 1:24 PM

Congratulations Frank for having access to personal private inside information no one else does. Or are you foolish enough to get suckered into the propaganda of the radical leftist, socialist, communist who will stop at nothing to smear a great American because of their fear and paranoia.

Glen223 June 12, 2023 - 10:25 AM - 10:25 AM

I guess Frank works for the FBI and has firsthand knowledge of everything that has transpired with Biden, Biden, Clinton, Trump and all of their cohorts.

Francis – you might learn to differentiate between facts and opinions…..especially opinions generated by politicians.

The Fearless Spectator June 10, 2023 - 6:56 PM - 6:56 PM

Newsom claims “an incredible relationship” with Trump during the pandemic.
Sorry Gavin, nobody looks good with brown lipstick.

Original G June 10, 2023 - 7:23 PM - 7:23 PM

Additional info
‘Proposed California bill would brand parents abusive if they refuse to affirm their transgender children’s identity – and let social workers take youngsters…’
What is it with DEMs fixation on children ? ? ? ?
Remember the slogan “Lean Forward” from back in 2010 ? ? ?

To Do List June 11, 2023 - 10:55 AM - 10:55 AM

While the point of government acting like your children are their property is well taken, a side issue is that Weiner’s taking of kids away from their parents and into foster care creates another disaster in that one-third of California kids aging out of that system end up in homelessness according to Cal Matters.

SAM June 11, 2023 - 7:39 AM - 7:39 AM

-Imagine turning sexual deviance and gender dysphoria into a national holiday that lasts 30 days.
-Imagine turning the White House into a monument celebrating the movement to castrate and mutilate young children.
-Imagine being born in 1942 and pretending like you always celebrated gay rights and never spoke out against gay marriage.
-Imagine replacing American flags with gay flags at all government buildings, even though they behave like violent Nazis if you have
questions or problems with their behavior around children.
-Imagine siccing your DOJ on parents who demand that your schools not teach gay ideology to THEIR CHILDREN.
*Wait – we don’t have to imagine it because it’s happening right now under this fake president.
If I never doubted the 2020 election before, I DEFINITELY would now.

Chuq June 13, 2023 - 11:38 AM - 11:38 AM

Imagine feeling so insecure about your sexuality or gender identity that you feel you will be damaged by the existence of rainbow flags. We are under no obligation to lie to children to tell them gay people don’t exist and telling kids they exist isn’t going to magically turn them gay. Have a little more faith in heterosexuality, friend.

SAM June 13, 2023 - 12:46 PM - 12:46 PM

Yes of course, the I must be insecure of MY sexuality. Such a timeless attack at people who think ghey, and everything it means is absolutely disgusting. Society is what has been damaged, not me. However I live in this society and I think it’s idiotic what is being done to it by your rainbow lmnop cult-ure. Absolutely idiotic 🤡🌎

SAM June 13, 2023 - 6:34 PM - 6:34 PM

I’m not going anywhere. This is my country. Is it really that hard for you to keep adult sex acts away from kids? I don’t understand, what is your obsession with innocent children? Dads around the country would love to have a talk with you..chuck. This phase of our history will definitely be a sore spot of shame and embarrassment.
Kids vs Trannies
If you won’t defend them, they will have to defend themselves.
Massachusetts middle school students tear down rainbow decorations and
chant their pronouns are ‘U.S.A.’ during
Pride celebration: Officials slam
‘intolerance and homophobia’
Hahaha ain’t nobody afraid of a creep in a clown suit. Transphobic…hahaha it’s like calling people gey who don’t like pride.
Starbucks banning rainbow garbage in their stores got me thirsty for a piping hot beverage 🤣🤣

Original G June 11, 2023 - 10:08 AM - 10:08 AM

One DEAD another six wounded in where else, antioch.

FPN June 11, 2023 - 12:45 PM - 12:45 PM

Our Country is in the worse shape it has ever been. Yet their are people still praising the Democrats. Can’t fix stupid.

Original G June 11, 2023 - 2:23 PM - 2:23 PM

DEMs center piece of their abilities to govern and problem solve is SF.
‘The $200M-a-year cost of San Francisco’s business exodus – As major retailers close and owner of largest hotels quits amid crimewave and covid fallout, officials brace for $1.3BN budget deficit in five years’

“City officials predict a $1.3 billion budget shortfall by 2028, including losses of up to $190 million per year caused by a decline in property tax revenue”
ONLY way to reverse downhill slide, vote DEMs OUT.

happypappy June 11, 2023 - 3:38 PM - 3:38 PM


Biden’s “Special Prosecuter”

The Biggest Joke;

Who’s Teaching YOUR kids?

