Home » Beyond Claycord (Oakland) – City May Lose Out On Millions To Advance Proposed Oakland A’s Ballpark

Beyond Claycord (Oakland) – City May Lose Out On Millions To Advance Proposed Oakland A’s Ballpark


Oakland may miss out on millions of dollars in grant money that could advance the Oakland A’s proposed ballpark at the city’s port.

The U.S. Department of Transportation failed to recommend that Oakland get $182.9 million in the initial round of funding for the city’s Waterfront Mobility Project. Oakland has not received official word that it was denied the grant money.

The city has been securing dollars for the offsite infrastructure needed to support a new ballpark at the Charles P. Howard Terminal.

“While we are disappointed to have not been selected in the first round, we believe we put forward a strong application and are well positioned to secure other funding sources,” said Fred Kelley, director of the Oakland Department of Transportation. “We will continue to pursue other funding sources to ensure our projects have the resources they need.”


Oakland applied for grant money through the Mega Grant Program, which funds “large, complex projects that are difficult to fund by other means and likely to generate national or regional economic, mobility, or safety benefits.”

The ballpark proposed by the Oakland A’s would seat about 35,000 people, and the development overall consists of new housing, parkland, an entertainment venue and commercial space.

Not everyone wants the A’s to build a new park at the Port of Oakland. Groups have come together in opposition, hoping to have the A’s build a new park in East Oakland at the current Oakland Coliseum site.

Groups led by the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association sued to stop Oakland from issuing a required environmental impact report for the proposed ballpark.


The opponents said the lack of a recommendation by the U.S. Department of Transportation “shows the lack of credibility — likely based on concerns over safety, economic viability, disruptions to port traffic and supply chains, echoed by maritime stakeholders — for the future of the project with key public transportation and political stakeholders that should prompt an overall re-evaluation.”
A city document suggests $600 million will be needed for offsite infrastructure. The city has secured or is in the process of securing more than $320 million of that money, according to city documents published in December.

Former Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf was a strong supporter of the project.

New Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao said at her inauguration Monday that she’ll be working with the Oakland A’s, Major League Baseball and other stakeholders on a deal to keep the team in Oakland while protecting Oakland values.


happypappy January 12, 2023 - 12:21 PM - 12:21 PM

The Raiders left (twice), the Warriors left, and the A’s want to leave because Oakland they all hate Oakland.
I don’t think I need to explain why they hate Oakland, it’s obvious.

Ricardoh January 12, 2023 - 1:02 PM - 1:02 PM

Why should the feds pay for this? Let the As go to vegas. Bunch of money grubbers. Maybe Biden can get the Chinese to pay for it. They owe him.

Fed Up January 12, 2023 - 2:22 PM - 2:22 PM

I grew up in Oakland, Oh how the mighty has fallen. If the A’s leave we all know who’s fault it will be. Jerry refused to let the A’s have 20th and Telegraph for a Stadium (what a Mistake) and lost Robert Bobb, IMHO the best city manager Oakland ever had, resigned over the decision.
Sad to say but since John Reading, Oakland has had nothing but a Parade of Do Nothing’s running the town.

reekorizzo January 17, 2023 - 4:06 AM - 4:06 AM

move to vegas and get it over with

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