Your message from democrats;

When Joe took the test;

Shameless democrats….they don’t even try to hide their criminal behavior;

happypappy June 11, 2023 - 3:58 PM - 3:58 PM

Bad news for hate-mongering democrats

Former Top Department of Justice Official Blows Up Jack Smith’s Case Against President Trump With One Tweet – Notices Key Item on Third Page of the Federal Indictment That Is “Grounds for Granting a Motion” to Dismiss


Original G June 11, 2023 - 8:33 PM - 8:33 PM

While you were not paying attention,
SB-145 Sex offenders: registration.(2019-2020)
‘Gov. Newsom Signs Bill to Protect Sex Offenders Who Have Homosexual Sex with Minors’
caglobe https://tinyurl.com/2mxuwez7
SB-145 Read Bill Analysis https://tinyurl.com/2s48b9mt
Make your own decision

Original G June 12, 2023 - 7:23 AM - 7:23 AM

Even political cartoonist have DEM governance figured out.

happypappy June 12, 2023 - 11:27 AM - 11:27 AM

It’s clear our govt is corrupt, evil, and weaponized against conservatives.
A traditional GOP prez who plays nice is NOT what we need.
We need a human wrecking ball who will obliterate the swamp scum infecting DC using fire & fury and a take no prisoners policy.
I know of only one person who will do that.


happypappy June 12, 2023 - 11:33 AM - 11:33 AM

oops…..forgot to include “TRUMP” in the final line. ;););)

happypappy June 12, 2023 - 11:48 AM - 11:48 AM

After the corrupt communistic Banana Republic style Biden regime weaponized a bogus dossier, spied on his campaign, hamstrung his policy, impeached him, impeached him again, defamed him as a racist Nazi, made his supporters fear isolation and employment retribution, lied about him in every way imaginable on every news station and in every paper every day, and rigged elections against him, now those mental-midgets think they’re finally taking Trump down with some paperwork?

To Do List June 12, 2023 - 2:44 PM - 2:44 PM

I think there is more risk than you acknowledge. As a side track, recall the messages from the books most of us read in school: 1984, Lord of the Flies, To Kill a Mockingbird, and so on. We took lessons on those about dangers of government control, or mob mentality, or the unfairness of racism. To the current progressive Left, those were not warnings but user manuals. We’ve seen the first two in action with our loss of freedoms and also riots to intimidate and control, and the third is upon us now. The innocent black person accused of a crime had zero chance of a fair trial because the bigoted legal system already decided the outcome would be guilty regardless of the evidence. Just look at how much the Left has so far successfully fought bribery charges against Biden, the firearms and tax charges against Hunter, the Hillary servers, and so on. Fair, right, or Constitutional can be ignored by the Left just as in To Kill a Mockingbird the facts did not matter. The books we read in school as warnings of abuse are being used by the Left as user’s manuals.

Chuq June 13, 2023 - 11:34 AM - 11:34 AM

So you’re trying to claim the photos of top secret documents spilling all over Mar-A-Lago are false? You think Kid Rock lied about being shown secret documents by Trump? What’s your reasoning?

To Do List June 13, 2023 - 12:53 PM - 12:53 PM

I’m not aware of the Kid Rock thing so I don’t know if it’s true, but Biden uses his office for bribery and self enrichment while Kid Rock creates fun videos like All Summer Long and Picture, so I’ll go with Kid Rock as a better individual to have a top secret document. I don’t think he’s ever done anything treasonous unlike the Biden crime family.

The Professor June 13, 2023 - 2:52 PM - 2:52 PM

Chuq, you illiterate loser.
TDL said nothing about document photos or Kid Rock. You would be funny if you were not so pathetic.
Quit making stuff up and putting your thoughts into other people’s mouths.

happypappy June 13, 2023 - 5:32 PM - 5:32 PM

Trump should be exonerated of the phony charges relating to his handling of classified materials because the grand jury in the case was INTENTIONALLY NOT informed about that inconvenient Presidential Records Act or about another case involving former Slick Willie Clinton’s storage of presidential materials in his sock drawer.
Swamp rat democrats are not trustworthy, they will lie, cheat, and steal at EVERY opportunity.

Original G June 12, 2023 - 4:49 PM - 4:49 PM

DEMs center piece of their abilities to govern and problem solve is SF.
‘San Francisco’s hotel industry is being squeezed by crime and homelessness driving convention bookers away as THREE more sell at foreclosure and revenue is now 23% LOWER than in 2019’

The Professor June 13, 2023 - 7:00 AM - 7:00 AM

Westfield Mall in SF just stopped paying their mortgage. This is the largest mall in SF. This is a harbinger of more pain to come in the Baghdad By The Bay.
Looney libs have destroyed one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Well done, Dems.

Original G June 12, 2023 - 4:52 PM - 4:52 PM

‘Republican Senator says foreign national at center of Biden bribery allegations has recordings of 17 phone calls with Joe and Hunter that he has kept as ‘insurance policy”

The Professor June 13, 2023 - 8:54 AM - 8:54 AM

SHHHHHHHH. This is something that should not be talked about or even mentioned.

So a former Burisma executive says that he had 15 conversations with Hunter and 2 with Joe about pay to play, AND says he has tape recordings of them. How long has the FBI had this info in their possession and not done nothing about it?
Release the tapes and let the public decide whether Joe deserves a 2nd term or a noose.

happypappy June 13, 2023 - 9:23 AM - 9:23 AM

That’s treason. He deserves toe noose.

Chuq June 13, 2023 - 11:31 AM - 11:31 AM

He has evidence of bribery but he’s… not sharing it? Play them, what’s the wait?

The Professor June 13, 2023 - 1:05 PM - 1:05 PM

Man, you sure are thick.
Grassley doesn’t have them. The FBI has them.
Why does the FBI wait? Because Biden has a (D) after his name.

Johnny Sweatpants June 15, 2023 - 12:21 PM - 12:21 PM

So let me get this straight – there are tapes that prove Joe Biden is corrupt but no one has heard them or even know they exist?

Meanwhile Republicans simply ignore the mountain of evidence against Trump, actual evidence, and squirm and twist every which way to justify what is clearly despicable and illegal behavior.

This is why no one takes Trump supporters seriously.

happypappy June 13, 2023 - 11:26 AM - 11:26 AM


Democrat logic….a contradiction in terms

The solution

The big-mouth liberal sheep are hiding now

Sign, sign….everywhere a sign….do this, don’t do that……..can you read the sign…


Qualifications to be a Biden appointee, you must reach the top to be considered

Original G June 13, 2023 - 12:42 PM - 12:42 PM

June 30, 2004 when recently elected SF mayor promised worst of homelessness in SF would be gone in 10 years.
‘ ‘It’s a disgrace’: Gavin Newsom admits California’s homeless situation is out of control but blames Republicans despite being in power for four years – during which time vagrancy has risen 13 percent’ …
“Newsom claims he hasn’t had time as governor to ‘make up for the fact that in 2005 we had a historic number of homeless under a Republican administration’ ”
That is so full of male bovine excrement is needs repeating,
“Newsom claims he hasn’t had time as governor to ‘make up for the fact that in 2005 we had a historic number of homeless under a Republican administration’ ”
In 2005 newsom as SF mayor was in a position to set an example using his years of experience to make a difference in SF,
newsom’ public office experience,
San Francisco Board of Supervisors 1997-2004
Mayor 2004-2011
Lt governor 2011-2019
governor 2019-present . . . . .
any lasting positive results on homelessness or addiction from all that time holding public office?????
‘…’It’s become an outdoor psychiatric ward!’ How California’s scenic Venice Beach has become a homeless hotspot with tent cities, violent crime and rampant drug use pushing families and tourists out’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2npx5a49
‘… California Spent $10 Billion Over Three Years to Help 571,000 Homeless People’
49% of homeless have mental problems and percent of homeless with a substance abuse problem is over 50%. DEMs repeatedly throw your tax dollars at ‘the homeless problem’.
What should be clear after newsom’s 26 years of public service is his unbridled level of hubris, but he gives such wonderful photo OP press conferences.
In private sector such a record of accomplishments would find him perpetually unemployed.

The Fearless Spectator June 13, 2023 - 6:54 PM - 6:54 PM

Newsom is a dud.
He’s never had to be responsible for himself, his family, or his finances. He has always been able to play with other peoples money and as such has been incredibly reckless. “Fire, Aim, Ready” seems to be his decision making process.
No wonder he’s delivered zero results in public service. And as expected, he blames others for his failures.

Original G June 13, 2023 - 4:53 PM - 4:53 PM

Letter from democrat party
political cartoon, good

happypappy June 13, 2023 - 6:28 PM - 6:28 PM

Trump should be exonerated of the phony charges relating to his handling of classified materials because the grand jury in the case was INTENTIONALLY NOT informed about that inconvenient Presidential Records Act or about another case involving former Slick Willie Clinton’s storage of presidential materials in his sock drawer.
Swamp rat democrats are not trustworthy, they will lie, cheat, and steal at EVERY opportunity.

Johnny Sweatpants June 16, 2023 - 8:43 AM - 8:43 AM

Phony charges? Have you even taken a glimpse at the charges? If more damning evidence comes out would you be willing to change your opinion and admit you were wrong? Of course not. Having an honest conversation with you is like trying to argue with a towel.

happypappy June 13, 2023 - 6:30 PM - 6:30 PM

First Big City Where a Dude Wins a Woman’s Beauty Pageant – Can You Guess Which City?https://tinyurl.com/yyzd8w38

Original G June 14, 2023 - 11:43 AM - 11:43 AM

“Give me four years to teach the children and
the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”
—Vladimir Lenin
‘ ‘Why are you showing this to kids?’: Moment High School math teacher threatens to punish pupils when they protest against being shown a Pride video’
‘Middle Schoolers Accused Of ‘Homophobia’ After Chanting ‘USA,’ Tearing Down ‘Pride’ Decorations’

happypappy June 14, 2023 - 12:26 PM - 12:26 PM
Cyn June 14, 2023 - 8:10 PM - 8:10 PM

@Original G
That high school math teacher should have been fired on the spot.

happypappy June 14, 2023 - 1:39 PM - 1:39 PM

Former NYPD & former Secret Service……..THIS GUY KNOWS STUFF! He’s a GREAT AMERICAN.

happypappy June 14, 2023 - 6:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Watch Tucker for the truth; He calls out the bad guy & names names.


Johnny Sweatpants June 16, 2023 - 8:46 AM - 8:46 AM

Right… because Tucker is known for telling the truth. You know, the guy whose lies were dismissed in court because he’s considered an entertainer and not a journalist. I honestly don’t know how anyone can watch him furrow his little eyebrows in fake outrage while he spews complete nonsense and say to themselves “this guy is telling the truth”.

happypappy June 16, 2023 - 4:11 PM - 4:11 PM

Try to learn something sweaty. Posting non-supported opinions only exposes your ignorance and stupidity.
However in our Semi-Constitutional Republic, I’m still allowed to support your right to choose that behavior.
At least for now, notwithstanding the forthcoming thought police.

The Fearless Spectator June 14, 2023 - 7:52 PM - 7:52 PM

During the League of Conservation voters dinner, Joe Biden claimed he has plans to build a railroad from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean. (Has he been hanging around with Gavin Newsom? We expect that wacky delusional stuff from Gavin).
Naturally he couched his claims by saying he would get in trouble for mentioning it. Lord knows what they do to that poor bast*** after he exits the stage. Remember Marjoe?

Original G June 14, 2023 - 8:05 PM - 8:05 PM

Opinion piece from The Washington Times,
‘Biden admin turned American democracy into Pakistani fascism’

Cyn June 14, 2023 - 8:42 PM - 8:42 PM

Happy Flag Day!

Original G June 15, 2023 - 10:57 AM - 10:57 AM

State Farm and now Allstate pulling out of CA.
Wonder how long it’ll be until insurance companies stop insuring businesses. antioch

The Fearless Spectator June 15, 2023 - 5:02 PM - 5:02 PM

Their job is risk management and when their underwriters evaluate California, the math obviously doesn’t work. To continue to work in California would likely mean unreasonable premiums, higher deductibles, and poorer coverage.
California has made very minor investments to avert environmental and human disaster. Fire, Floods, Earthquakes, Crime, and new Health Risks flowing across the open border likely make underwriting untenable. Business exodus and high raw materials costs likely contributed to their decision also.
In California’s defense, they did a great job of stopping the huge environmental disaster brought on by plastic drinking straws.

Original G June 16, 2023 - 3:48 PM - 3:48 PM

YUP, .. . . went from plastic straw in a paper wrapper to a paper straw in a plastic wrapper.
At least we now know where failures from for profit business world end up.
“The best minds are not in government. If any were,
business would steal them away.”
— Ronald Reagan

The Fearless Spectator June 16, 2023 - 10:44 AM - 10:44 AM

Joe Biden copped a nice little feel of actress Eva Longoria’s breast while on stage. But hey, he’s the Teflon President so apparently a public, on camera feel is no foul.

Cyn June 16, 2023 - 11:28 AM - 11:28 AM

“She was 17, I was 40.”

Just how incredibly creepy is this incestuous sniffing pedophile?

The Fearless Spectator June 16, 2023 - 1:55 PM - 1:55 PM

I notice Biden didn’t grope that guy who flashed his surgically installed mammalian protuberances during the White House LGBTQ party. If Joes gotta grope, he should be an equity and inclusion fondler.

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